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PEX5L affects HCN1
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PEX5L binds HCN1.
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"HCN1 and TRIP8b interact in the retina as confirmed by immunoprecipitation from retinal membranes ( xref )."
"In contrast to TRIP8b (1a), binding of TRIP8b (1a-4) to HCN1 did not seem to markedly affect subcellular distribution of the channels, suggesting a more general role of TRIP8b (1a-4) in promoting surface expression and membrane insertion."
"We subsequently developed a high throughput assay based on the FP screen to identify compounds that are capable of disrupting the tripeptide interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1."
"We find that HCN1 and TRIP8b interact at two distinct sites: an upstream site where the C-linker/cyclic nucleotide-binding domain of HCN1 interacts with an 80 aa domain in the conserved central core of TRIP8b; and a downstream site where the C-terminal SNL (Ser-Asn-Leu) tripeptide of the channel interacts with the tetratricopeptide repeat domain of TRIP8b."
"As expected, a full length TRIP8b construct, IsoA4, bound to both HCN1 (386-591) (hereafter referred to as HCN1 CNBD) and HCN1 (778-910) (hereafter referred to as HCN1 C-term)."
"In addition, reduced dendritic transport of HCN1 channels or reduced association of HCN1 with the adaptor protein TRIP8b in the chronic period (resulting in diminished transport of HCN1 channels to CA1 pyramidal cell dendrites) may also contribute to epileptogenesis ( xref )."
"We next confirmed this dual interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b in mammalian HEK293T cells by coimmunoprecipitation."
"Together, these studies show that TRIP8b interacts with HCN1 at two distinct sites requiring two specific regions of the TRIP8b molecule."
"Moreover the binding of TRIP8b to the HCN1 DeltaSNL truncation mutant is abolished when a highly conserved arginine residue in the CNBD, which interacts with the cyclized phosphate of cAMP, is mutated to glutamate (R538E in HCN1 and R591E in HCN2)."
"Taken together, these results indicated a mechanism of dual binding of TRIP8b with HCN1 whereby the combination of both sets of TPR domains is required to bind to the C-terminal tripeptide of HCN1 (–SNL), while the first TPR set with 58 amino acid residues N-terminal to the TPR domains was required to bind to HCN1 CNBD ."
"We first investigated the interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b by yeast two-hybrid analysis of different domains of either protein."
"As expected, we found that the interaction of TRIP8b with the final 133 amino acids of HCN1 was interrupted by removal of the –SNL ending of HCN1 ( xref )."
"Such results support the view that TRIP8b does indeed antagonize the ability of cAMP to shift HCN1 channel opening to more positive potentials and that the interaction of TRIP8b with HCN1 may be weakened following patch excision."
"Interaction with the last three amino acids of the HCN1 C terminus governed the effect of TRIP8b on channel trafficking, whereas TRIP8b interaction with the HCN1 cyclic nucleotide binding domain (CNBD) affected trafficking and gating."
"This TRIP8b (1b-2) N-terminal deletion mutant (TRIP8b DeltaNX) still strongly binds to HCN1, indicating that the extreme N-terminus of TRIP8b is not necessary for channel binding."
"Interaction of HCN1 and TRIP8b in the Retina."
"We now report that 1) interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1 was markedly reduced at 28 d but not 1 d after SE and 2) TRIP8b remained enriched along with HCN2 in distal dendrites, whereas HCN1 was mislocalized to the soma at 28–30 d after SE."
"Here, we address the structural bases of the regulatory interactions between mouse TRIP8b and HCN1."
"In contrast, binding at the downstream interaction site serves to stabilize the C-terminal domain of TRIP8b, allowing for optimal interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b as well as for proper assembly of the molecular complexes that mediate the effects of TRIP8b on HCN1 channel trafficking."
"Using co-immunoprecipitation assays from Xenopus oocytes, we further determined that, in native conditions, both interaction sites contribute to the stability of the TRIP8b and HCN1 complex."
"In contrast, binding at the downstream interaction site serves to stabilize the C-terminal domain of TRIP8b, allowing for optimal interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b as well as for proper assembly of the molecular complexes that mediate the effects of TRIP8b on HCN1 channel trafficking."
"Now that the structural basis for Trip8b interaction with HCN1 has been resolved, a targeted approach using the corresponding regions on HCN4 as bait may prove fruitful and perhaps more direct than the original efforts."
"We also developed an FP-based high throughput screening assay to identify small molecules capable of disrupting the TRIP8b-HCN1 interaction, and we employed the assay to screen a library of 20,000 small molecules."
"These results, together with the robust biochemical association between HCN1 and TRIP8b in vivo (XREF_FIG) and the tight co-localization of the two proteins in the distal dendrites of cortical pyramidal neurons, strongly suggest that TRIP8b plays an important role in the regulation of I h in the brain."
"The interactions between wild-type HCN1 and TRIP8b are summarized in schematic form in XREF_FIG, which also provides a more speculative model to explain certain phenotypes of HCN1 and TRIP8b mutants."
"In contrast, the downstream interaction site stabilizes the C-terminal domain of TRIP8b, allowing for optimal interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b."
"Immunohistochemistry for TRIP8b and HCN1 demonstrated exquisite costaining in distal dendrites of CA1 and layer V neocortical pyramidal neurons, implying that TRIP8b’s association with at least HCN1 may play a functional role in vivo, an implication strengthened by the finding that TRIP8b enrichment in the distal dendrites of layer V neurons in the cortex was abolished in the HCN1 −/− mouse."
"Alterations in TRIP8b-HCN1 interactions may also contribute to the maladaptive changes in HCN1 expression associated with seizures that is thought to contribute to the development of epilepsy ( xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ), an effect that is, in part, due to a redistribution of HCN1 from the distal dendrites to the soma of CA1 neurons ( xref )."
"We now report that 1) interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1 was markedly reduced at 28 d but not 1 d after SE and 2) TRIP8b remained enriched along with HCN2 in distal dendrites, whereas HCN1 was mislocalized to the soma at 28-30 d after SE."
"Given the association between TRIP8b and HCN1 in regions of the mouse brain known to possess high levels of h channels and I h, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR it was surprising that Santoro et al. found coexpression of HCN1 or HCN2 with TRIP8b led to dramatic downregulation of I h and surface associated h channel protein in oocytes as well as in cultured hippocampal neurons, with the decrease in I h dependent upon the presence of the h channel C-terminal tripeptide."
"When the interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b is prevented by deletion of the HCN1 conserved C-terminal tripeptide (Ser-Asn-Leu), the channels are no longer targeted to the distal dendrites and are uniformly expressed throughout the CA1 somatodendritic compartment ( xref )."
"Thus, TRIP8b binding to HCN1 at the upstream CNBD interaction site must be sufficient to inhibit gating."
"Interestingly, a disruption of the interaction between the HCN1 subunits and TRIP8b has been reported as a mechanism underlying the channelopathic mislocation of h-channels in the kainate model of temporal lobe epilepsy (Shin et al., xref )."
"We subsequently developed a high throughput assay based on the FP screen to identify compounds that are capable of disrupting the tripeptide interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1."
"One explanation is that dendritic targeting and channel surface expression depend on distinct interactions of HCN1 with TRIP8b(1a-4) that are differentially sensitive to the loss of the SNL binding site."
"Furthermore, because h channel mislocalization was associated with disruption of interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b, these data suggest abnormal h channel trafficking could contribute to increased hippocampal excitability and seizure propensity in TLE."
"To tease out the molecular foundations for these different effects of TRIP8b on HCN channel gating and surface expression, we, along with our collaborators (as well as the work of an independent group) have recently demonstrated that the interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1 channels involves two separate molecular interfaces that differentially influence channel gating and surface expression [ xref , xref ]."
"We next confirmed this dual interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b in mammalian HEK293T cells by coimmunoprecipitation."
"Because different isoforms of TRIP8b elicited different effects on HCN1 mediated current and surface expression in HEK293T cells, yet all TRIP8b isoforms bind to HCN1, we tested if the differential structure of the isoforms might govern their effects on h channel trafficking and subcellular localization in neurons."
"This is consistent with recent reports that HCN1 and TRIP8b interact at two distinct sites ( xref ) and that the weakened binding between TRIP8b and HCN1 ΔSNL is sufficient to allow certain TRIP8b isoforms to enhance surface expression of the mutant channel (see Discussion)."
"Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that HCN1 and TRIP8b are indeed tightly associated in the brain."
"To our knowledge, this compound represents the first described inhibitor of the TRIP8b-HCN1 interaction."
"Next we examined whether AP trafficking proteins are, in fact, associated with the HCN1 and TRIP8b complexes."
"This observation is consistent with the fact that the TRIP8b DeltaTPR truncation mutant can efficiently bind to HCN1 at its C-helix and CNBD interaction site, and exert a normal inhibitory effect on channel gating (XREF_FIG, XREF_FIG)."
"To overcome the limitations of the siRNA approach, we expressed an EGFP tagged HCN1 truncation mutant (EGFP-HCN1 DeltaSNL) that lacks the HCN1 C-terminal SNL tripeptide required for high affinity binding of HCN1 to TRIP8b."
"Taken together, these results indicated a mechanism of dual binding of TRIP8b with HCN1 whereby the combination of both sets of TPR domains is required to bind to the C-terminal tripeptide of HCN1 (-SNL), while the first TPR set with 58 amino acid residues N-terminal to the TPR domains was required to bind to HCN1 CNBD."
"Furthermore, there is a decrease in the amount of TRIP8b associated with HCN1, but not HCN2."
"In contrast to TRIP8b(1a), binding of TRIP8b(1a-4) to HCN1 did not seem to markedly affect subcellular distribution of the channels, suggesting a more general role of TRIP8b(1a-4) in promoting surface expression and membrane insertion."
"To confirm that our active compound, NUCC-5953, disrupts the TRIP8b-HCN1 interaction (i.e., its activity in the FP assay is not due to fluorescence interference), we developed an orthogonal assay utilizing AlphaScreen technology."
"This implies that the normal interaction of HCN1 and TRIP8b at the downstream binding site may induce a conformational change in the TPR domain that allows for assembly of the trafficking complex."
"We first investigated the interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b by yeast two-hybrid analysis of different domains of either protein."
"This reduction of functional h channels in epileptic animals was associated with reduced interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b."
"We first sought to selectively disrupt the interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b (1b-2) by introducing a point mutation in a conserved TPR residue, N501K, which greatly diminishes the binding of the PEX5 TPR domain to the C-terminal " SKL " tripeptide in PEX5 target proteins."
"Thus, altered expression of HCN channels or I h is a phenomenon regularly observed in models of experimental epilepsy xref , xref , xref , xref , xref , xref , xref , xref , and even in human epilepsy xref , and altered interaction of HCN1 with TRIP8b could be a critical mechanism contributing to this phenomen xref ."
"Thus, loss of the interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b was not due to altered protein expression level of TRIP8b."
"The dendritic expression of TRIP8b in layer V pyramidal neurons is disrupted after deletion of HCN1 through homologous recombination, demonstrating a key in vivo interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b."
"One such phosphorylation site, located in the loop between TPR3 and TPR4, is poised to regulate the downstream interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1."
"Together, these studies show that TRIP8b interacts with HCN1 at two distinct sites requiring two specific regions of the TRIP8b molecule."
"Thus, disruption of TRIP8b and HCN1 binding at either the upstream or downstream interaction sites greatly reduces the ability of TRIP8b isoforms to downregulate HCN1 surface expression, but has a limited effect on the ability of TRIP8b isoforms to enhance surface expression."
"Finally, the interaction of TRIP8b with HCN1 in distal dendrites may be extremely stable and persist even when the pool of available TRIP8b is decreased ( xref )."
"Related to the HCN1 and TRIP8b interaction, it is interesting to note that this binding is dependent on SNL, the C-terminal tripeptide of mouse HCN1 [20]."
"This reduction of functional h channels in epileptic animals was associated with reduced interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b ( xref )."
"Under these conditions the binding between TRIP8b and HCN1 is reduced by cAMP in a concentration dependent manner."
