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ERK affects KCND2
| 28
ERK phosphorylates KCND2.
| 26
ERK phosphorylates KCND2. 13 / 13
| 13
"Moreover, selective activation of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors decreases phosphorylation of Kv4.2 at ERK sites."
"For example, the stratum lacunosum moleculare, which receives inputs from the entorhinal cortex via the perforant pathway, displays relatively little ERK-phosphorylated Kv4.2 or PKA carboxy-terminal-phosphorylated Kv4.2."
"A-type potassium channels play a pivotal role in modulating neuron excitability; in fact, their downregulation may increase pain sensation. xref The A-type potassium channel Kv4.2 has been detected in DRG neurons and appears to be responsible for the transient A-type potassium current ( I A ) recorded in small DRG neurons. xref Kv4.2 is a known substrate for ERK1/2. xref The phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by ERK1/2 in dorsal horn neurons underlies the induction of central sensitisation and is critical for pain modulation. xref "
"The potential phosphorylation sites for PKC and for casein kinase II present in the intracellular domains of DPPX-K, -S, and -L (figure legend of Fig. 1 ) could add levels of modulation of A-type channels to the existing regulation by PKA- or PKC-coupled pathways on the ERK phosphorylation of Kv4.2 subunits (reviewed in Birnbaum et al., 2004 )."
"Of the 3 amino acid residues in Kv4.2 that can be phosphorylated by ERK1/2, we found that the Kv4.2-T602A mutant exhibited a significant PACAP38-mediated decrease in channel current density, to an extent similar to that observed in WT channels ( xref )."
"Consistent with previously published studies, elevating synaptic activity is associated with an increase in phosphorylation of Kv4.2 at ERK sites."
"Phosphospecific antibodies specific for Kv4.2 phosphorylated at S552 revealed no obvious changes in phosphorylation in response to status epilepticus , in animal subjects where changes in Erk phosphorylation of Kv4.2 were observed [ xref ]."
"Importantly, a signalling pathway involving metabotropic glutamate receptor activation and extracellular signal-regulated kinase dependent phosphorylation of Kv4.2 channels has been shown to regulate I Ar currents in SDH neurons [ xref , xref ]."
"We next investigated the role of ERK1/2 phosphorylation of Kv4.2 in the PACAP-induced reduction in channel function/density."
"In addition, there is substantial evidence supporting the role of kinase regulation of A-type potassium currents in neurons, demonstrating a direct phosphorylation of the Kv4.2 channel subunit by PKA and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) (for review see )."
"Complementary to these pharmacological results, biochemical studies reveal that Kv4.2 was phosphorylated by ERK [ xref , xref ]."
"We determined that this antibody recognizes ERK-phosphorylated Kv4.2 in COS-7 cells transfected with Kv4.2 and native ERK-phosphorylated Kv4.2 in the rat hippocampus."
"Subsequently, phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by ERK1/2 resulted in a decrease in the number of channels on the cell surface, leading to dynamic down-regulation of channel function."
ERK phosphorylates KCND2 on S616. 5 / 5
| 5
"ERK directly phosphorylates Kv4.2 at T602, T607, and S616 [ xref ]."
"Previous studies showed that Kv4.2 can be phosphorylated by extracellular signal-regulated kinases at Ser-616 resulting in suppression of the channel activity ( xref ), indicating that phosphorylation of Kv4.2 can lead to functional outcomes on K + currents."
"It is noteworthy that ERK-mediated phosphorylation of Kv4.2 leads to decreased Kv4.2 and that ERK directly phosphorylates Kv4.2 at T602, T607, and Ser-616 ( xref )."
"Phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by ERK1/2 at residues T602, T607 and S616 has previously been shown in hippocampal neurons ( xref )."
"CamKII phosphorylates Kv4.2 at Ser438 while ERK phosphorylates Kv4.2 at T602, T607, and S616."
ERK phosphorylates KCND2 on T607. 4 / 4
| 4
"CamKII phosphorylates Kv4.2 at Ser438 while ERK phosphorylates Kv4.2 at T602, T607, and S616."
"ERK directly phosphorylates Kv4.2 at T602, T607, and S616 [ xref ]."
"Phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by ERK1/2 at residues T602, T607 and S616 has previously been shown in hippocampal neurons ( xref )."
"It is noteworthy that ERK-mediated phosphorylation of Kv4.2 leads to decreased Kv4.2 and that ERK directly phosphorylates Kv4.2 at T602, T607, and Ser-616 ( xref )."
ERK phosphorylates KCND2 on T602. 4 / 4
| 4
"It is noteworthy that ERK-mediated phosphorylation of Kv4.2 leads to decreased Kv4.2 and that ERK directly phosphorylates Kv4.2 at T602, T607, and Ser-616 ( xref )."
"CamKII phosphorylates Kv4.2 at Ser438 while ERK phosphorylates Kv4.2 at T602, T607, and S616."
"ERK directly phosphorylates Kv4.2 at T602, T607, and S616 [ xref ]."
"Phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by ERK1/2 at residues T602, T607 and S616 has previously been shown in hippocampal neurons ( xref )."
ERK binds KCND2.
| 2
| 2
"Moreover, kainate-induced status epilepticus was associated with an increase in ERK phosphorylation and reduction in surface expression of Kv4.2 channels in CA1 ( xref ), and theta burst stimulation of CA1 pyramidal neurons induced long-lasting LTP and increased ERK phosphorylation of Kv4.2 that leads to a reduction in channel conductance, an increase in neuronal depolarization and a facilitation of complex spike bursting ( xref , xref , xref )."
"Consistent with previously published studies, elevating synaptic activity is associated with an increase in phosphorylation of Kv4.2 at ERK sites."
PKA affects KCND2
| 22
PKA phosphorylates KCND2.
| 21
PKA phosphorylates KCND2. 12 / 12
| 12
"We found that while interaction between Kv4.2 and KChIP4a does not require PKA phosphorylation of Kv4.2(S552), phosphorylation of this site is necessary for both enhanced stabilization and membrane expression of Kv4.2 channel complexes produced by KChIP4a."
"Similarly, of the three antibodies tested, the soma of CA3 neurons are primarily recognized by the ERK triply phosphorylated Kv4.2 antibody, and the mossy fiber inputs to CA3 are primarily recognized by the carboxy-terminal PKA-phosphorylated Kv4.2."
"In addition, there is substantial evidence supporting the role of kinase regulation of A-type potassium currents in neurons, demonstrating a direct phosphorylation of the Kv4.2 channel subunit by PKA and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) (for review see )."
"Because PKA phosphorylates multiple postsynaptic targets, we wanted to determine whether the direct phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by PKA is the mechanism of Kv4.2 internalization."