"To overcome the limitations of the siRNA approach, we expressed an EGFP-tagged HCN1 truncation mutant (EGFP-HCN1 ΔSNL ) that lacks the HCN1 C-terminal SNL tripeptide required for high affinity binding of HCN1 to TRIP8b ( xref ; Santoro et al., 2011; xref )."
"The dendritic expression of TRIP8b in layer V pyramidal neurons is disrupted after deletion of HCN1 through homologous recombination, demonstrating a key in vivo interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b."
"Second, we find that the binding of TRIP8b to HCN1 is not altered when the corresponding arginine (R538) is substituted with alanine (HCN1 R538A), although we confirmed that the R538E mutation does weaken the binding of TRIP8b to the channel (XREF_FIG)."
"These observations suggest that TRIP8b interaction with HCN1 may be critical for h channel trafficking in CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites, and that yet unknown echanisms associated with TLE disrupt TRIP8b interaction with HCN1 and lead to h channel mislocalization."
"Because of the importance of the CNBD in h channel gating ( xref ; xref ), we reason that the TRIP8b interaction with the HCN1 CNBD could introduce steric effects to alter h channel gating."
"Biochemical studies revealed that direct interaction between TRIP8b and the HCN1 CNBD was disrupted by cAMP and that TRIP8b binding to the CNBD required an arginine residue also necessary for cAMP binding."
"Moreover, it suggests that when the TRIP8b and HCN1 interaction at the downstream site is prevented, there is an unmasking of a latent inhibitory effect exerted by the extreme C-terminus of HCN1 and/or the TPR domain of TRIP8b (see below and XREF_FIG)."
"Furthermore, because h channel mislocalization was associated with disruption of interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b, these data suggest abnormal h channel trafficking could contribute to increased hippocampal excitability and seizure propensity in TLE."
"Of further interest, the activation of I h in CA1 distal apical dendrites is shifted by ∼6 mV to more negative voltages than those required to activate I h in more proximal regions of the dendrite ( xref ), an effect that might be explained by a more prominent association of TRIP8b with HCN1 channels in the distal dendrites, where TRIP8b and HCN1 co-localization is tightest ( xref )."
"Our findings that mutations that perturb the downstream interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1 differentially alter the functional consequences of residual binding at the upstream site have interesting implications for the dynamic regulation of the TRIP8b and HCN1 interaction in vivo."
"We speculated that the interaction of TRIP8b with HCN1 might account for certain discrepancies between the properties of native and heterologously expressed I h ."
"Here, we address the structural bases of the regulatory interactions between mouse TRIP8b and HCN1."
"A displaced TPR domain could interfere with clathrin mediated endocytosis of the HCN1 and TRIP8b complex; deletion of the C-terminal portion of the TPR domain would remove this inhibitory effect, rescuing the ability of TRIP8b to mediate HCN channel endocytosis."
"Related to the HCN1 and TRIP8b interaction, it is interesting to note that this binding is dependent on SNL, the C-terminal tripeptide of mouse HCN1 [20] ."
"A recent biochemical study focused on the nature of the interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1 at the upstream interaction site, using a channel in which the C-terminal SNL tripeptide was deleted to prevent the interaction at the downstream site."
"When the interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b is prevented by deletion of the HCN1 conserved C-terminal tripeptide (Ser-Asn-Leu), the channels are no longer targeted to the distal dendrites and are uniformly expressed throughout the CA1 somatodendritic compartment."
"HCN1 CNBD interacted with TRIP8b IsoA4(1–451) but not TRIP8b IsoA2(1–374)."
"On the other hand, if interaction of HCN1 with TRIP8b alone enhances HCN1 protein expression or stability, then coexpression with either TRIP8b(1a-4) or TRIP8bΔN should enhance HCN1 protein levels."
"We found that isoform-wide disruption of the TRIP8b and HCN1 interaction caused HCN1 to be mistargeted throughout CA1 somatodendritic compartments."
"These observations suggest that TRIP8b interaction with HCN1 may be critical for h channel trafficking in CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites, and that yet unknown echanisms associated with TLE disrupt TRIP8b interaction with HCN1 and lead to h channel mislocalization."
"Indeed, we find that whereas the extreme N- and C-termini of HCN1 (outside of the SNL sequence) do not directly bind TRIP8b, these domains appear to modulate the functional association between HCN1 and TRIP8b."
"Thus, loss of the interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b was not due to altered protein expression level of TRIP8b."
"Here we have mapped distinct upstream and downstream sites of interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b, and defined the differential roles of these sites in the functional effects of three different TRIP8b splice variants on channel trafficking and cyclic nucleotide gating."
"Furthermore, this result confirms that an intact TPR domain is not required for an interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b at the upstream CNBD and core binding site in native conditions (see below)."
"HCN1, TRIP8b and AP-2 form a macromolecular complex in vivo."
"Interestingly, in vivo TRIP8b forms a molecular complex with HCN1 and AP-2, suggesting a potential mechanism for h channel endocytosis by some isoforms of TRIP8b. xref "
PEX5L binds FLNA and HCN1. 1 / 1
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"In addition, both proteins, Filamin A and TRIP8b interact with the C-terminus of HCN1, making a loss-of-interaction with these proteins an unlikely mechanism."
PEX5L increases the amount of HCN1.
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PEX5L increases the amount of HCN1. 19 / 19
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"XREF_BIBR previously reported that the reduction of all TRIP8b isoforms with siRNA suppresses HCN1 membrane expression and Ih in hippocampal neurons in dissociated cell culture."
"Indeed, whereas TRIP8b (1a-4) strongly increases HCN1 surface expression, this isoform decreases the surface expression of HCN2."
"In contrast, deletion of the TPR domain fully blocks the ability of TRIP8b (1a-4) to upregulate HCN1 surface expression (TRIP8b DeltaTPR, XREF_FIG)."
"Indeed, the effects of the internal deletion resembled the effects of the HCN1 SNL truncation and TRIP8b N to K mutations described above, with a significant loss of the ability of TRIP8b (1a) and TRIP8b (1b-2) to downregulate HCN1 surface expression."
"In contrast, TRIP8b (1a-4) enhances surface expression of HCN1."
"As mentioned above, these isoforms exert distinct effects on HCN1 trafficking : TRIP8b (1a-4) strongly increases HCN1 surface expression; TRIP8b (1a) produces a ~ 10 fold decrease of HCN1 surface expression in Xenopus oocytes but enhances HCN1 expression in a mammalian cell line; and TRIP8b (1b-2) essentially abolishes surface expression in both oocytes and mammalian cells (> 50-fold decrease) by promoting channel endocytosis."
"The ability of TRIP8b (1a-4) to upregulate surface membrane expression of HCN1 DeltaSNL raises the question as to why this interaction failed to localize properly the mutant channel to the CA1 distal dendrites."
"TRIP8b (1a-4) and TRIP8b (1a-2-4) (the naming convention lists the alternatively spliced exons) cause a 4-6 fold increase in surface expression of HCN1 channels when co-expressed in Xenopus oocytes."
"This suggests that the lack of effect of wild-type TRIP8b (1a-2) on I h levels may result from opposing influences of distinct sequences to enhance HCN1 expression and promote channel internalization."
"To test the hypothesis that TRIP8b (1a-4) enhances HCN1 surface expression and targets the channel to its proper dendritic locale whereas TRIP8b (1a) prevents axonal expression of the channel, we examined the effects of viral overexpression of these two TRIP8b isoforms, both fused to an HA tag to allow us to distinguish exogenous from endogenous protein."
"Of the two remaining hippocampal TRIP8b isoforms, TRIP8b (1a-4) promoted HCN1 surface expression in dendrites whereas TRIP8b (1a) suppressed HCN1 misexpression in axons."
"Coexpression of Nedd4-2 and HCN1 drastically reduced the HCN1 mediated h-current amplitude (85-92%) in Xenopus laevis oocytes and reduced surface expression (34%) of HCN1 channels in HEK293 cells, thereby opposing effects of tetratricopeptide repeat containing Rab8b interacting protein (TRIP8b)-(1a-4), an auxiliary subunit that promotes HCN1 surface expression."
"The opposing effects of different TRIP8b isoforms to upregulate or down-regulate levels of HCN1 expression provide an attractive molecular mechanism to mediate the reported up- and downregulation of I h and HCN1 levels as a function of neural activity."
"Downregulation of HCN1 surface expression by TRIP8b (1a) in Xenopus oocytes is dependent on the presence of a dileucine adaptor protein trafficking motif in the N-terminal domain of the TRIP8b protein."
"Co-transfection of GFP-TRIP8b (1a-4) with HCN1 WT increased the surface expression of HCN1 WT by fivefold."
"To explore whether lysosomal degradation contributes to reduced HCN1 protein levels in cells lacking TRIP8b, we transfected HEK293T cells with HCN1 and an isoform of TRIP8b known to enhance HCN1 surface expression, TRIP8b (1a-4), or with a TRIP8b construct that binds TRIP8b but lacks the alternatively spliced N-terminus that controls surface expression (TRIP8bDeltaN)."
"As a positive control, HCN1 WT was co-expressed with GFP tagged TRIP8b (1a-4), because this specific splice isoform of TRIP8b is known to increase surface expression of HCN1 [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."
"In contrast, TRIP8b (1a-4) increases the level of GFP-HCN1 associated with the dendritic plasma membrane when over-expressed in neurons in vivo (see below, Figure 7)."
"The most abundant isoform in hippocampus, TRIP8b (1a-4), dramatically enhances surface expression of HCN1 channels, whereas other isoforms (such as the low abundant 1b-2 isoform) may have opposite effects and abolish HCN1 membrane trafficking XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."
Modified PEX5L increases the amount of HCN1. 2 / 2
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"In the retina, loss of TRIP8b decreases the amount of HCN1 that is expressed, but the channel still traffics to the surface of retinal neurons (unpublished data)."
"We had previously been surprised to find that loss of TRIP8b did not decrease the surface expression of HCN1 in the retina (beyond that dictated by the reduction in total HCN1 protein available) as it does in cortical neurons [XREF_BIBR]."
PEX5L decreases the amount of HCN1.
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PEX5L decreases the amount of HCN1. 21 / 21
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"Surprisingly, both of these truncated TRIP8b isoforms efficiently downregulated HCN1 surface expression, very similar to the effects of the wild-type isoforms (XREF_FIG)."
"Given that TRIP8b (1a) downregulates HCN1 surface expression in Xenopus oocytes, our findings suggest that TRIP8b (1a) may act to suppress HCN1 channel misexpression in CA1 neuron axons."
"As mentioned above, these isoforms exert distinct effects on HCN1 trafficking : TRIP8b (1a-4) strongly increases HCN1 surface expression; TRIP8b (1a) produces a ~ 10 fold decrease of HCN1 surface expression in Xenopus oocytes but enhances HCN1 expression in a mammalian cell line; and TRIP8b (1b-2) essentially abolishes surface expression in both oocytes and mammalian cells (> 50-fold decrease) by promoting channel endocytosis."
"TRIP8b (1b-2) overexpression causes a near complete loss of HCN1 surface expression and Ih, in both heterologous cells and hippocampal neurons."
"These immunohistochemistry data, together with previous findings that TRIP8b (1a-4) promotes HCN1 surface expression in heterologous cells, suggest that TRIP8b (1a-4) is likely to be a key TRIP8b isoform that promotes the surface expression and efficient targeting of HCN1 to the CA1 distal dendrites."
"Knock-down of TRIP8b impaired the expression of EGFP-HCN1 in CA1 distal dendrites."
"In particular, we suggest that TRIP8b (1a) largely prevents HCN1 misexpression in axons whereas TRIP8b (1a-4) enhances channel surface expression and ensures proper dendritic targeting."
"In agreement with this notion, TRIP8b isoforms that prevent HCN1 expression have been suggested to be located in adult hippocampal CA1 axons."
"TRIP8b (1a) also decreases expression of HCN1, although the reduction in current density is ~ 10-fold, significantly less than the effect of TRIP8b (1b-2) or TRIP8b (1b-2-4)."
"Whereas the SNL deletion only partially inhibited channel downregulation with TRIP8b (1b-2), it fully blocked the effect of TRIP8b (1a) to decrease HCN1 expression."