"Taken together these results suggest that distance-dependent Kv4.2 cycling is regulated by the phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by PKA."
"This activity-dependent increase in Kv4.2 cycling at distal dendrites was blocked by expression of Kv4.2gS552A. These results indicate that distance-dependent Kv4.2 mobility is regulated by activity-dependent phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by PKA."
"One possibility is that Kv4.2 channels are tethered to the plasma membrane by associations with scaffolding proteins, and PKA phosphorylation of Kv4.2 disrupts this association."
"These data demonstrate that PKA phosphorylation of Kv4.2 plays an important role in the trafficking of Kv4.2 through its specific interaction with KChIP4a."
"However, this same layer is highlighted by antibodies that recognize Kv4.2 that has been phosphorylated by PKA at the amino terminus."
"Although these data do not exclude the possibility that PKA phosphorylation of Kv4.2 disrupts associations with other scaffolding proteins, they suggest that Kv4.2 remains bound to PSD-95 after forskolin-induced internalization."
"Kv4.2 phosphorylation by PKA at T38 and S552 residues, and S552 phosphorylation upon PKA pharmacological activation has been shown in hippocampal slices [ xref ]."
"Phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by PKA has been shown to induce rapid internalization of the channel protein from the cell surface ( xref , xref , xref )."
PKA phosphorylates KCND2 on S552. 9 / 9
| 9
"Compared with the marked redistribution of Kv4.2g observed in xref , these data clearly indicate that the activity-dependent internalization of Kv4.2 channels requires PKA phosphorylation of Kv4.2 at Ser552."
"PKA phosphorylation of Kv4.2 at site S552 was not required for AKAP-Kv4.2 co-IP, however, as mutating this site did not prevent its IP with wild type AKAP79 using an AKAP79/150 antibody ( xref )."
"We found that while interaction between Kv4.2 and KChIP4a does not require PKA phosphorylation of Kv4.2 S552 , phosphorylation of this site is necessary for both enhanced stabilization and membrane expression of Kv4.2 channel complexes produced by KChIP4a."
"Specifically, PKA phosphorylation of Kv4.2 at Ser552 is necessary for its activity-dependent internalization ( xref ; xref , available atas supplemental material)."
"Previous studies have shown that Kv4.2 can be phosphorylated by PKA at S552, and by ERK1/2 at residues T602, T607 and S616 in the cytoplasmic C-terminus of the channel protein ( xref , xref )."
"We found that PKA phosphorylation of Kv4.2 at Ser552 is necessary for the activity-dependent internalization of Kv4.2."
"As PKA phosphorylation of Kv4.2 S552 is necessary for activity-dependent Kv4.2 trafficking we wondered if PKA anchoring by AKAPs affected Kv4.2 surface expression."
"Additionally, the finding that PKA phosphorylation of Kv4.2 at site S552 underlies reduced Kv4.2 surface expression in the presence of AKAP79 is consistent with our previous finding that PKA phosphorylation of S552 mediates activity-dependent Kv4.2 trafficking ( xref )."
"Enhanced surface expression and protein stability conferred by co-expression of Kv4.2 with other KChIP isoforms did not require PKA phosphorylation of Kv4.2 S552."
PKA binds KCND2.
| 1
| 1
"We have presented several lines of evidence indicating a functional interaction between Kv4.2 with the PKA anchoring protein AKAP79/150."
KCND2 affects FMR1
| 9
| 8
"We show that FMRP associates with Kv4.2 mRNA, and that absence of FMRP decreases Kv4.2 mRNA translation and protein expression in vivo and in vitro , whereas FMRP overexpression increases protein levels of Kv4.2 3′UTR reporters."
"A previous study showed protein-protein interactions between FMRP and the potassium channel Slack( xref ), however we could not detect any association of FMRP with Kv4.2 protein (data not shown)."
"However, our data neither supports nor rules out a direct interaction of FMRP with Kv4.2 mRNA, and future studies will have to further analyze the modalities of FMRP association with and translational regulation of Kv4.2 mRNA."
"Of note, this decrease in protein expression is due to direct FMRPKv4.2 mRNA binding, and mutation of S499 residue of FMRP reduces the amount of Kv4.2 mRNA bound to FMRP ( xref )."
"In line with this assumption, analysis of Kv4.2-3′UTR association with several FMRP deletion constructs suggests that the association of FMRP with Kv4.2 mRNA does not seem to be mediated by a single mRNA binding domain, but rather requires multiple domains of FMRP ( xref )."
"To analyze if Kv4.2 mRNA might be one of the “unconventional” target mRNAs of FMRP that show reduced translation and protein levels in the FXS mouse model ( xref ; xref ), we next examined whether Kv4.2 mRNA associates with FMRP in brain cortex."
"Using Kv4.2-specific quantitative real time PCR analyses of FMRP-coimmunprecipitates, we demonstrated that FMRP associates with Kv4.2 mRNA in mouse cortex ( xref )."
"In hippocampal dendrites, FMRP is associated with Kv4.2 mRNA and prevents its translation leading to reduced channel expression at post-synaptic membrane ( xref )."
| 1
"We further demonstrate that blocking the chronic ethanol-induced increase in S499-FMRP phosphorylation is associated with a reduction in the binding KChIP3 and Kv4.2 mRNA to FMRP."
DPP6 affects KCND2
2 | 4 6 1
DPP6 binds KCND2.
2 | 1 6
2 | 1 4
"KChIP4a, which negatively affects the impact of other KChIPs on Kv4.2, also inhibits the effects of DPPXS, consistent with the formation of a ternary complex of Kv4.2, DPPX-S and KChIPs early in channel biosynthesis."
No evidence text available
"Previous work demonstrated that DPPX tightly binds to Kv4.2, but not Kv3.1, proteins ()."
"We have reported previously, using a heterologous expression system, that the intracellular N-terminal and transmembrane regions of DPP6 associate with Kv4.2 and accelerate channel kinetics."
"Subtle changes in extracellular pH might modulate the interaction of DPPX with Kv4.2 and possibly with other proteins."
No evidence text available
| 1
"This may indicate that KChIP2 and DPPX interactions with Kv4.2 channels affect mainly the highly voltage-dependent transitions between closed states in the deactivation pathway (“voltage sensor” in ), whereas N-terminal deletions may affect the actual closing step, which is thought to be weakly voltage dependent (“gate” in )."
| 1
"It is interesting that the gradient matches the patterned distribution of Kv4.2 and not that of Kv4.3 since it has been suggested that, in neurons expressing predominantly Kv4.2 or Kv4.3 subunits, DPPX may form complexes preferentially with Kv4.2, whereas DPP10 with Kv4.3 ( Zagha et al., 2005 )."