"Thus, the decreased ability of TRIP8b (1b-2) to abolish HCN1 surface expression seen with truncation of the channel 's SNL tripeptide is rescued upon truncation of the entire non conserved C-terminus of HCN1 (XREF_FIG)."
"Downregulation of HCN1 surface expression by TRIP8b (1a) in Xenopus oocytes is dependent on the presence of a dileucine adaptor protein trafficking motif in the N-terminal domain of the TRIP8b protein."
"Of the two remaining hippocampal TRIP8b isoforms, TRIP8b (1a-4) promoted HCN1 surface expression in dendrites whereas TRIP8b (1a) suppressed HCN1 misexpression in axons."
"Deletion of the SNL tripeptide caused a selective impairment in the downregulation of HCN1 surface expression by either TRIP8b (1a) or TRIP8b (1b-2)."
"Our mutagenesis experiments establish the role of the YXXL and EXXXLL consensus AP binding site motifs, present in exon 2 and exon 5, respectively, in the action of distinct TRIP8b isoforms to decrease the surface expression of HCN1 channels."
"As downregulation of TRIP8b with siRNA decreases HCN1 surface expression, the HCN1 DeltaSNL results further indicate that the actions of TRIP8b to enable proper surface membrane expression and direct distal dendritic targeting of HCN1 are dissociable functions."
"Differential phosphorylation may also explain why TRIP8b (1a) downregulates HCN1 surface expression in Xenopus oocytes whereas it upregulates HCN1 in a mammalian cell line."
"In addition to confirming these in vitro results, we found that downregulation of TRIP8b in vivo inhibited HCN1 membrane expression and Ih in CA1 neurons."
"TRIP8b 1a was reported to inhibit the axonal localization of HCN1, and may up- or down-regulate HCN1 surface expression depending on the cell type in which it is expressed."
"In contrast, TRIP8b (1a) decreases HCN1 surface expression by 10-fold, and both TRIP8b (1b-2) and TRIP8b (1b-2-4) virtually eliminate channel surface expression."
"The effect of TRIP8b (1a) depends on cellular context, causing a 10-fold decrease in HCN1 surface expression in oocytes while enhancing HCN1 expression in HEK293 cells."
PEX5L inhibits HCN1.
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PEX5L inhibits HCN1. 15 / 15
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"These results imply that a reduction in TRIP8b expression produces a defect in HCN1 membrane trafficking."
"TRIP8b (1b-2) and TRIP8b (1b-2-4) cause a near complete loss of surface expression; TRIP8b (1a) causes a smaller but still marked ~ 10-fold decrease in HCN1 current density; TRIP8b (1a-2) has no effect on surface expression; and TRIP8b (1a-4) and TRIP8b (1a-2-4) cause up to a ~ 6-fold increase in surface expression."
"Thus, if TRIP8b inhibits HCN1 gating by antagonizing the facilitatory action of basal levels of cAMP, then we expect that the gating of the two mutant channels should be unaffected by the presence of TRIP8b."
"Indeed, the internal deletion abolished the ability of TRIP8b (1a-4) to inhibit HCN1 gating (XREF_FIG), confirming the importance of the upstream CNBD and core interaction in regulating channel opening."
"As downregulation of TRIP8b with siRNA decreases HCN1 surface expression, the HCN1 DeltaSNL results further indicate that the actions of TRIP8b to enable proper surface membrane expression and direct distal dendritic targeting of HCN1 are dissociable functions."
"Conversely, selective disruption of the downstream interaction site, either by introducing the N to K mutation in the TRIP8b (1a-4) TPR domain or by ablating the TPR domain in the TRIP8b (1a-4) DeltaTPR construct, had essentially no effect on the ability of TRIP8b to inhibit HCN1 gating (XREF_FIG)."
"As TRIP8b DeltaNterm can bind efficiently to HCN1 at the downstream SNL and TPR interaction site but can not bind to HCN channels at the upstream C-linker and CNBD site, the upstream interaction must be critical for the TRIP8b dependent inhibition of HCN1 channel opening."
"In a previous study, our laboratory found that the action of TRIP8b to antagonize the cAMP dependent shift in HCN1 voltage gating observed in intact cells was greatly diminished upon patch excision when TRIP8b and HCN1 were expressed independently, perhaps because of instability of the complex and/or loss of some intracellular modulatory factor."
"Furthermore, TRIP8b can inhibit the axonal distribution of HCN1 in the medial perforant path XREF_BIBR."
"The simplest interpretation of these results is that TRIP8b does indeed inhibit HCN1 gating by antagonizing the actions of basal levels of cAMP."
"Thus, the effect of TRIP8b (1a) to downregulate HCN1 requires a dileucine based trafficking motif in exon 5 whereas channel downregulation with TRIP8b (1b-2) depends on a tyrosine based trafficking motif in exon 2."
"TRIP8b isoforms could up- or down-regulate HCN1 mediated I h by altering the channel conductance or by changing the number of channels expressed on the cell surface."
"Although the near complete downregulation of HCN1 current with TRIP8b (1b-2) prevented us from examining its effects on channel gating, the TRIP8b (1b-2) Y38A and L41A exon 2 mutant, which does not downregulate HCN1, also exerts a hyperpolarizing shift in HCN1 gating."
"TRIP8b inhibits HCN1 channel opening."
"Trip8b inhibits HCN1 by reducing its sensitivity to cAMP and the efficacy by which cAMP opens the channel."
PEX5L bound to HCN1 inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
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"We found that isoform-wide disruption of the TRIP8b and HCN1 interaction caused HCN1 to be mistargeted throughout CA1 somatodendritic compartments."
PEX5L activates HCN1.
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PEX5L activates HCN1. 12 / 12
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"The upregulation or downregulation of I h density produced by these newly characterized TRIP8b isoforms appear to be caused largely by changes in channel surface expression, similar to our previous finding that TRIP8b (1b-2) promotes endocytosis of surface HCN1 channels."
"With respect to these four mechanisms, perhaps the simplest view is that TRIP8b (1a-4) promotes HCN1 distal dendritic targeting through mechanism 1 whereas TRIP8b (1a) prevents axonal mislocalization through mechanism 2."
"In hippocampal neurons, coexpression of TRIP8b isoforms with HCN1 produced isoform specific changes of HCN1 localization."
"Viral expression of TRIP8b siRNA, but not control siRNA, caused a marked redistribution of HCN1 in CA1 neurons, with a significant increase in channel staining in the somatic layer and proximal dendrites in SR, compared to uninfected neurons in the same slice (XREF_FIG)."
"However, TRIP8b alone is not sufficient for the distal enrichment of HCN1 channels as endogenous or exogenous expression of TRIP8b in dissociated hippocampal neuron cultures fails to target HCN1 to the PN distal dendrites."
"Reduction of TRIP8b disrupted HCN1 protein trafficking in CA1 pyramidal neurons."
"Moreover, in vivo expression of TRIP8b (1a-4) produces a marked increase in the level of GFP tagged HCN1 protein associated with the dendritic plasma membrane (XREF_FIG)."
"Moreover, we found that TRIP8b (1a-4), which upregulates HCN1 in heterologous systems, is the key isoform involved in dendritic expression of HCN1."
"An increase in the expression of TRIP8b splice variants that cause HCN1 internalization could produce such a long-term downregulation of I h current density without altering total protein levels."
"In accord, increasing cAMP levels in cells antagonized the up-regulation of HCN1 channels mediated by a TRIP8b construct binding the CNBD exclusively."
"However, the extent to which TRIP8b modulates HCN1 can vary."
"Indeed, we have previously shown that TRIP8b (1b-2) induces the near-complete internalization of HCN1 from the plasma membrane, resulting in an accumulation of channel protein in intracellular vesicles, a subset of which can be identified as early endosomes."
PEX5L glycosylates HCN1.
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PEX5L leads to the glycosylation of HCN1. 1 / 1
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"Regulation may further include N glycosylation of HCN1 channels, which is significantly enhanced by TRIP8b (1a-4), but may be reduced by Nedd4-2."
HCN1 affects PEX5L
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HCN1 binds PEX5L.
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"HCN1 and TRIP8b interact in the retina as confirmed by immunoprecipitation from retinal membranes ( xref )."
"In contrast to TRIP8b (1a), binding of TRIP8b (1a-4) to HCN1 did not seem to markedly affect subcellular distribution of the channels, suggesting a more general role of TRIP8b (1a-4) in promoting surface expression and membrane insertion."
"We subsequently developed a high throughput assay based on the FP screen to identify compounds that are capable of disrupting the tripeptide interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1."
"We find that HCN1 and TRIP8b interact at two distinct sites: an upstream site where the C-linker/cyclic nucleotide-binding domain of HCN1 interacts with an 80 aa domain in the conserved central core of TRIP8b; and a downstream site where the C-terminal SNL (Ser-Asn-Leu) tripeptide of the channel interacts with the tetratricopeptide repeat domain of TRIP8b."
"As expected, a full length TRIP8b construct, IsoA4, bound to both HCN1 (386-591) (hereafter referred to as HCN1 CNBD) and HCN1 (778-910) (hereafter referred to as HCN1 C-term)."
"In addition, reduced dendritic transport of HCN1 channels or reduced association of HCN1 with the adaptor protein TRIP8b in the chronic period (resulting in diminished transport of HCN1 channels to CA1 pyramidal cell dendrites) may also contribute to epileptogenesis ( xref )."
"We next confirmed this dual interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b in mammalian HEK293T cells by coimmunoprecipitation."
"Together, these studies show that TRIP8b interacts with HCN1 at two distinct sites requiring two specific regions of the TRIP8b molecule."
"Moreover the binding of TRIP8b to the HCN1 DeltaSNL truncation mutant is abolished when a highly conserved arginine residue in the CNBD, which interacts with the cyclized phosphate of cAMP, is mutated to glutamate (R538E in HCN1 and R591E in HCN2)."
"Taken together, these results indicated a mechanism of dual binding of TRIP8b with HCN1 whereby the combination of both sets of TPR domains is required to bind to the C-terminal tripeptide of HCN1 (–SNL), while the first TPR set with 58 amino acid residues N-terminal to the TPR domains was required to bind to HCN1 CNBD ."
"We first investigated the interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b by yeast two-hybrid analysis of different domains of either protein."
"As expected, we found that the interaction of TRIP8b with the final 133 amino acids of HCN1 was interrupted by removal of the –SNL ending of HCN1 ( xref )."
"Such results support the view that TRIP8b does indeed antagonize the ability of cAMP to shift HCN1 channel opening to more positive potentials and that the interaction of TRIP8b with HCN1 may be weakened following patch excision."
"Interaction with the last three amino acids of the HCN1 C terminus governed the effect of TRIP8b on channel trafficking, whereas TRIP8b interaction with the HCN1 cyclic nucleotide binding domain (CNBD) affected trafficking and gating."
"This TRIP8b (1b-2) N-terminal deletion mutant (TRIP8b DeltaNX) still strongly binds to HCN1, indicating that the extreme N-terminus of TRIP8b is not necessary for channel binding."
"Interaction of HCN1 and TRIP8b in the Retina."
"We now report that 1) interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1 was markedly reduced at 28 d but not 1 d after SE and 2) TRIP8b remained enriched along with HCN2 in distal dendrites, whereas HCN1 was mislocalized to the soma at 28–30 d after SE."
"Here, we address the structural bases of the regulatory interactions between mouse TRIP8b and HCN1."
"In contrast, binding at the downstream interaction site serves to stabilize the C-terminal domain of TRIP8b, allowing for optimal interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b as well as for proper assembly of the molecular complexes that mediate the effects of TRIP8b on HCN1 channel trafficking."
"Using co-immunoprecipitation assays from Xenopus oocytes, we further determined that, in native conditions, both interaction sites contribute to the stability of the TRIP8b and HCN1 complex."
"In contrast, binding at the downstream interaction site serves to stabilize the C-terminal domain of TRIP8b, allowing for optimal interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b as well as for proper assembly of the molecular complexes that mediate the effects of TRIP8b on HCN1 channel trafficking."
"Now that the structural basis for Trip8b interaction with HCN1 has been resolved, a targeted approach using the corresponding regions on HCN4 as bait may prove fruitful and perhaps more direct than the original efforts."
"We also developed an FP-based high throughput screening assay to identify small molecules capable of disrupting the TRIP8b-HCN1 interaction, and we employed the assay to screen a library of 20,000 small molecules."
"These results, together with the robust biochemical association between HCN1 and TRIP8b in vivo (XREF_FIG) and the tight co-localization of the two proteins in the distal dendrites of cortical pyramidal neurons, strongly suggest that TRIP8b plays an important role in the regulation of I h in the brain."
"The interactions between wild-type HCN1 and TRIP8b are summarized in schematic form in XREF_FIG, which also provides a more speculative model to explain certain phenotypes of HCN1 and TRIP8b mutants."
"In contrast, the downstream interaction site stabilizes the C-terminal domain of TRIP8b, allowing for optimal interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b."
"Immunohistochemistry for TRIP8b and HCN1 demonstrated exquisite costaining in distal dendrites of CA1 and layer V neocortical pyramidal neurons, implying that TRIP8b’s association with at least HCN1 may play a functional role in vivo, an implication strengthened by the finding that TRIP8b enrichment in the distal dendrites of layer V neurons in the cortex was abolished in the HCN1 −/− mouse."
"Alterations in TRIP8b-HCN1 interactions may also contribute to the maladaptive changes in HCN1 expression associated with seizures that is thought to contribute to the development of epilepsy ( xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ), an effect that is, in part, due to a redistribution of HCN1 from the distal dendrites to the soma of CA1 neurons ( xref )."
"We now report that 1) interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1 was markedly reduced at 28 d but not 1 d after SE and 2) TRIP8b remained enriched along with HCN2 in distal dendrites, whereas HCN1 was mislocalized to the soma at 28-30 d after SE."
"Given the association between TRIP8b and HCN1 in regions of the mouse brain known to possess high levels of h channels and I h, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR it was surprising that Santoro et al. found coexpression of HCN1 or HCN2 with TRIP8b led to dramatic downregulation of I h and surface associated h channel protein in oocytes as well as in cultured hippocampal neurons, with the decrease in I h dependent upon the presence of the h channel C-terminal tripeptide."
"When the interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b is prevented by deletion of the HCN1 conserved C-terminal tripeptide (Ser-Asn-Leu), the channels are no longer targeted to the distal dendrites and are uniformly expressed throughout the CA1 somatodendritic compartment ( xref )."
"Thus, TRIP8b binding to HCN1 at the upstream CNBD interaction site must be sufficient to inhibit gating."
"Interestingly, a disruption of the interaction between the HCN1 subunits and TRIP8b has been reported as a mechanism underlying the channelopathic mislocation of h-channels in the kainate model of temporal lobe epilepsy (Shin et al., xref )."
"We subsequently developed a high throughput assay based on the FP screen to identify compounds that are capable of disrupting the tripeptide interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1."
"One explanation is that dendritic targeting and channel surface expression depend on distinct interactions of HCN1 with TRIP8b(1a-4) that are differentially sensitive to the loss of the SNL binding site."
"Furthermore, because h channel mislocalization was associated with disruption of interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b, these data suggest abnormal h channel trafficking could contribute to increased hippocampal excitability and seizure propensity in TLE."
"To tease out the molecular foundations for these different effects of TRIP8b on HCN channel gating and surface expression, we, along with our collaborators (as well as the work of an independent group) have recently demonstrated that the interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1 channels involves two separate molecular interfaces that differentially influence channel gating and surface expression [ xref , xref ]."
"We next confirmed this dual interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b in mammalian HEK293T cells by coimmunoprecipitation."
"Because different isoforms of TRIP8b elicited different effects on HCN1 mediated current and surface expression in HEK293T cells, yet all TRIP8b isoforms bind to HCN1, we tested if the differential structure of the isoforms might govern their effects on h channel trafficking and subcellular localization in neurons."
"This is consistent with recent reports that HCN1 and TRIP8b interact at two distinct sites ( xref ) and that the weakened binding between TRIP8b and HCN1 ΔSNL is sufficient to allow certain TRIP8b isoforms to enhance surface expression of the mutant channel (see Discussion)."
"Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that HCN1 and TRIP8b are indeed tightly associated in the brain."
"To our knowledge, this compound represents the first described inhibitor of the TRIP8b-HCN1 interaction."
"Next we examined whether AP trafficking proteins are, in fact, associated with the HCN1 and TRIP8b complexes."
"This observation is consistent with the fact that the TRIP8b DeltaTPR truncation mutant can efficiently bind to HCN1 at its C-helix and CNBD interaction site, and exert a normal inhibitory effect on channel gating (XREF_FIG, XREF_FIG)."
"To overcome the limitations of the siRNA approach, we expressed an EGFP tagged HCN1 truncation mutant (EGFP-HCN1 DeltaSNL) that lacks the HCN1 C-terminal SNL tripeptide required for high affinity binding of HCN1 to TRIP8b."
"Taken together, these results indicated a mechanism of dual binding of TRIP8b with HCN1 whereby the combination of both sets of TPR domains is required to bind to the C-terminal tripeptide of HCN1 (-SNL), while the first TPR set with 58 amino acid residues N-terminal to the TPR domains was required to bind to HCN1 CNBD."
"Furthermore, there is a decrease in the amount of TRIP8b associated with HCN1, but not HCN2."
"In contrast to TRIP8b(1a), binding of TRIP8b(1a-4) to HCN1 did not seem to markedly affect subcellular distribution of the channels, suggesting a more general role of TRIP8b(1a-4) in promoting surface expression and membrane insertion."
"To confirm that our active compound, NUCC-5953, disrupts the TRIP8b-HCN1 interaction (i.e., its activity in the FP assay is not due to fluorescence interference), we developed an orthogonal assay utilizing AlphaScreen technology."
"This implies that the normal interaction of HCN1 and TRIP8b at the downstream binding site may induce a conformational change in the TPR domain that allows for assembly of the trafficking complex."
"We first investigated the interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b by yeast two-hybrid analysis of different domains of either protein."
"This reduction of functional h channels in epileptic animals was associated with reduced interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b."
"We first sought to selectively disrupt the interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b (1b-2) by introducing a point mutation in a conserved TPR residue, N501K, which greatly diminishes the binding of the PEX5 TPR domain to the C-terminal " SKL " tripeptide in PEX5 target proteins."
"Thus, altered expression of HCN channels or I h is a phenomenon regularly observed in models of experimental epilepsy xref , xref , xref , xref , xref , xref , xref , xref , and even in human epilepsy xref , and altered interaction of HCN1 with TRIP8b could be a critical mechanism contributing to this phenomen xref ."
"Thus, loss of the interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b was not due to altered protein expression level of TRIP8b."
"The dendritic expression of TRIP8b in layer V pyramidal neurons is disrupted after deletion of HCN1 through homologous recombination, demonstrating a key in vivo interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b."
"One such phosphorylation site, located in the loop between TPR3 and TPR4, is poised to regulate the downstream interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1."
"Together, these studies show that TRIP8b interacts with HCN1 at two distinct sites requiring two specific regions of the TRIP8b molecule."
"Thus, disruption of TRIP8b and HCN1 binding at either the upstream or downstream interaction sites greatly reduces the ability of TRIP8b isoforms to downregulate HCN1 surface expression, but has a limited effect on the ability of TRIP8b isoforms to enhance surface expression."
"Finally, the interaction of TRIP8b with HCN1 in distal dendrites may be extremely stable and persist even when the pool of available TRIP8b is decreased ( xref )."
"Related to the HCN1 and TRIP8b interaction, it is interesting to note that this binding is dependent on SNL, the C-terminal tripeptide of mouse HCN1 [20]."
"This reduction of functional h channels in epileptic animals was associated with reduced interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b ( xref )."
"Under these conditions the binding between TRIP8b and HCN1 is reduced by cAMP in a concentration dependent manner."
"To overcome the limitations of the siRNA approach, we expressed an EGFP-tagged HCN1 truncation mutant (EGFP-HCN1 ΔSNL ) that lacks the HCN1 C-terminal SNL tripeptide required for high affinity binding of HCN1 to TRIP8b ( xref ; Santoro et al., 2011; xref )."
"The dendritic expression of TRIP8b in layer V pyramidal neurons is disrupted after deletion of HCN1 through homologous recombination, demonstrating a key in vivo interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b."
"Second, we find that the binding of TRIP8b to HCN1 is not altered when the corresponding arginine (R538) is substituted with alanine (HCN1 R538A), although we confirmed that the R538E mutation does weaken the binding of TRIP8b to the channel (XREF_FIG)."
"These observations suggest that TRIP8b interaction with HCN1 may be critical for h channel trafficking in CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites, and that yet unknown echanisms associated with TLE disrupt TRIP8b interaction with HCN1 and lead to h channel mislocalization."
"Because of the importance of the CNBD in h channel gating ( xref ; xref ), we reason that the TRIP8b interaction with the HCN1 CNBD could introduce steric effects to alter h channel gating."
"Biochemical studies revealed that direct interaction between TRIP8b and the HCN1 CNBD was disrupted by cAMP and that TRIP8b binding to the CNBD required an arginine residue also necessary for cAMP binding."
"Moreover, it suggests that when the TRIP8b and HCN1 interaction at the downstream site is prevented, there is an unmasking of a latent inhibitory effect exerted by the extreme C-terminus of HCN1 and/or the TPR domain of TRIP8b (see below and XREF_FIG)."
"Furthermore, because h channel mislocalization was associated with disruption of interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b, these data suggest abnormal h channel trafficking could contribute to increased hippocampal excitability and seizure propensity in TLE."
"Of further interest, the activation of I h in CA1 distal apical dendrites is shifted by ∼6 mV to more negative voltages than those required to activate I h in more proximal regions of the dendrite ( xref ), an effect that might be explained by a more prominent association of TRIP8b with HCN1 channels in the distal dendrites, where TRIP8b and HCN1 co-localization is tightest ( xref )."
"Our findings that mutations that perturb the downstream interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1 differentially alter the functional consequences of residual binding at the upstream site have interesting implications for the dynamic regulation of the TRIP8b and HCN1 interaction in vivo."
"We speculated that the interaction of TRIP8b with HCN1 might account for certain discrepancies between the properties of native and heterologously expressed I h ."
"Here, we address the structural bases of the regulatory interactions between mouse TRIP8b and HCN1."
"A displaced TPR domain could interfere with clathrin mediated endocytosis of the HCN1 and TRIP8b complex; deletion of the C-terminal portion of the TPR domain would remove this inhibitory effect, rescuing the ability of TRIP8b to mediate HCN channel endocytosis."
"Related to the HCN1 and TRIP8b interaction, it is interesting to note that this binding is dependent on SNL, the C-terminal tripeptide of mouse HCN1 [20] ."
"A recent biochemical study focused on the nature of the interaction between TRIP8b and HCN1 at the upstream interaction site, using a channel in which the C-terminal SNL tripeptide was deleted to prevent the interaction at the downstream site."
"When the interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b is prevented by deletion of the HCN1 conserved C-terminal tripeptide (Ser-Asn-Leu), the channels are no longer targeted to the distal dendrites and are uniformly expressed throughout the CA1 somatodendritic compartment."
"HCN1 CNBD interacted with TRIP8b IsoA4(1–451) but not TRIP8b IsoA2(1–374)."
"On the other hand, if interaction of HCN1 with TRIP8b alone enhances HCN1 protein expression or stability, then coexpression with either TRIP8b(1a-4) or TRIP8bΔN should enhance HCN1 protein levels."
"We found that isoform-wide disruption of the TRIP8b and HCN1 interaction caused HCN1 to be mistargeted throughout CA1 somatodendritic compartments."
"These observations suggest that TRIP8b interaction with HCN1 may be critical for h channel trafficking in CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites, and that yet unknown echanisms associated with TLE disrupt TRIP8b interaction with HCN1 and lead to h channel mislocalization."
"Indeed, we find that whereas the extreme N- and C-termini of HCN1 (outside of the SNL sequence) do not directly bind TRIP8b, these domains appear to modulate the functional association between HCN1 and TRIP8b."