DPP6 activates KCND2.
| 3 1
DPP6 activates KCND2. 1 / 1
| 3 1
"DPP6 functions as a regulator of the channels ' recovery rate and voltage dependency 37 and promotes the cell surface localization of KCND2 38, besides other functions that remain to be identified 39."
KCND2 affects DPP6
2 | 1 6
2 | 1 4
"KChIP4a, which negatively affects the impact of other KChIPs on Kv4.2, also inhibits the effects of DPPXS, consistent with the formation of a ternary complex of Kv4.2, DPPX-S and KChIPs early in channel biosynthesis."
No evidence text available
"Previous work demonstrated that DPPX tightly binds to Kv4.2, but not Kv3.1, proteins ()."
"We have reported previously, using a heterologous expression system, that the intracellular N-terminal and transmembrane regions of DPP6 associate with Kv4.2 and accelerate channel kinetics."
"Subtle changes in extracellular pH might modulate the interaction of DPPX with Kv4.2 and possibly with other proteins."
No evidence text available
| 1
"This may indicate that KChIP2 and DPPX interactions with Kv4.2 channels affect mainly the highly voltage-dependent transitions between closed states in the deactivation pathway (“voltage sensor” in ), whereas N-terminal deletions may affect the actual closing step, which is thought to be weakly voltage dependent (“gate” in )."
| 1
"It is interesting that the gradient matches the patterned distribution of Kv4.2 and not that of Kv4.3 since it has been suggested that, in neurons expressing predominantly Kv4.2 or Kv4.3 subunits, DPPX may form complexes preferentially with Kv4.2, whereas DPP10 with Kv4.3 ( Zagha et al., 2005 )."
KCND2 affects DPP10
2 | 3 6
2 | 3 5
"Based on the similarities between DPP6 and DPP10, we performed experiments to examine whether DPP10 interacts with Kv4.2 channels and functions like DPP6 in altering their expression and gating properties."
No evidence text available
No evidence text available
"Furthermore, DPP10 was detected in immunoprecipitated Kv4.2 channel complexes from rat brain membranes, confirming the association of DPP10 proteins with native Kv4.2 channels."
"Here, we first report that DPP10 associates with Kv4.2 channels in immunoprecipitation experiments."
"Terminal HA- or cMyc-tagging strategies were abandoned because they either disrupted DPP10 mediation of inactivation acceleration (N-terminal tag) or severely affected DPP10-Kv4.2 association (C-terminal tag) ( Jerng et al., 2004a ; H. Jerng, unpublished observations)."
"To determine if DPP10 physically associates with Kv4.2 channels, DPP10 was genetically fused at the N-terminus with the HA-tag, a nine-amino acid peptide sequence (YPYDVPDYA) present in the human influenza virus hemaglutinin protein."
| 1
"Immunoprecipitation results show that KChIP3 and DPP10 associate simultaneously with Kv4.2 proteins in rat brain as well as heterologously expressing Xenopus oocytes, indicating Kv4.2 + KChIP3 + DPP10 multiprotein complexes."
KCND2 affects DLG4
1 1 | 1 5
1 1 | 1 3
No evidence text available
"Results indicate that Kv4.2 and PSD-95 are associated, but this link is unchanged after PKA activation ( xref , available atas supplemental material)."
"Subsequent co-IP experiments suggested, however, that Kv4.2-AKAP79 binding does not require MAGUK intermediate proteins as the two proteins were still found in complex after deleting the PDZ domain of Kv4.2 ( xref ) which is necessary for PSD-95 interaction with Kv4.2 ( xref )."
No evidence text available
"By using co-immunoprecipitation assays, we determined that full-length Kv4.2 and PSD-95 interact when co-expressed in mammalian cell lines."
DLG4 binds KCNA4 and KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Because both Kv1.4 and Kv4.2 interact with postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD-95), which is acylated (specifically, palmitoylated), we examined whether PSD-95 can recruit these channels to lipid rafts."
"This is consistent with data showing that Kv4.2 interacts with the cytoskeletal protein filamin and large adaptor proteins like AKAPs and PSD-95 ( xref ; xref ; xref )."
PKC affects KCND2
| 2 4
PKC phosphorylates KCND2. 6 / 6
| 2 4
"In vitro phosphorylation of the intracellular N- and C-termini of Kv4.2 GST (glutathione transferase) tagged fusion protein revealed that the C-terminal of Kv4.2 was phosphorylated by PKC, whereas the N-terminal was not."
"In vitro phosphorylation of the intracellular amino (N)- and carboxyl (C)-termini of Kv4.2 glutathione S -transferase (GST) fusion protein revealed that the Kv4.2 C-terminal was phosphorylated by PKC, while the N-terminal was not."
"In the present study, we determined that PKC directly phosphorylates the Kv4.2 channel protein."
"In this study, we determined that PKC directly phosphorylates the Kv4.2 channel protein."
"In vitro phosphorylation of the intracellular N- and C-termini of Kv4.2 GST (glutathione transferase) tagged fusion protein revealed that the C-terminal of Kv4.2 was phosphorylated by PKC, whereas the N-terminal was not."
"We found that phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by PKC enhanced ERK phosphorylation of the channel in vitro."
IRX5 affects KCND2
| 6
IRX5 decreases the amount of KCND2.
| 2
IRX5 decreases the amount of KCND2. 2 / 2
| 2
"This model revealed that miR-1-2 might regulate protein abundance of IRX5, which represses transcription of KCND2 XREF_BIBR, encoding the potassium channel subunit Kv4.2 that encodes the cardiac transient outward potassium current I to, f XREF_BIBR."
"Irx5 recruits the mBop cardiac corepressor to repress transcription of Kcnd2 in neonatal cardiomyocytes, and thus Irx5 deficiency leads to increased K v 4.2 expression and disruption of the I to gradient."
IRX5 activates KCND2.
| 2
IRX5 activates KCND2. 2 / 2
| 2
"The C-terminal region of Irx5 is responsible for mediating regulation of the Kcnd2 promoter and the N-terminal region of Irx4 is responsible for suppressing Irx5 induced regulation of Kcnd2."
"However, physical interaction between Irx5 and mBop might not exist, nor affect Irx5 mediated Kcnd2 promoter activation XREF_BIBR, this is just contrary to previous conclusion that Irx5 represses Kv4.2 expression through mBop recruitment XREF_BIBR."
IRX5 inhibits KCND2.
| 1
IRX5 inhibits KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Zhao et al. [XREF_BIBR] determined in vivo miR-1-2 targets, including the cardiac transcription factor, Irx5, which represses KCND2, a potassium channel subunit (Kv4.2) responsible for transient outward K + current (I to) [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."