"Thus, loss of the interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b was not due to altered protein expression level of TRIP8b."
"Here we have mapped distinct upstream and downstream sites of interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b, and defined the differential roles of these sites in the functional effects of three different TRIP8b splice variants on channel trafficking and cyclic nucleotide gating."
"Furthermore, this result confirms that an intact TPR domain is not required for an interaction between HCN1 and TRIP8b at the upstream CNBD and core binding site in native conditions (see below)."
"HCN1, TRIP8b and AP-2 form a macromolecular complex in vivo."
"Interestingly, in vivo TRIP8b forms a molecular complex with HCN1 and AP-2, suggesting a potential mechanism for h channel endocytosis by some isoforms of TRIP8b. xref "
PEX5L binds FLNA and HCN1. 1 / 1
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"In addition, both proteins, Filamin A and TRIP8b interact with the C-terminus of HCN1, making a loss-of-interaction with these proteins an unlikely mechanism."
HCN1 activates PEX5L.
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HCN1 activates PEX5L. 3 / 3
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"However, the effects of HCN1 DeltaSNL and HCN1 DeltaCX diverged when tested against TRIP8b (1b-2); surprisingly, truncation of the entire HCN1 extreme C-terminus restored the capacity of TRIP8b (1b-2) to fully abolish channel surface expression."
"In the medial perforant path, which normally contains HCN1 channels in axon terminals in immature but not in adult rodents, we found axonal HCN1 significantly increased in adult mice lacking TRIP8b (TRIP8b -/-)."
"To examine how reduction in TRIP8b causes loss of Ih, we used immunohistochemistry to examine the expression and localization of HCN1 protein (the predominant HCN isoform in pyramidal neurons) following siRNA mediated knockdown of TRIP8b."
HCN1 inhibits PEX5L.
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HCN1 inhibits PEX5L. 2 / 2
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"Moreover, deletion of the extreme N-terminus of HCN1 strongly enhances the ability of TRIP8b (1a) to downregulate channel surface expression (A. Kushnir and B. Santoro, unpublished observation)."
"Truncation of the entire extreme C-terminus of HCN1 distal to the CNBD (HCN1 DeltaCX) also fully blocked the capacity of TRIP8b (1a) to decrease channel surface expression with no effect on the enhancement of channel surface expression with TRIP8b (1a-4), similar to the effects seen above with the SNL deletion (XREF_FIG)."
Ketamine affects HCN1
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Ketamine inhibits HCN1.
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"Ketamine caused subunit specific inhibition of recombinant HCN1 containing channels and neuronal I h at clinically relevant concentrations; the channels were more potently inhibited by S-(+)-ketamine than racemic ketamine, consistent with anesthetic actions of the compounds."
"Nonetheless, these data argue strongly that ketamine and propofol inhibit HCN1 containing channels and dendritic I h in cortical neurons to mediate enhanced dendritosomatic synaptic integration."
"Inhibition of HCN1 channels by ketamine accounts for its antidepressant actions."
"Ketamine acts as an NMDA receptor (NMDAR) antagonist and also blocks GABA A receptors as well as HCN1 cation channels."
"We suggest that ketamine inhibition of HCN1 shifts cortical neuron electroresponsive properties to contribute to ketamine induced hypnosis."
"On the contrary, higher doses of Ketamine (50-100mg/kg), inhibits both NMDA receptors and the HCN1 pacemaker channels."
"XREF_BIBR Ketamine has also been posited to inhibit HCN1 receptors, which mediate the hyperpolarisation activated cation current."
"These data indicate that HCN2 homomeric channels are relatively unaffected by ketamine, but HCN1 containing channels are strongly inhibited by ketamine in either homomeric or heteromeric configurations."
"Ketamine reduces HCN1 activity to elicit antidepressant effects."
"Thus, ketamine inhibits HCN1 containing channels at clinically relevant concentrations and with a stereoselectivity similar to that observed for its anesthetic actions."
"Here, we show that ketamine is a potent inhibitor of cloned HCN1 containing channels and of I h in cortical pyramidal neurons; concordant with its anesthetic actions, we found that inhibition by ketamine is stereoselective and evident at clinically relevant concentrations."
"Ketamine inhibits HCN1 mediated I h currents at an EC 50 of 15 muM [XREF_BIBR] while it blocks NMDAR channels at EC 50 of 9 muM [XREF_BIBR]."
"Whereas such in vitro results provide a strong correlative argument to implicate NMDA receptors, we find that the same case can be made for HCN1 channels : EC 50 values obtained for ketamine inhibition of HCN1 channels are within a clinically relevant range and HCN1 channels are more potently inhibited by S-(+)-ketamine than racemic ketamine."
"In our earlier work, we made the unexpected observation that ketamine inhibited recombinant HCN1 channels at clinically relevant concentrations via a decrease in maximal current amplitude and a hyperpolarizing shift in the V1/2 of channel activation 4."
"However, HCN1 channel inhibition by ketamine shares a number of characteristics with that described for propofol, including HCN1 subunit-selectivity, insensitivity to cAMP and higher apparent affinity for shifts in V (1/2) than for suppression of maximal current."
"We previously showed that HCN1 channels are inhibited by ketamine and demonstrated that global HCN1 knockout mice are two-fold less sensitive to hypnotic actions of ketamine."
"Importantly, whereas ketamine increased EPSP temporal summation by ~ 28% (from 1.9 +/- 0.2 to 2.5 +/- 0.2, n = 5, p < 0.05) in HCN1 f/f mice, this effect of ketamine was totally eliminated in pyramidal neurons of CaMKCre : HCN1 f/f mice (from 3.1 +/- 0.2 to 3.2 +/- 0.2, n = 5, P> 0.05)."
"Because ketamine also blocks HCN1 channels and these channels are expressed on pyramidal neuron dendrites where they regulate dendrosomatic charge transfer and temporal synchronization, we examined whether the effects of ketamine are mimicked by an HCN inhibitor."
"In this latter respect, we found that ketamine mediated inhibition of HCN1 containing channels in cortical pyramidal neurons enhances dendritosomatic synaptic integration, an effect that would support the synaptically mediated slow cortical rhythms that accompany the hypnotic state induced by ketamine XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."
"The authors previously showed that HCN1 channels are inhibited by ketamine and demonstrated that global HCN1 knockout mice are twofold less sensitive to hypnotic actions of ketamine."
"As knowledge of the molecular determinants for ketamine inhibition of HCN1 channels becomes available, it may be possible to develop knock-in mice that express ketamine insensitive mutant HCN1 channels, preferably in more restricted neuronal populations, to even more rigorously define the molecular and neuronal targets for this specific clinical endpoint of ketamine."
"The authors suggest that ketamine inhibition of HCN1 shifts cortical neuron electroresponsive properties to contribute to ketamine induced hypnosis."
Ketamine activates HCN1.
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Ketamine activates HCN1. 5 / 5
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"We validated this action of ketamine on an HCN1 mediated native neuronal hyperpolarization activated cationic current (I h) by showing that ketamine mediated inhibition of neuronal I h was absent in HCN1 -/- mice."
"The mechanism by which ketamine modulates HCN1 channels remains to be determined."
"In addition, normal HCN1-/- and HCN1 +/+ mice were intraperitoneally injected of BrdU and then treated with 5 mg/kg ketamine (KET group, n = 5) or same volume of normal saline (NS group, n = 5) by single intraperitoneal injection."
"Ketamine causes HCN1 dependent membrane hyperpolarization and synaptic enhancement."
"Correspondingly, ketamine caused membrane hyperpolarization and increased input resistance (R N) in cortical pyramidal cells from wild type but not HCN1 knockout mice (XREF_FIG)."
Ketamine binds HCN1.
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"Whole-cell recordings in mice pre-frontal slices have also shown that inactivation of I h currents by ketamine binding to HCN1 receptors follows a dose dependent sigmoid curve [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."
REST affects HCN1
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REST binds HCN1.
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"McClelland and colleagues ( xref ) have recently shown that REST binding to the RE1 site of HCN1 is enhanced 2 days after kainic acid–induced SE."
"Binding of REST to Hcn1 is increased after the induction of status epilepticus in a rodent model of TLE, resulting in decreased HCN1 mediated ionic currents (I h) and altered function of CA1 pyramidal cells."
"Using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by quantitative PCR ( xref ) to examine if the physical binding of NRSF to the regulatory region of the hcn1 gene was augmented in hippocampi from KA rats, and if this augmented binding was selective, we detected NRSF binding at the NRSE site of the hcn1 gene ( xref ), but not at a downstream region lacking an NRSE sequence ( xref )."
"Indeed, transiently restoring HCN channel expression by disrupting the interaction between the NRSF and HCN1 delays the onset of spontaneous seizure activity following termination of SE ( xref )."
"In KA-treated rats, NRSF binding to the hcn1 gene (but not the hcn2 gene xref ; Sham vs. KA p>0.05, not shown) was significantly augmented ( xref )."
"Administration of oligonucleotides targeting the Hcn1 -NRSE blocked REST binding of Hcn1 , thereby restoring HCN1 protein levels and I h current amplitudes as well as producing fewer spontaneous seizures ( xref )."
"Therefore, we examined whether the decoy ODN treatment, blocking the interaction of NRSF with hcn1 and other target genes, influenced the outcome of KA-SE."
"If NRSF binds to hcn1 to repress its transcription, then using an excess amount of a decoy NRSF binding oligodeoxynucloetide (ODN) should prevent NRSF from binding the NRSE sequence on the hcn1 gene and prevent the transcriptional repression of HCN1 (XREF_FIG)."
"McClelland et al. (2012) showed that REST binding to the RE1 element in the HCN1 promoter in the hippocampus was augmented two days after kainate-induced status epilepticus, and that intraventricular administration of oligodeoxynucleotides targeted to the HCN1-RE1 both disrupted REST binding to the HCN1 promoter and prevented downregulation of HCN1 protein."
"If NRSF binds to hcn1 to repress its transcription, then using an excess amount of a decoy NRSF-binding oligodeoxynucloetide (ODN) should prevent NRSF from binding the NRSE sequence on the hcn1 gene and prevent the transcriptional repression of HCN1 ( xref )."
"Seizure activity resulted in NRSF binding to the Hcn1 promoter in the hippocampus of kainite-treated animals ( xref ); decreased Hcn1 transcript levels as well as attenuation of I h were observed."
"Binding of REST to Hcn1 is increased after the induction of status epilepticus in a rodent model of TLE, resulting in decreased HCN1-mediated ionic currents ( I h ) and altered function of CA1 pyramidal cells."
"Administration of decoy ODNs comprising the NRSF DNA-binding sequence (NRSE) in vitro and in vivo , reduced NRSF binding to hcn1, prevented its repression and restored I h function."
"Blocking REST and NRSF binding to HCN1 prevented the down-regulation of HCN1 and resulted in fewer spontaneous seizures."
"Administration of decoy ODNs comprising the NRSF DNA-binding sequence (neuron restrictive silencer element [NRSE]), in vitro and in vivo, reduced NRSF binding to Hcn1, prevented its repression, and restored I(h) function."
"We ascribe the significant reduction of HCN1 channel expression to the significantly increased transcription factor, NRSF, which can bind to the HCN1 gene promoter and reduce the HCN1 channel gene transcription."
"Administration of decoy ODNs comprising the NRSF DNA binding sequence (neuron restrictive silencer element [NRSE]), in vitro and in vivo, reduced NRSF binding to Hcn1, prevented its repression, and restored I (h) function."
"Administration of decoy ODNs comprising the NRSF DNA binding sequence (NRSE) in vitro and in vivo, reduced NRSF binding to hcn1, prevented its repression and restored I h function."
REST inhibits HCN1.
| 4
REST inhibits HCN1. 4 / 4
| 4
"NRSF can also repress the genes HCN1 and KCC2, which can regulate neural activity through ion channels."
"This phenomenon might be partly due to REST mediated transcriptional repression of Hcn1 56."
"Indeed, a common regulatory mechanism consisting of an increase in the expression of the repressor NRSF and REST (Neuron Restrictive Silencer Factor), that potently represses HCN1 and other key neuronal genes, might exist in these scenarios."