IRX5 increases the amount of KCND2.
| 1
IRX5 increases the amount of KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Irx5 recruits the mBop cardiac corepressor to repress transcription of Kcnd2 in neonatal cardiomyocytes, and thus Irx5 deficiency leads to increased K v 4.2 expression and disruption of the I to gradient."
AKAP5 affects KCND2
| 6
AKAP5 binds KCND2.
| 5
| 5
"Subsequent co-IP experiments suggested, however, that Kv4.2-AKAP79 binding does not require MAGUK intermediate proteins as the two proteins were still found in complex after deleting the PDZ domain of Kv4.2 ( xref ) which is necessary for PSD-95 interaction with Kv4.2 ( xref )."
"These data show that phosphorylation at this site was not necessary for AKAP79-Kv4.2 interaction."
"Disruption of PKA anchoring to AKAP79 by applying a stearated, membrane-permeant peptide, Ht31, which resembles the AKAP79 binding site for PKA ( xref ), also did not affect AKAP79-Kv4.2 co-IP ( xref ), suggesting that PKA subunits are not required for AKAP79-Kv4.2 interaction."
"Corresponding effects on neuronal excitability show the Kv4.2-AKAP79 interaction is physiologically important, providing a mechanism for rapid, dynamic regulation of intrinsic neuronal excitability of hippocampal neurons."
"The sum of our co-IP experiments indicates a direct interaction between Kv4.2 and AKAP79."
AKAP5 phosphorylates KCND2.
| 1
AKAP5 phosphorylates KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"To examine phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by AKAP79 we co-expressed the two proteins in COS7 cells."
NOG affects KCND2
5 |
Transcriptionally active NOG decreases the amount of KCND2. 5 / 5
5 |
No evidence text available
No evidence text available
No evidence text available
No evidence text available
No evidence text available
KCND2 affects AKAP5
| 5
| 5
"Subsequent co-IP experiments suggested, however, that Kv4.2-AKAP79 binding does not require MAGUK intermediate proteins as the two proteins were still found in complex after deleting the PDZ domain of Kv4.2 ( xref ) which is necessary for PSD-95 interaction with Kv4.2 ( xref )."
"These data show that phosphorylation at this site was not necessary for AKAP79-Kv4.2 interaction."
"Disruption of PKA anchoring to AKAP79 by applying a stearated, membrane-permeant peptide, Ht31, which resembles the AKAP79 binding site for PKA ( xref ), also did not affect AKAP79-Kv4.2 co-IP ( xref ), suggesting that PKA subunits are not required for AKAP79-Kv4.2 interaction."
"Corresponding effects on neuronal excitability show the Kv4.2-AKAP79 interaction is physiologically important, providing a mechanism for rapid, dynamic regulation of intrinsic neuronal excitability of hippocampal neurons."
"The sum of our co-IP experiments indicates a direct interaction between Kv4.2 and AKAP79."
GSK3 affects KCND2
| 5
GSK3 phosphorylates KCND2 on S616. 3 / 3
| 3
"Altogether, these results support the notion that Aβ 42 induces a decrease of A-type K + currents and an increase in excitability through GSK-3-dependent phosphorylation of Kv4.2 at Ser-616."
"Importantly, we discovered that treatment of hippocampal neurons with Aβ 42 results in GSK-3-dependent Kv4.2 phosphorylation at Ser-616 ( xref )."
"Thus, we hypothesized that Aβ 42 treatment could result in a GSK-3-dependent phosphorylation of the Kv4.2 subunit at Ser-616."
GSK3 phosphorylates KCND2. 2 / 2
| 2
"These results suggest that phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by GSK-3 might be a downstream target of Aβ 42 -mediated increase in intrinsic excitability in hippocampal neurons."
"Collectively, these data suggest that intraneuronal Aβ 42 accumulation leads to an intracellular cascade culminating into caspases activation and GSK-3-dependent phosphorylation of Kv4.2 channels."
RTN3 affects KCND2
| 4
| 3
"Furthermore, Bgtx binds Kv4.2-HAP specifically and with high affinity, and we were able to detect and image the tagged channels in live cells including in cultured neurons by using fluorescent Bgtx."
"Visualization of Bgtx bound to Kv4.2-HAP demonstrated the utility of HAP-tagged Kv4.2 for localization and membrane trafficking studies ( xref )."
"Bgtx binds Kv4.2-HAP expressed in tsA201 cells."
RTN3 binds GRIA2 and KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Bgtx binds Kv4.2-HAP and GluR2-HAP expressed in intact cultured hippocampal neurons."
KCND2 affects AKAP79/150
| 4
KCND2 binds AKAP79/150. 4 / 4
| 4
"PKA anchoring by AKAP79/150 or phosphorylation of Kv4.2 at site PKA S552 are not, however, necessary for AKAP79/150-Kv4.2 interaction."
"Because AKAP79/150 interacts with Kv4.2 and plays a dominant role in localizing PKA in dendrites and dendritic spines ( xref ; xref ; xref ), these Ht31 results indicate that AKAP79/150 is likely to be the primary AKAP responsible for Kv4.2 regulation in hippocampal neurons."
"If and how Kv4.2 trafficking by AKAP79/150 affects synaptic plasticity will require additional tools designed to specifically impact AKAP79/150-Kv4.2 interaction to distinguish results from AKAP effects on AMPAR expression."
"Kv4.2-AKAP79/150 interaction requires a region overlapping with the MAGUK binding domain of AKAP79/150."
CAMK2G affects KCND2
| 4
CAMK2G phosphorylates KCND2. 3 / 3
| 3
"DED is accompanied by increased levels of Kv4.2 phosphorylated at Ser438 at the stimulated dendrite, suggesting that increased calcium causes ERK activation, which in turn activates CamKII which directly phosphorylates Kv4.2."
"MEK regulated CamKII phosphorylation of Kv4.2 underlies DED."
"Ser438 is the site that CamKII specifically phosphorylates Kv4.2 at."
CAMK2G phosphorylates KCND2 on S438. 1 / 1
| 1
"CamKII phosphorylates Kv4.2 at Ser438 while ERK phosphorylates Kv4.2 at T602, T607, and S616."
AKAP79/150 affects KCND2
| 4
KCND2 binds AKAP79/150. 4 / 4
| 4
"PKA anchoring by AKAP79/150 or phosphorylation of Kv4.2 at site PKA S552 are not, however, necessary for AKAP79/150-Kv4.2 interaction."
"Because AKAP79/150 interacts with Kv4.2 and plays a dominant role in localizing PKA in dendrites and dendritic spines ( xref ; xref ; xref ), these Ht31 results indicate that AKAP79/150 is likely to be the primary AKAP responsible for Kv4.2 regulation in hippocampal neurons."