"NRSF dependent downregulation of HCN1 in vitro."
REST decreases the amount of HCN1.
| 2
REST decreases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"In the mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy induced by kainate, the expression of HCN1 and the activation of specific currents were repressed by an increase in REST."
Modified REST decreases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Moreover, while increased NRSF levels reduce HCN1 transcription in epilepsy [XREF_BIBR], neither NRSF nor HCN1 mRNA were significantly changed by LPS."
HCN1 affects REST
| 12 6
| 12 6
"McClelland and colleagues ( xref ) have recently shown that REST binding to the RE1 site of HCN1 is enhanced 2 days after kainic acid–induced SE."
"Binding of REST to Hcn1 is increased after the induction of status epilepticus in a rodent model of TLE, resulting in decreased HCN1 mediated ionic currents (I h) and altered function of CA1 pyramidal cells."
"Using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by quantitative PCR ( xref ) to examine if the physical binding of NRSF to the regulatory region of the hcn1 gene was augmented in hippocampi from KA rats, and if this augmented binding was selective, we detected NRSF binding at the NRSE site of the hcn1 gene ( xref ), but not at a downstream region lacking an NRSE sequence ( xref )."
"Indeed, transiently restoring HCN channel expression by disrupting the interaction between the NRSF and HCN1 delays the onset of spontaneous seizure activity following termination of SE ( xref )."
"In KA-treated rats, NRSF binding to the hcn1 gene (but not the hcn2 gene xref ; Sham vs. KA p>0.05, not shown) was significantly augmented ( xref )."
"Administration of oligonucleotides targeting the Hcn1 -NRSE blocked REST binding of Hcn1 , thereby restoring HCN1 protein levels and I h current amplitudes as well as producing fewer spontaneous seizures ( xref )."
"Therefore, we examined whether the decoy ODN treatment, blocking the interaction of NRSF with hcn1 and other target genes, influenced the outcome of KA-SE."
"If NRSF binds to hcn1 to repress its transcription, then using an excess amount of a decoy NRSF binding oligodeoxynucloetide (ODN) should prevent NRSF from binding the NRSE sequence on the hcn1 gene and prevent the transcriptional repression of HCN1 (XREF_FIG)."
"McClelland et al. (2012) showed that REST binding to the RE1 element in the HCN1 promoter in the hippocampus was augmented two days after kainate-induced status epilepticus, and that intraventricular administration of oligodeoxynucleotides targeted to the HCN1-RE1 both disrupted REST binding to the HCN1 promoter and prevented downregulation of HCN1 protein."
"If NRSF binds to hcn1 to repress its transcription, then using an excess amount of a decoy NRSF-binding oligodeoxynucloetide (ODN) should prevent NRSF from binding the NRSE sequence on the hcn1 gene and prevent the transcriptional repression of HCN1 ( xref )."
"Seizure activity resulted in NRSF binding to the Hcn1 promoter in the hippocampus of kainite-treated animals ( xref ); decreased Hcn1 transcript levels as well as attenuation of I h were observed."
"Binding of REST to Hcn1 is increased after the induction of status epilepticus in a rodent model of TLE, resulting in decreased HCN1-mediated ionic currents ( I h ) and altered function of CA1 pyramidal cells."
"Administration of decoy ODNs comprising the NRSF DNA-binding sequence (NRSE) in vitro and in vivo , reduced NRSF binding to hcn1, prevented its repression and restored I h function."
"Blocking REST and NRSF binding to HCN1 prevented the down-regulation of HCN1 and resulted in fewer spontaneous seizures."
"Administration of decoy ODNs comprising the NRSF DNA-binding sequence (neuron restrictive silencer element [NRSE]), in vitro and in vivo, reduced NRSF binding to Hcn1, prevented its repression, and restored I(h) function."
"We ascribe the significant reduction of HCN1 channel expression to the significantly increased transcription factor, NRSF, which can bind to the HCN1 gene promoter and reduce the HCN1 channel gene transcription."
"Administration of decoy ODNs comprising the NRSF DNA binding sequence (neuron restrictive silencer element [NRSE]), in vitro and in vivo, reduced NRSF binding to Hcn1, prevented its repression, and restored I (h) function."
"Administration of decoy ODNs comprising the NRSF DNA binding sequence (NRSE) in vitro and in vivo, reduced NRSF binding to hcn1, prevented its repression and restored I h function."
FLNA affects HCN1
| 12 1
FLNA binds HCN1.
| 12
| 9
"Furthermore, acute abrogation of HCN1-FLNa interaction in neurons, with the use of decoy peptides that mimic the FLNa-binding domain of HCN1, abolishes the punctate distribution of HCN1 channels in neuronal cell bodies, augments endogenous Ih, and enhances the rebound-response ("voltage-sag") of the neuronal membrane to transient hyperpolarizing events."
"The interaction of HCN1 with filamin A appears to cluster HCN1 protein on cell membranes and decrease I h conductance in a melanoma cell line. xref As noted above in discussing effects on gating and kinetics, the role of filamin A in h channel surface expression and clustering in neurons is yet to be explored."
"Filamin A is a large cytoskeletal protein capable of binding actin, and contains 24 immunoglobin-like repeats and an actin-binding site at the N-terminus. xref , xref It has been reported to interact with multiple ligand- and voltage-gated ion channels, including the dopamine receptors D 2 and D 3 , xref K V 4.2, xref and K ir 2.1. xref Similarly to KCNE2, in addition to binding to voltage-gated potassium channels, filamin A also binds the HCN1 C-terminus via its final two Ig-like repeats. xref Filamin A did not interact with HCN2 or HCN4, and bound a 22 amino acid (amino acids 694–715) region distal to the HCN1 CNBD. xref "
"We also verified by immunoprecipitation from bovine brain that the filamin A-HCN1 interaction is functional in vivo."
"Our current efforts focus on investigating the potential role of HCN1-filamin interactions in neurons, and the cellular pathways by which this regulation takes place."
"The cytoplasmic scaffolding protein filamin A (FilA) interacts with HCN1 and influences its membrane expression and localization ( xref )."
"Through the use of a yeast two-hybrid technique, here we showed that filamin A interacts with HCN1, an HCN isoform widely expressed in the brain, but not with HCN2 or HCN4."
"Importantly, filamin A binds HCN1 through a distinct sequence in the channel C’ terminus, while not being able to interact with either HCN2 or the HCN4 channel isoform [ xref ]."
"Interaction of filamin A with HCN1 in melanoma-derived cell lines results in clustering of the channels on the cell surface and reduced current density [ xref ]."
Actin binds FLNA and HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"HCN1 also interacts with the actin binding scaffolding protein, Filamin A ( xref ), and HCN2 interacts with the scaffolding proteins tamalin, S-SCAM, and MINT-2 ( xref )."
PEX5L binds FLNA and HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"In addition, both proteins, Filamin A and TRIP8b interact with the C-terminus of HCN1, making a loss-of-interaction with these proteins an unlikely mechanism."
CD3 binds FLNA, HCN1, and HCN2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Immunoprecipitation protocols indicate alternate interactions of full-length proteins; HCN1 can interact with protocadherin 15 CD3 and F-actin-binding filamin A forming a complex that does not include HCN2, or HCN1 can interact with HCN2 forming a complex without protocadherin 15 CD3 but including F-actin-binding fascin-2."
FLNA decreases the amount of HCN1.
| 1
FLNA decreases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"For example, FLNa facilitates surface expression of the potassium channel subtypes Kir2.1, Kv4.2, and BK Ca and inhibits surface expression and function of the nonselective cationic HCN1 channel."
Propofol affects HCN1
| 3 9
Propofol inhibits HCN1.
| 3 8
| 3 8
"Nonetheless, these data argue strongly that ketamine and propofol inhibit HCN1 containing channels and dendritic I h in cortical neurons to mediate enhanced dendritosomatic synaptic integration."
"Propofol inhibited and slowed the activation of recombinant HCN1, HCN2, and HCN4 channels at clinically relevant concentrations, in which the HCN1 current was the most sensitive of the three."
"Cacheaux et al. found that clinically relevant concentrations of propofol inhibited I h or slowed activation kinetics of HCN1, HCN2, and HCN4 in heterologous cells, with the greatest effect on HCN1."
"In addition, hypnotic sensitivity to two other intravenous anesthetics in HCN1 knockout mice matched effects on HCN1 channels; propofol selectively inhibited HCN1 channels and propofol sensitivity was diminished in HCN1 knockout mice whereas etomidate had no effect on HCN1 channels and hypnotic sensitivity to etomidate was unaffected by HCN1 gene deletion."
"We found a good correlation between effects of two other anesthetic drugs on HCN1 subunits and their hypnotic actions in HCN1 knockout mice; etomidate had no effect on HCN1 channels and its ability to evoke a LORR was unaltered in HCN1 knockout mice whereas propofol selectively inhibits HCN1 subunits and we found a significant decrease in sensitivity of HCN1 knockout mice to hypnotic effects of propofol."
"The ability of propofol, another anesthetic that inhibits HCN1, to cause LORR was also significantly reduced in HCN1 knockout mice."
"The alkylphenol general anesthetic propofol (2,6-di-iso-propylphenol) selectively inhibits HCN1 channels versus HCN2-HCN4 and exhibits a modest pharmacokinetic preference for the periphery."
"2,6-di-iso-propyl phenol (propofol) and its non anesthetic congener, 2,6-di-tert-butyl phenol, inhibit HCN1 channels by stabilizing closed state (s)."
"Propofol inhibits HCN1 pacemaker channels by selective association with the closed states of the membrane embedded channel core."
"Chen and colleagues argue that the case for HCN1 is stronger than the case for NMDA receptors, because the HCN1 knockout has no effect on etomidate sensitivity (but does decrease sensitivity to propofol, which inhibits HCN1), whereas global knockout of the NMDA receptor epsilon1 subunit moderately reduces ketamine sensitivity, but also reduces sensitivity to pentobarbital, propofol, and benzodiazepines, all thought to act primarily via GABA A receptors."
"We found a good correlation between effects of two other anesthetic drugs on HCN1 subunits and their hypnotic actions in HCN1 knockout mice; etomidate had no effect on HCN1 channels and its ability to evoke a LORR was unaltered in HCN1 knockout mice whereas propofol selectively inhibits HCN1 subunits ( xref ; xref ; xref ) and we found a significant decrease in sensitivity of HCN1 knockout mice to hypnotic effects of propofol."
Propofol activates HCN1.
| 1
Propofol activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"In addition, hypnotic sensitivity to two other intravenous anesthetics in HCN1 knockout mice matched effects on HCN1 channels; propofol selectively inhibited HCN1 channels and propofol sensitivity was diminished in HCN1 knockout mice whereas etomidate had no effect on HCN1 channels and hypnotic sensitivity to etomidate was unaffected by HCN1 gene deletion."
PCDH15 affects HCN1
| 6 6
| 5 6
"Competition may therefore exist in vivo between the two binding sites for HCN1, with binding of HCN1 to protocadherin 15 CD3 favored between 26.5 and 68 microm Ca (2+)."
"XREF_BIBR found several lines of evidence that supported their hypothesis including expression of HCN1 mRNA in hair cells of trout vestibular organs and mammalian cochlea, immunolocalization of HCN1 protein in sensory hair bundles and a calcium dependent interaction between HCN1 and the putative tip link molecule protocadherin-15."
"HCN1 interacts with Pcdh15 in cochlear hair cell stereocilia, but in photoreceptors they are found in different subcellular compartments xref , xref ."
"Ramakrishnan et al. xref found several lines of evidence that supported their hypothesis including expression of HCN1 mRNA in hair cells of trout vestibular organs and mammalian cochlea, immunolocalization of HCN1 protein in sensory hair bundles and a calcium-dependent interaction between HCN1 and the putative tip link molecule protocadherin-15."
"We did not investigate the reported interaction between HCN1 and protocadherin-15."
"We did not investigate the reported interaction between HCN1 and protocadherin-15."
"As such, given the expression of HCN mRNA in auditory and vestibular epithelia and the putative interaction between HCN1 and protocadherin-15 xref we wondered whether disruption of HCN function would cause dysfunction in hair cell transduction."