"If and how Kv4.2 trafficking by AKAP79/150 affects synaptic plasticity will require additional tools designed to specifically impact AKAP79/150-Kv4.2 interaction to distinguish results from AKAP effects on AMPAR expression."
"Kv4.2-AKAP79/150 interaction requires a region overlapping with the MAGUK binding domain of AKAP79/150."
KCND2 affects FLNC
2 1 |
2 1 |
No evidence text available
No evidence text available
No evidence text available
MiR-223-3p affects KCND2
| 2
MiR-223-3p decreases the amount of KCND2.
| 1
MiR-223-3p decreases the amount of KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Upregulation of miR-223-3p in AMI repressed the expression of KCND2 and Kv4.2 resulting in reduction of Ito density that can cause APD prolongation and promote arrhythmias in AMI, and therefore knockdown of endogenous miR-223-3p might be considered a new approach for antiarrhythmic therapy of ischemic arrhythmias."
MiR-223-3p binds KCND2.
| 1
KCND2 binds miR-223-3p. 1 / 1
| 1
"Luciferase assay was used to examine the interaction between miR-223-3p and KCND2 in cultured NRVCs."
STX1A affects KCND2
| 2
| 2
"Co-immunoprecipitation and GST pulldown assays demonstrated a direct interaction of STX1A with the Kv4.2 N-terminus."
"We speculated that STX1A interacts with other cardiac ion channels, thus we examined the interaction of STX1A with Kv4.2 channels."
NMDAR affects KCND2
| 2
| 1
"While increased phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by activation of synaptic NMDARs is associated with enhanced excitability and plasticity, it would be interesting to determine how extrasynaptic NMDA receptor-mediated dephosphorylation of Kv4.2 affects synaptic plasticity of glutamatergic synapses."
| 1
"However, the regulatory mechanisms for CSEN-binding to Kv4.2 or NMDAR remain elusive."
NCS1 affects KCND2
1 1 | 1
1 1 | 1
No evidence text available
No evidence text available
KIF17 affects KCND2
| 2
| 1
"The interaction between Kif17 and Kv4.2 appears to occur through the extreme C terminus of Kv4.2 and not through the dileucine motif."
| 1
"For instance, NR2B and Kv4.2, both dendritic proteins, interact with Kif17, a kinesin motor found exclusively in dendrites xref , xref ."
KCND2 affects STX1A
| 2
| 2
"Co-immunoprecipitation and GST pulldown assays demonstrated a direct interaction of STX1A with the Kv4.2 N-terminus."
"We speculated that STX1A interacts with other cardiac ion channels, thus we examined the interaction of STX1A with Kv4.2 channels."
KCND2 affects NMDAR
| 2
| 1
"While increased phosphorylation of Kv4.2 by activation of synaptic NMDARs is associated with enhanced excitability and plasticity, it would be interesting to determine how extrasynaptic NMDA receptor-mediated dephosphorylation of Kv4.2 affects synaptic plasticity of glutamatergic synapses."
| 1
"However, the regulatory mechanisms for CSEN-binding to Kv4.2 or NMDAR remain elusive."
KCND2 affects NCS1
1 1 | 1
1 1 | 1
No evidence text available
No evidence text available
KCND2 affects KIF17
| 2
| 1
"The interaction between Kif17 and Kv4.2 appears to occur through the extreme C terminus of Kv4.2 and not through the dileucine motif."
| 1
"For instance, NR2B and Kv4.2, both dendritic proteins, interact with Kif17, a kinesin motor found exclusively in dendrites xref , xref ."
KCND2 affects HSPA5
| 2
| 1
"We and others ( xref ) detect a pro-apoptotic signal when rK5 binds to cell surface GRP78 on MvEC, whereas α2-macroglobulin binding to cell surface GRP78 on human prostate cancer cells and macrophages initiates a pro-proliferation signal ( xref )."
| 1
"Our finding that GRP78 is required for rK5-induced apoptosis of human brain MvEC is consistent with the report of the requirement for GRP78 in the pro-apoptotic effect of rK5 on dermal MvEC, and of a direct interaction of rK5 with rec-GRP78 ( xref )."
KCND2 affects FLNA
1 | 1
1 | 1
"FLNa also interacts with potassium channel Kv4.2 at filipodial roots and shows overlapping expression in cortical and hippocampal neurons."
No evidence text available
KCND2 affects ERK
| 2
| 2
"Moreover, kainate-induced status epilepticus was associated with an increase in ERK phosphorylation and reduction in surface expression of Kv4.2 channels in CA1 ( xref ), and theta burst stimulation of CA1 pyramidal neurons induced long-lasting LTP and increased ERK phosphorylation of Kv4.2 that leads to a reduction in channel conductance, an increase in neuronal depolarization and a facilitation of complex spike bursting ( xref , xref , xref )."
"Consistent with previously published studies, elevating synaptic activity is associated with an increase in phosphorylation of Kv4.2 at ERK sites."
KCND2 affects Akap1
| 2
| 2
"We therefore hypothesized that Kv4.2 may be associated with A-kinase anchoring protein (AKAP) complexes which provide restricted, local PKA signaling."
"Physiological function of AKAP-Kv4.2 interactions."
IRX4 affects KCND2
| 1 1
IRX4 inhibits KCND2.
| 1
IRX4 inhibits KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"XREF_BIBR Irx4 suppresses Irx5 induced regulation of the Kcnd2 promoter in a dose dependent manner."
IRX4 binds KCND2.
| 1
| 1
"Therefore, further studies will be necessary to examine whether and how Irx5, Irx4 and mBop are interacting to regulate Kv4.2 expression."
HSPA5 affects KCND2
| 2
| 1
"We and others ( xref ) detect a pro-apoptotic signal when rK5 binds to cell surface GRP78 on MvEC, whereas α2-macroglobulin binding to cell surface GRP78 on human prostate cancer cells and macrophages initiates a pro-proliferation signal ( xref )."
| 1
"Our finding that GRP78 is required for rK5-induced apoptosis of human brain MvEC is consistent with the report of the requirement for GRP78 in the pro-apoptotic effect of rK5 on dermal MvEC, and of a direct interaction of rK5 with rec-GRP78 ( xref )."
FLNA affects KCND2
1 | 1
1 | 1
"FLNa also interacts with potassium channel Kv4.2 at filipodial roots and shows overlapping expression in cortical and hippocampal neurons."
No evidence text available
| 2
CAMK2_complex phosphorylates KCND2.
| 1
CAMK2_complex phosphorylates KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"To test whether CaMKII phosphorylation of Kv4.2 affects channel biophysics, we expressed wild-type or mutant Kv4.2 and the K(+) channel interacting protein, KChIP3, with or without a constitutively active form of CaMKII in Xenopus oocytes and measured the voltage dependence of activation and inactivation in each of these conditions."
| 1
"However, Kv4.2 does not associate with CaMKII at diastolic Ca 2+ concentration."
Akap1 affects KCND2
| 2
| 2
"We therefore hypothesized that Kv4.2 may be associated with A-kinase anchoring protein (AKAP) complexes which provide restricted, local PKA signaling."
"Physiological function of AKAP-Kv4.2 interactions."
Pyraclofos affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"Second, we applied the method to the high voltage–activated Kv3.4 channel (recombinant and natively expressed in dorsal root ganglion [DRG] neurons) and to low voltage–activated Kv4.2 channels (recombinant and natively expressed in cerebellar granule neurons [CGNs])."
Protein kinase-A (Kv4.2gS552A) affects KCND2
| 1
Protein kinase-A (Kv4.2gS552A)-S552A phosphorylates KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Expression of a Kv4.2 mutant lacking a phosphorylation site for protein kinase-A (Kv4.2gS552A) abolished this distance-dependent change in channel cycling; demonstrating that phosphorylation by PKA underlies the increased mobility in distal dendrites."
Nab affects KCND2
| 1
Nab phosphorylates KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"NaB induces rapid phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and Kv4.2 in primary cultured DRG neurons."
MiR-324-5p affects KCND2
| 1
MiR-324-5p inhibits KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Antagonizing miR-324-5p prevents kainic acid induced downregulation of Kv4.2 and delays seizure onset in wild type but not in Kcnd2 KO mice."
| 1
Indol-3-ylmethylamine decreases the amount of KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Upregulation of miR-223-3p in AMI repressed the expression of KCND2 and Kv4.2 resulting in reduction of Ito density that can cause APD prolongation and promote arrhythmias in AMI, and therefore knockdown of endogenous miR-223-3p might be considered a new approach for antiarrhythmic therapy of ischemic arrhythmias."
Ethanol affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"Additionally, preclinical studies have demonstrated that chronic ethanol reduces the function and trafficking of K Ca 2 (Kcnn), K V 4.2 (Kcnd2), and K V 7.2 (Kcnq2) channels in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and hippocampus, and pharmacologically enhancing K Ca 2 and K V 7 channel function attenuated voluntary drinking in rodents."
Cannabinoid affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"Estradiol antagonizes the cannabinoid-induced activation of the Kv4.2 channels in POMC neurons, and attenuates the cannabinoid-induced presynaptic inhibition of glutamatergic input impinging upon these cells [ xref , xref ]."
Wave affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"Gain-of-function mutations in KCND2 have been associated with J-wave syndromes, including BrS [ xref ]."
STUB1 affects KCND2
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
RT-PCR affects KCND2
| 1
RT-PCR increases the amount of KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"The study of the cardiac gene expression by RT-PCR considering the genes : kcnd2 and kcnd3 encoding the Ito alpha-subunit Kv4.2 and Kv4.3, respectively; kcne2 encoding to MiRP1, Ito and IKs beta-subunit, on tissue extracted from left ventricles of mice with STZ induced diabetes showed significant reductions of ~ 80% in the expression of kcnd2 and kcne2, whereas no significant differences were shown for kcnd3."
PRKACA affects KCND2
1 |
PRKACA phosphorylates KCND2 on S552. 1 / 1
1 |
No evidence text available
PPP3 affects KCND2
| 1
PPP3 dephosphorylates KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"If so, it follows that CaN dephosphorylation of Kv4.2 through the AKAP79 complex could lead to increased Kv4.2 surface expression."
NFAT affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"The effects of Cn on hypertrophy, I(to,f), and Kv4.2 transcription were associated with NFAT activation and were abrogated by NFAT inhibition."
MYO5A affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"Microtubule-based dendritic transport of Kv4.2 is supported by the kinesin Kif17 in cortical cells cultures, most likely through interaction with the C-terminus (but not the Kv4.2 dileucine motif; Chu et al., xref ), whereas association of Kv4.2 with myosin Va, an actin-based motor, restricts the expression of the channel to the somatodendritic region (Lewis et al., xref ; Figure xref )."
KCTD5 affects KCND2
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
KCTD2 affects KCND2
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
KCTD17 affects KCND2
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
| 1
"One of the muscle specific miRs, miR-1, for instance, has been shown to regulate I to, f by targeting the Kcnd2 repressing transcription factor Irx5 [XREF_BIBR]."
| 1
| 1
"Gene deletion of Kv4.2 (Kcnd2) in mice eliminates most of the A-type K+ current in hippocampal and cortical neurons [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR], and increases back propagation of the action potential from the axon to the somatodendritic region [XREF_BIBR]."
KCND2 affects miR-223-3p
| 1
KCND2 binds miR-223-3p. 1 / 1
| 1
"Luciferase assay was used to examine the interaction between miR-223-3p and KCND2 in cultured NRVCs."
| 1
| 1
"RK5 also inhibited angiogenesis, tumor growth, and metastasis and increased survival time of mice bearing tumor."
KCND2 affects activity
| 1
KCND2 inhibits activity. 1 / 1
| 1
"The results showed that RK5 inhibited the activity of MMP-9 and exhibited more inhibitory effects on proliferation and migration of endothelial cells than that of kringle 5 fragment and decapeptide individually."
KCND2 affects Wave
| 1
| 1
"Gain-of-function mutations in KCND2 have been associated with J-wave syndromes, including BrS [ xref ]."
KCND2 affects Ser-Ala
| 1
KCND2 activates Ser-Ala. 1 / 1
| 1
"Knockout of the KCND2 gene (Kv4.2 KO) eliminates Kv4.2 protein and reduces I SA in CG cells by approximately 80%, similar to mDPP6 RNAi XREF_BIBR."
KCND2 affects STUB1
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
| 1
"Primer sequences are available upon request.cDNA for wild-type human KCND2 was synthesized from normal human total brain poly (A) RNA (Clontech, Palo Alto, CA) using SuperScript III Reverse Transcriptase (Invitrogen)."
KCND2 affects PKA
| 1
| 1
"We have presented several lines of evidence indicating a functional interaction between Kv4.2 with the PKA anchoring protein AKAP79/150."
KCND2 affects NFAT
| 1
| 1
"The effects of Cn on hypertrophy, I(to,f), and Kv4.2 transcription were associated with NFAT activation and were abrogated by NFAT inhibition."
KCND2 affects MYO5A
| 1
| 1
"Microtubule-based dendritic transport of Kv4.2 is supported by the kinesin Kif17 in cortical cells cultures, most likely through interaction with the C-terminus (but not the Kv4.2 dileucine motif; Chu et al., xref ), whereas association of Kv4.2 with myosin Va, an actin-based motor, restricts the expression of the channel to the somatodendritic region (Lewis et al., xref ; Figure xref )."