"HCN1 interacts with Pcdh15 in cochlear hair cell stereocilia, but in photoreceptors they are found in different subcellular compartments XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."
"Since protocadherin-15 has been localized at the lower end of tip-links XREF_BIBR and a recent calcium imaging study placed transduction channels at the lower end of tip-links XREF_BIBR, the interaction between protocadherin-15 and HCN1 would place the HCN1 subunit in the correct location to mediate hair cell transduction."
"Since protocadherin-15 has been localized at the lower end of tip-links xref and a recent calcium imaging study placed transduction channels at the lower end of tip-links xref , the interaction between protocadherin-15 and HCN1 would place the HCN1 subunit in the correct location to mediate hair cell transduction."
"In the presence of calcium chelators, binding between HCN1 and protocadherin 15 CD3 was characterized by a K (D) = 2.39 x 10 (-7) m. Ca (2+) at 26.5-68.0 microm promoted binding, with K (D) = 5.26 x 10 (-8) m (at 61 microm Ca (2+))."
CD3 binds PCDH15 and HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Competition may therefore exist in vivo between the two binding sites for HCN1, with binding of HCN1 to protocadherin 15 CD3 favored between 26.5 and 68 microm Ca(2+)."
HCN1 affects FLNA
| 12
| 9
"Furthermore, acute abrogation of HCN1-FLNa interaction in neurons, with the use of decoy peptides that mimic the FLNa-binding domain of HCN1, abolishes the punctate distribution of HCN1 channels in neuronal cell bodies, augments endogenous Ih, and enhances the rebound-response ("voltage-sag") of the neuronal membrane to transient hyperpolarizing events."
"The interaction of HCN1 with filamin A appears to cluster HCN1 protein on cell membranes and decrease I h conductance in a melanoma cell line. xref As noted above in discussing effects on gating and kinetics, the role of filamin A in h channel surface expression and clustering in neurons is yet to be explored."
"Filamin A is a large cytoskeletal protein capable of binding actin, and contains 24 immunoglobin-like repeats and an actin-binding site at the N-terminus. xref , xref It has been reported to interact with multiple ligand- and voltage-gated ion channels, including the dopamine receptors D 2 and D 3 , xref K V 4.2, xref and K ir 2.1. xref Similarly to KCNE2, in addition to binding to voltage-gated potassium channels, filamin A also binds the HCN1 C-terminus via its final two Ig-like repeats. xref Filamin A did not interact with HCN2 or HCN4, and bound a 22 amino acid (amino acids 694–715) region distal to the HCN1 CNBD. xref "
"We also verified by immunoprecipitation from bovine brain that the filamin A-HCN1 interaction is functional in vivo."
"Our current efforts focus on investigating the potential role of HCN1-filamin interactions in neurons, and the cellular pathways by which this regulation takes place."
"The cytoplasmic scaffolding protein filamin A (FilA) interacts with HCN1 and influences its membrane expression and localization ( xref )."
"Through the use of a yeast two-hybrid technique, here we showed that filamin A interacts with HCN1, an HCN isoform widely expressed in the brain, but not with HCN2 or HCN4."
"Importantly, filamin A binds HCN1 through a distinct sequence in the channel C’ terminus, while not being able to interact with either HCN2 or the HCN4 channel isoform [ xref ]."
"Interaction of filamin A with HCN1 in melanoma-derived cell lines results in clustering of the channels on the cell surface and reduced current density [ xref ]."
Actin binds FLNA and HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"HCN1 also interacts with the actin binding scaffolding protein, Filamin A ( xref ), and HCN2 interacts with the scaffolding proteins tamalin, S-SCAM, and MINT-2 ( xref )."
PEX5L binds FLNA and HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"In addition, both proteins, Filamin A and TRIP8b interact with the C-terminus of HCN1, making a loss-of-interaction with these proteins an unlikely mechanism."
CD3 binds FLNA, HCN1, and HCN2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Immunoprecipitation protocols indicate alternate interactions of full-length proteins; HCN1 can interact with protocadherin 15 CD3 and F-actin-binding filamin A forming a complex that does not include HCN2, or HCN1 can interact with HCN2 forming a complex without protocadherin 15 CD3 but including F-actin-binding fascin-2."
HCN1 affects Ile-His
| 11
HCN1 activates Ile-His.
| 8
HCN1 activates Ile-His. 8 / 8
| 8
"Nitric oxide selectively suppresses IH currents mediated by HCN1 containing channels."
"Deletion of HCN1 or acute pharmacological blockade of Ih decreases the fraction of neurons capable of generating persistent firing."
"In addition, Dex inhibited HCN1 and HCN2 currents in HEK293 cells; caused a decrease in maximal currents, an increase in the inhibition rate of Ih, and a negative shift in V1/2 (P < 0.05)."
"We also demonstrate via immunohistochemistry, single channel conductance, and analysis of kinetic data of whole cell currents, that Ih in salamander rods and cones is mediated by the HCN1 isoform."
"This difference is consistent with the higher levels of expression of the HCN1 subunit, which underlies Ih, in CA1 neurons compared to CA2 or CA3 neurons."
"In many cortical neurons, HCN1 channels are the major contributors to Ih, the hyperpolarization activated current, which regulates the intrinsic properties of neurons and shapes their integration of synaptic inputs, paces rhythmic activity, and regulates synaptic plasticity."
"Auditory brainstem responses of Hcn1 deficient mice showed longer latencies, suggesting that HCN1 mediated Ih is critical for synchronized spike timing in SGNs."
"Ih in salamander rods and cones is mediated by HCN1 channels."
HCN1 inhibits Ile-His.
| 3
HCN1 inhibits Ile-His. 3 / 3
| 3
"NO hyperpolarizes the half activation of HCN1 mediated currents and slows the kinetics of native IH currents in the MSO, LSO and SPN."
"Use Dependent Attenuation of Rat HCN1 Mediated Ih in Intact HEK293 Cells."
"Loss of HCN channel mediated current (Ih), particularly that mediated by the HCN1 isoform, occurs with the development of epilepsy."
HCN1 affects APP
| 8 3
| 6 3
"To show whether HCN1 directly binds to APP without mediation by X11 and X11L, FLAG-APP and HCN1 were transiently expressed in N2a cells and a co-immunoprecipitation assay was performed."
"Association of HCN1 with APP in vivo and in vitro ."
"Hence, HCN1 apparently interacts with the extracellular domain of APP (Figure  xref ) and with both X11 and X11L in the cytoplasm (Figure  xref H–K, Figure  xref B)."
"Furthermore, administration of ZD7288 did not influence the interaction of HCN1 with APP (Additional file xref : Figure S5)."
"The association between APP and HCN1 was next confirmed in the EC."
"On the other hand, the present study showed that HCN1 physically associated with APP through the extracellular domain of APP."
"On the other hand, the present study showed that HCN1 physically associated with APP through the extracellular domain of APP."
"Taken together, the results shown in Figure  xref indicate that HCN1 associates with APP through its extracellular (luminal) domain."
"To show whether HCN1 directly binds to APP without mediation by X11/X11L, FLAG-APP and HCN1 were transiently expressed in N2a cells and a co-immunoprecipitation assay was performed."
HCN1 binds APP and FlaG. 1 / 1
| 1
"HCN1 bound to FLAG-sAPP, but not to FLAG-tag alone (Figure  xref I)."
HCN1 binds APBA1, APBA2, and APP. 1 / 1
| 1
"Here, we report that i) X11 -/- /X11L -/- mice suffer from spontaneous epileptic seizures along with malfunction of HCN channel activity; ii) HCN1 can form a complex with APP and X11 or X11L in the murine brain; iii) HCN1 -/- gene knockout mice show enhanced Aβ generation; iv) overexpression of HCN1 in Neuro2a (N2a) cells decreases Aβ generation, whereas blockage of HCN1 channel activity in N2a cells restores the level of Aβ production; v) the level of HCN1 diminishes significantly in the temporal cortex of cynomolgus monkeys ( Macaca fascicularis ) during aging; and vi) HCN1 levels are significantly reduced in the brains of sporadic AD patients compared with the brains of age-matched healthy subjects."
| 10
3',5'-cyclic AMP activates HCN1.
| 5
"HCN2 related I h (but not HCN1 related I h) is highly modulated by cAMP which : a) increases I h magnitude by increasing HCN2 open probability XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR; b) depolarises V 0.5 (by ~ 15 mV) and c) accelerates I h activation XREF_BIBR."
"Thus, cAMP might produce little or no net shift in the activation range of I h due solely to HCN1 and HCN3."
"First, cAMP activates homomers of intact bCNG1 with low efficacy, so low efficacy is not in itself an absolute indicator of BD misfolding."
"In contrast to HCN2 and HCN4, PEX5R failed to exert any obvious effect on gating and cAMP modulation of HCN1 channels in excised patches."
"CAMP shifts the voltage-dependence of activation in HCN2 and HCN4 by +15 mV, while HCN1 and HCN3 are only weakly modulated by cAMP XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR."
| 2
"Here we have addressed the mechanism of this dual regulation for HCN2 channels, which activate with slow kinetics that are strongly accelerated by cAMP, and HCN1 channels, which activate with rapid kinetics that are weakly enhanced by cAMP."
"In accord, increasing cAMP levels in cells antagonized the up-regulation of HCN1 channels mediated by a TRIP8b construct binding the CNBD exclusively."
| 2
"This movement is overall consistent with the conformational changes between the cAMP-free and cAMP bound HCN1 structure, which also suggest a concerted rotation of the C-linker and displacement of the S6-helix in favor of channel opening."
"This displacement likely reflects the direction of conformational changes the protein may undergo upon cAMP release, and indeed, very similar residue displacements are observed when the same force is applied on the ANM of the cAMP bound HCN1 structure."
3',5'-cyclic AMP increases the amount of HCN1.
| 1
3',5'-cyclic AMP increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"The range of capacitances for this subset is similar to the cells plotted in XREF_FIG, none of the cAMP induced shifts were as small as in HCN1 expressing retinal neurons, and none were as large as in HCN4 channels (see above)."
NF1 affects HCN1
| 5 4
| 5 4
"Taken together, these results indicate that NF1 interacts with HCN1 through its N-terminal domain, but the N-terminal exon 9a is not required for this interaction."
"Here, we have shown that NF1 interacts with HCN1 through its N-terminus, and that mutations in NF1 affect HCN channel function."
"Here, we have shown that NF1 interacts with HCN1 through its N-terminus, and that mutations in NF1 affect HCN channel function."
"Taken together, these results indicate that NF1 interacts with HCN1 through its N-terminal domain, but the N-terminal exon 9a is not required for this interaction."
"To examine the functional impact of the interaction between NF1 and HCN1 on hyperpolarization activated cation current (I h), we measured I h in both inhibitory and excitatory neurons in the hippocampal CA1 area."
"A Ras-independent function of neuronal NF1 has been previously identified in the Drosophila model of NF1, and in neuronal cultures from Nf1 mice, through alterations in cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) signaling. xref – xref Given that HCN channels are well-known to be regulated by cAMP, xref it is distinctly possible that the HCN1NF1 interaction affects local changes in cAMP, which contribute to the attenuated I h current in interneurons of Nf1 mice. xref Further studies are needed to address these possibilities."
"To further investigate the interaction between HCN1 and NF1, we performed heterologous expression studies in HEK293T cells."
"To further investigate the interaction between HCN1 and NF1, we performed heterologous expression studies in HEK293T cells."
"To examine the functional impact of the interaction between NF1 and HCN1 on hyperpolarization-activated cation current ( I h ), we measured I h in both inhibitory and excitatory neurons in the hippocampal CA1 area."
HCN1 affects ketamine
| 9
HCN1 activates ketamine.
| 7
HCN1 activates ketamine. 7 / 7
| 7
"We suggest that ketamine inhibition of HCN1 shifts cortical neuron electroresponsive properties to contribute to ketamine induced hypnosis."
"To localize the brain region responsible for HCN1 mediated hypnotic actions of ketamine, we employed a conditional knockout strategy to delete HCN1 channels selectively in excitatory cells of the mouse forebrain."
"Thus, the accumulated evidence available to this point is consistent with the idea that forebrain HCN1 channels indeed contribute to ketamine induced hypnosis."