KCND2 affects Kv4.2 protein
| 1
KCND2 activates Kv4.2 protein. 1 / 1
| 1
"Knockout of the KCND2 gene (Kv4.2 KO) eliminates Kv4.2 protein and reduces I SA in CG cells by approximately 80%, similar to mDPP6 RNAi XREF_BIBR."
KCND2 affects KCTD5
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
KCND2 affects KCTD2
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
KCND2 affects KCTD17
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
KCND2 affects KCNIP3, and NMDAR
| 1
| 1
"However, the regulatory mechanisms for CSEN-binding to Kv4.2 or NMDAR remain elusive."
KCND2 affects KCN
| 1
| 1
"Protein expression of potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 2 (Kv4.2) and potassium channel interacting protein 3 (KChIP3) was assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Western blot."
KCND2 affects IRX5
| 1
KCND2 inhibits IRX5. 1 / 1
| 1
"One of the muscle specific miRs, miR-1, for instance, has been shown to regulate I to, f by targeting the Kcnd2 repressing transcription factor Irx5 [XREF_BIBR]."
KCND2 affects IRX4
| 1
| 1
"Therefore, further studies will be necessary to examine whether and how Irx5, Irx4 and mBop are interacting to regulate Kv4.2 expression."
KCND2 affects ILK
| 1
| 1
"At 5 weeks, only voltage-dependent K(+) currents were reduced, possibly related to direct ILK-Kv4.2 subunit interactions."
KCND2 affects IL16
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
KCND2 affects HSPA8
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
KCND2 affects GSK3B
| 1
| 1
"Collectively, these results identify the functional interaction between GSK3β and Kv4.2 channel as a novel mechanism for tLTD modulation providing exciting insight into the understanding of GSK3β role in synaptic plasticity."
KCND2 affects GRM5
| 1
| 1
"These results indicate that mGlu5-Kv4.2 signaling is associated with excitatory dorsal horn neurons and suggest that the pronociceptive effects of mGlu5 activation in the spinal cord likely involve enhanced excitability of excitatory neurons."
KCND2 affects GNB4
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
KCND2 affects FOXH1
| 1
KCND2 inhibits FOXH1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Similar to the investigations on -related channel N-type inactivation (), the coupling coefficient Ω obtained with double mutant cycle analysis was used to quantify the degree of coupling of point mutation-induced effects on fast Kv4.2 inactivation, with ."
KCND2 affects CTSG
| 1
KCND2 activates CTSG. 1 / 1
| 1
"Knockout of the KCND2 gene (Kv4.2 KO) eliminates Kv4.2 protein and reduces I SA in CG cells by approximately 80%, similar to mDPP6 RNAi XREF_BIBR."
KCND2 affects CAV1
| 1
| 1
"Interestingly, the association between gene CAV1 and KCND2 was significantly annotated with the terms " regulation of membrane potential " and " ion transport "; meanwhile, many other DC edges are significantly enriched in membrane related cellular component GO terms."
| 1
"However, Kv4.2 does not associate with CaMKII at diastolic Ca 2+ concentration."
KCND2 affects BAG3
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
KCND2 affects BAG1
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
KCND2 affects Akap5
| 1
| 1
"To begin investigating the functional role of AKAP-Kv4.2 complexes, we first confirmed endogenous Kv4.2 interaction with AKAP150 (mouse homologue of the human AKAP79) in native rat brain co-IP experiments ( xref )."
KCND2 affects APP
| 1
KCND2 phosphorylates APP. 1 / 1
| 1
" 42 increases α-subunit Kv4.2 phosphorylation."
KCND2 affects AP1S2
| 1
| 1
"Kv4.2 channel expression may also participate in establishing the conditions for the development of ASDs, given that Kv4.2 mRNA can bind to the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), which is associated to fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common monogenic cause of autism and inherited intellectual retardation ( xref ) often accompanied by seizures and poor motor coordination ( xref )."
KCND2 affects AKAP1
| 1
| 1
"Moreover, Kv4.2 is associated with A-kinase anchored proteins or AKAPs, which may allow for efficient coupling between PKA activation and Kv4.2 modulation [ xref ]."
KCND2 affects AGO2
| 1
| 1
"Kainic acid-induced neuronal hyperactivity increased the association of Kv4.2 mRNA with Ago2 in hippocampus and cultured hippocampal neurons ( xref ), whereas total Kv4.2 mRNA levels were unchanged ( xref )."
KCND2 affects AATF
| 1
| 1
"This suggests that DED is associated with differential phosphorylation of Kv4.2."
KCN affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"Protein expression of potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 2 (Kv4.2) and potassium channel interacting protein 3 (KChIP3) was assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Western blot."
INS affects KCND2
1 |
Transcriptionally active INS increases the amount of KCND2. 1 / 1
1 |
No evidence text available
ILK affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"At 5 weeks, only voltage-dependent K(+) currents were reduced, possibly related to direct ILK-Kv4.2 subunit interactions."
IL16 affects KCND2
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
Histone_H3 affects KCND2
| 1
Histone_H3 increases the amount of KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Inducible cardiac ablation of PAX interacting protein 1 (PTIP), a key component of the histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4me) complex, for example, has been demonstrated to increase the transcript expression levels of the genes, Kcnip2, Kcnd2 and Kcnd3, encoding I to, f channel subunits [XREF_BIBR]."
HSPA8 affects KCND2
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
HSPA5 affects KCND2, and ZDHHC2
| 1
| 1
"Our finding that GRP78 is required for rK5-induced apoptosis of human brain MvEC is consistent with the report of the requirement for GRP78 in the pro-apoptotic effect of rK5 on dermal MvEC, and of a direct interaction of rK5 with rec-GRP78 ( xref )."
GluN1 affects KCND2, and KCNIP3
| 1
KCNIP3 binds KCND2 and GluN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Here, we demonstrate the novel role of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate phosphatase/chronophin (PLPP/CIN), one of the cofilin-mediated F-actin regulators, in the CSEN binding to Kv4.2 or GluN1 (an NMDAR subunit)."
GYS affects KCND2
| 1
GYS phosphorylates KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"We found that Aβ 42 internalization is required for inducing increase in intrinsic excitability in hippocampal pyramidal neurons, an effect that is mediated by inhibition of A-type K + channels (Kv), and requires caspases activation and glycogen synthase kinase 3-(GSK-3) dependent phosphorylation of Kv4.2."
GSK3B affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"Collectively, these results identify the functional interaction between GSK3β and Kv4.2 channel as a novel mechanism for tLTD modulation providing exciting insight into the understanding of GSK3β role in synaptic plasticity."
GRM5 affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"These results indicate that mGlu5-Kv4.2 signaling is associated with excitatory dorsal horn neurons and suggest that the pronociceptive effects of mGlu5 activation in the spinal cord likely involve enhanced excitability of excitatory neurons."
GRIN2B affects KCND2, and KIF17
| 1
| 1
"For instance, NR2B and Kv4.2, both dendritic proteins, interact with Kif17, a kinesin motor found exclusively in dendrites xref , xref ."
GRIA2 affects KCND2, and RTN3
| 1
RTN3 binds GRIA2 and KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Bgtx binds Kv4.2-HAP and GluR2-HAP expressed in intact cultured hippocampal neurons."
GNPTAB affects KCND2, KCND3, and KCNIP2
| 1
| 1
"Biochemical studies suggest that mouse ventricular I(to,f) channels reflect the heteromeric assembly of Kv4.2 and Kv4.3 with the accessory subunits, KChIP2 and Kvbeta1, and that Kv4.2 is the primary determinant of regional differences in (mouse ventricular) I(to,f) densities."
GNB4 affects KCND2
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
GNA14 affects GRIN2B, KCND2, SNTG2, and UTRN
| 1
| 1
"The nominally significant networks (statistical enrichment of pathways at p < 0.05) included shared interactions between SNTG2, UTRN, GNA14 , and CDKRAP2 (p = 0.01) as well as KCND2 and GRIN2B (p = 0.03) ( xref )."
GCG affects KCND2
| 1
GCG phosphorylates KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Is there a link between regulation of Kv4.2 and eEF2 phosphorylation by GLP-1 (9-36)?"
GATA6 affects KCND2
| 1
GATA6 activates KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Gata6 activates the ion exchanger gene Ncx1 [ xref ] and the potassium channel gene Kv4.2 [ xref ]."
FSCN1 affects KCND2
| 1
FSCN1 decreases the amount of KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"SNL gradually reduced the mRNA levels of Kcna4, Kcnd2, Kcnq2 and Kcnma1 in the DRG over a 4-week period (XREF_FIG)."
FOXH1 affects KCND2
| 1
FOXH1 inhibits KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Western blot analysis of N-terminal HA-tagged DPP10 reveals that in oocytes DPP10 has a lower level of N-glycosylation when compared to DPP6-S. Furthermore, electrophysiological recordings of coexpression with HA-tagged DPP10 and HA-tagged DPP6-S, as well as chimera between DPP10 and DPP6-S, indicate that the cytoplasmic N-terminus of DPPs plays an important role in influencing the time course of Kv4.2 fast inactivation."
FMR1 affects KCND2, and KCNIP3
| 1
| 1
"We further demonstrate that blocking the chronic ethanol-induced increase in S499-FMRP phosphorylation is associated with a reduction in the binding KChIP3 and Kv4.2 mRNA to FMRP."
DPP6 affects KCND2, and KCNIP2
| 1
| 1
"This may indicate that KChIP2 and DPPX interactions with Kv4.2 channels affect mainly the highly voltage-dependent transitions between closed states in the deactivation pathway (“voltage sensor” in ), whereas N-terminal deletions may affect the actual closing step, which is thought to be weakly voltage dependent (“gate” in )."
DPP6 affects KCND2, and KCND3
| 1
| 1
"It is interesting that the gradient matches the patterned distribution of Kv4.2 and not that of Kv4.3 since it has been suggested that, in neurons expressing predominantly Kv4.2 or Kv4.3 subunits, DPPX may form complexes preferentially with Kv4.2, whereas DPP10 with Kv4.3 ( Zagha et al., 2005 )."
DPP10 affects KCND2, and KCNIP3
| 1
| 1
"Immunoprecipitation results show that KChIP3 and DPP10 associate simultaneously with Kv4.2 proteins in rat brain as well as heterologously expressing Xenopus oocytes, indicating Kv4.2 + KChIP3 + DPP10 multiprotein complexes."
DLG4 affects KCND2, and filamin family
| 1
"This is consistent with data showing that Kv4.2 interacts with the cytoskeletal protein filamin and large adaptor proteins like AKAPs and PSD-95 ( xref ; xref ; xref )."
DLG4 affects KCNA4, and KCND2
| 1
DLG4 binds KCNA4 and KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Because both Kv1.4 and Kv4.2 interact with postsynaptic density protein 95 (PSD-95), which is acylated (specifically, palmitoylated), we examined whether PSD-95 can recruit these channels to lipid rafts."
CLOCK affects KCND2
| 1
CLOCK activates KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"The DNA microarray showed that KCNA5, KCND2, KCNK3, KCNJ12 and ATP2A2, SLC9A3R2 were augmented by Bmal1 and Clock induction (data not shown)."
CAV1 affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"Interestingly, the association between gene CAV1 and KCND2 was significantly annotated with the terms " regulation of membrane potential " and " ion transport "; meanwhile, many other DC edges are significantly enriched in membrane related cellular component GO terms."
BAG3 affects KCND2
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
BAG1 affects KCND2
1 |
1 |
No evidence text available
Akap5 affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"To begin investigating the functional role of AKAP-Kv4.2 complexes, we first confirmed endogenous Kv4.2 interaction with AKAP150 (mouse homologue of the human AKAP79) in native rat brain co-IP experiments ( xref )."
ARNTL affects KCND2
| 1
ARNTL activates KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"The DNA microarray showed that KCNA5, KCND2, KCNK3, KCNJ12 and ATP2A2, SLC9A3R2 were augmented by Bmal1 and Clock induction (data not shown)."
AP1S2 affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"Kv4.2 channel expression may also participate in establishing the conditions for the development of ASDs, given that Kv4.2 mRNA can bind to the fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), which is associated to fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common monogenic cause of autism and inherited intellectual retardation ( xref ) often accompanied by seizures and poor motor coordination ( xref )."
AKAP1 affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"Moreover, Kv4.2 is associated with A-kinase anchored proteins or AKAPs, which may allow for efficient coupling between PKA activation and Kv4.2 modulation [ xref ]."
AGO2 affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"Kainic acid-induced neuronal hyperactivity increased the association of Kv4.2 mRNA with Ago2 in hippocampus and cultured hippocampal neurons ( xref ), whereas total Kv4.2 mRNA levels were unchanged ( xref )."
ADCYAP1 affects KCND2
| 1
ADCYAP1 phosphorylates KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"These results indicate that PACAP promotes phosphorylation of the Kv4.2 channel protein in CHNs."
AATF affects KCND2
| 1
| 1
"This suggests that DED is associated with differential phosphorylation of Kv4.2."
| 1
3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine increases the amount of KCND2. 1 / 1
| 1
"T3 stimulation enhanced KCND2 and KCND3 expression and decreased KCNA4 transcription, while KCNIP2 remained unaffected."