"The authors suggest that ketamine inhibition of HCN1 shifts cortical neuron electroresponsive properties to contribute to ketamine induced hypnosis."
"HCN1 mediated interactions of ketamine and propofol in a mean field model of the EEG."
"To localize the brain region responsible for HCN1 mediated hypnotic actions of ketamine, the authors used a conditional knockout strategy to delete HCN1 channels selectively in excitatory cells of the mouse forebrain."
"This new result suggests that forebrain HCN1 channels contribute to ketamine induced hypnosis, but does not rule out significant contributions by hindbrain HCN1 channels or by other channels affected by ketamine."
HCN1 inhibits ketamine.
| 1
| 1
"The HCN1 conditional forebrain knockout reduces ketamine sensitivity (increases ED 50) by about 30%, an effect smaller than that in the global knockout."
HCN1 binds ketamine.
| 1
| 1
"Whole-cell recordings in mice pre-frontal slices have also shown that inactivation of I h currents by ketamine binding to HCN1 receptors follows a dose dependent sigmoid curve [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."
HCN1 affects NF1
| 5 4
| 5 4
"Taken together, these results indicate that NF1 interacts with HCN1 through its N-terminal domain, but the N-terminal exon 9a is not required for this interaction."
"Here, we have shown that NF1 interacts with HCN1 through its N-terminus, and that mutations in NF1 affect HCN channel function."
"Here, we have shown that NF1 interacts with HCN1 through its N-terminus, and that mutations in NF1 affect HCN channel function."
"Taken together, these results indicate that NF1 interacts with HCN1 through its N-terminal domain, but the N-terminal exon 9a is not required for this interaction."
"To examine the functional impact of the interaction between NF1 and HCN1 on hyperpolarization activated cation current (I h), we measured I h in both inhibitory and excitatory neurons in the hippocampal CA1 area."
"A Ras-independent function of neuronal NF1 has been previously identified in the Drosophila model of NF1, and in neuronal cultures from Nf1 mice, through alterations in cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) signaling. xref – xref Given that HCN channels are well-known to be regulated by cAMP, xref it is distinctly possible that the HCN1NF1 interaction affects local changes in cAMP, which contribute to the attenuated I h current in interneurons of Nf1 mice. xref Further studies are needed to address these possibilities."
"To further investigate the interaction between HCN1 and NF1, we performed heterologous expression studies in HEK293T cells."
"To further investigate the interaction between HCN1 and NF1, we performed heterologous expression studies in HEK293T cells."
"To examine the functional impact of the interaction between NF1 and HCN1 on hyperpolarization-activated cation current ( I h ), we measured I h in both inhibitory and excitatory neurons in the hippocampal CA1 area."
Pyraclofos affects HCN1
| 4 4
| 4 4
"Voltage activation of HCN1 occurs at more depolarized potentials than HCN2-4, with HCN4 activated at the most hyperpolarized potentials."
"The voltage hysteresis caused the conductance of HCN1 channels to display an unusual hysteresis in response to slow voltage ramps (XREF_FIG C), similar to the hysteresis in spHCN channels (XREF_FIG D)."
"If S4 is static, how do voltage changes trigger the rearrangement of HCN1 to cause the collapse or expansion of the gating canal?"
"If, instead, I h passed through separate homomeric HCN1 and HCN4 channels, and if less negative voltages activated HCN1 but not HCN4 ( xref ; xref ), cAMP might be expected to shift the activation range by different amounts at different voltages."
"HCN1 is usually activated by significantly lower hyperpolarized voltages compared to other isoforms (Altomare et al., xref ; Baruscotti et al., xref )."
"Normally, coexpression of wild-type TRIP8b with wild-type HCN1 in Xenopus oocytes shifts the voltage dependent activation of HCN1 channels to more negative potentials by 10-15 mV."
"Voltage activation of HCN1 occurs at more depolarized potentials than HCN2–4, with HCN4 activated at the most hyperpolarized potentials."
"This shift would be smaller at voltages activating only HCN1 and larger at voltages which activate HCN4."
Lidocaine affects HCN1
| 2 6
| 2 6
"Lidocaine inhibited HCN1, HCN2, HCN1-HCN2, and HCN4 channel currents at 100 muM in both oocytes and/or HEK 293 cells; it caused a decrease in both tonic and maximal current (~ 30-50% inhibition) and slowed current activation kinetics for all subunits."
"Thus, inhibition of HCN1 by lidocaine likely contributes to its analgesic effects, and it will be important to determine the extent to which lidocaine inhibition of HCN1 contributes to this drug’s in vivo actions and how inhibition is impacted by voltage and current."
"Thus, inhibition of HCN1 by lidocaine likely contributes to its analgesic effects, and it will be important to determine the extent to which lidocaine inhibition of HCN1 contributes to this drug 's in vivo actions and how inhibition is impacted by voltage and current."
"Lidocaine inhibited HCN1, HCN2, HCN1-HCN2, and HCN4 channel currents at 100 μM in both oocytes and/or HEK 293 cells; it caused a decrease in both tonic and maximal current (∼30-50% inhibition) and slowed current activation kinetics for all subunits."
"We show that lidocaine inhibition of HCN1 mediated I h is near complete within one minute of exposure, is reversible, and involves a mechanism which is antagonized by hyperpolarizing voltages and current flow."
"However, lidocaine inhibits three of the four mammalian HCN isoforms (HCN1 as well as HCN2 and HCN4), all of which are found in neurons and cardiomyocytes 11."
"Thus, we currently favor the view that uncharged lidocaine diffuses through the plasma membrane, becomes re-protonated inside the cell and inhibits the HCN1 channel from the inside."
"Here, we focus on lidocaine inhibition of the HCN1 isoform, which has been found throughout the brain and in the conduction system of the heart 22 and has been shown in HCN1-knockout mice to contribute to the electrical and cellular activity of different types of cells, including sinoatrial node pacemaker myocytes 23, somatosensory neurons 24, cortical neurons 25, cerebellar Purkinje neurons 26, and hippocampal neurons 27."
HCN1 affects exocytosis
| 7
| 7
"In this study, using HCN1 null mice and their respective wildtype littermates together with FM1-43 imaging, electrophysiology, two photon microscopy and pharmacology, we show that endogenous HCN1 channels present in a subset of adult EC synaptic terminals substantially restrict the rate of exocytosis and thereby, spontaneous non action potential- and action potential- dependent as well as synchronous (evoked) synaptic transmission (XREF_FIG, XREF_FIG, XREF_FIG)."
"This coupled with electrophysiology and pharmacology showed that HCN1 channels restrict the rate of exocytosis from a subset of cortical synaptic terminals within the EC and in this way, constrain non action potential dependent and action potential dependent spontaneous release as well as synchronous, evoked release."
"Moreover, because there were significant changes in puncta fluorescence between HCN1 null slices and wildtype slices during the 1.5 Hz stimulation, this suggests that pre-synaptic HCN1 channels restrict exocytosis during synchronous (evoked) release too."
"Hence, these findings further support the notion that HCN1 channels restrict exocytosis during evoked release."
"Altogether, these findings strongly suggest that HCN1 channels present in a subset of mature EC synaptic boutons reduce the rate of synaptic vesicle exocytosis during evoked release."
"Thus, these findings further strongly re-inforce the notion that native HCN1 subunits located in a subset of synaptic terminals within EC layer III significantly reduce the rate of exocytosis during synchronous release."
"HCN1 channels reduce the rate of exocytosis from a subset of cortical synaptic terminals."
E2 affects HCN1
| 7
E2 activates HCN1.
| 4
E2 activates HCN1. 4 / 4
| 4
"E2 promotes the distal dendritic enrichment of HCN1 in CA1 pyramidal cells."
"We therefore reasoned that the GST-RAP-induced inhibition of Reelin signaling was either not sufficient to suppress the E2 induced increase of HCN1 in distal CA1 or, more generally, that Reelin is not required for the distal HCN1 enrichment in our experimental setting."
"Consequently, the proximal-distal HCN1 gradient, denoted by the slope from segment 1-5, was significantly increased in the presence of E2 (E2 : 6.26 +/- 0.35 vs. Ctl : 5.04 +/- 0.36, n = 21; linear regression analysis : F = 5.9, DFn = 1, DFd = 206, p = 0.016), showing that E2 had promoted the developmental enrichment of HCN1 in the CA1 distal dendritic segment (XREF_FIG)."
"In organotypic entorhino-hippocampal cultures, we found that E2 promotes HCN1 distal dendritic enrichment via the G protein coupled estrogen receptor GPER1, but apparently independent of Reelin, because GST-RAP, known to reduce Reelin signaling, did not prevent E2 induced HCN1 enrichment in distal CA1."
E2 increases the amount of HCN1.
| 3
E2 increases the amount of HCN1. 3 / 3
| 3
"Two I h channel mRNAs, HCN1 and HCN2, are highly expressed in mouse GnRH neurons, and the mRNA expression of HCN1 is up-regulated by E2 [XREF_BIBR]."
"But based on the increased HCN1 mRNA expression by E2, we would predict an E2 induced increase in I h amplitude."
"Presently, we show that E2 augmented the excitability of Kiss1 ARH neurons by amplifying Cacna1g, Hcn1 and Hcn2 mRNA expression and T-type calcium and h-currents."
HCN1 affects calcium(2+)
| 6
HCN1 inhibits calcium(2+).
| 4
| 4
"For example, in mice, genetic deletion of the HCN1 gene or pharmacological inhibition of I h by the drug ZD7288 have been shown to enhance the frequency of miniature excitatory post-synaptic potentials onto EC layer III pyramids by promoting the entry of calcium through T-type calcium channels; this suggests that I h normally limits calcium entry into the synapse and reduces neurotransmission."
"These findings suggest that inhibition of HCN1 channels enhances excitatory synaptic transmission by altering T-type Ca 2+ channel activity."
"The decrease in pre-synaptic HCN1 activity in these synapses enhances T-type Ca 2+ channel function XREF_BIBR."
"Genetic deletion of HCN1 channels or pharmacological blockade in vivo of HCN channels enhanced synaptic plasticity and spatial learning and increased dendritic Ca 2+ spiking."
HCN1 activates calcium(2+).
| 2
| 2
"HCN1 channels inhibit mEPSC frequency by limiting T-type Ca 2+ channel activity."
"Thus, the depolarizing influence of HCN1 channels causes inactivation of T-type Ca 2+ channels, which prevents T-type Ca 2+ channels from driving spontaneous firing, and enables the spike ADP."
HCN1 affects I h
| 6
HCN1 inhibits I h.
| 2
HCN1 inhibits I h. 2 / 2
| 2
"We performed real-time quantitative RT-PCR and found that HCN1 mRNA expression in the CA1 hippocampus at 1 hr and 1 d post-SE was unchanged compared to control (1 hr, 124 +/- 9.1%, n = 6; 1 d, 90 +/- 14.4%, n = 6, p> 0.05 by ANOVA, XREF_FIG), showing that the loss of I h and HCN1 protein expression within the first day post-SE was not due to transcriptional downregulation of HCN1 mRNA expression."
"2) Developmental dysregulation of cortical and/or thalamic HCN channel expression may contribute to epileptogenesis in genetic models of absence epilepsy : In two models, the Wistar Albino Glaxo and Rijswijk (WAG and Rij) and the Genetic Absence Epileptic Rats of Strasbourg (GAERS), the relative contribution of HCN1 channels to the channel pool and thalamic I h was increased in thalamocortical relay (TC) neurons, resulting in reduced cAMP responsiveness of I h."
HCN1 increases the amount of I h.
| 2
HCN1 increases the amount of I h. 2 / 2
| 2
"Area CA1 of the hippocampus expresses significant levels of I h, mediated primarily by HCN1 and HCN2, with current densities and protein levels increasing as a function of distance from the cell body in the apical dendrite."
"These cells express high levels of I h, of which the majority is contributed by the HCN1 subunit."
HCN1 activates I h.
| 2
HCN1 activates I h. 2 / 2
| 2
"Although the density of I h, mediated by HCN1 and HCN2, and I A, mediated by the Kv4.2 subunit, is very similar, the subcellular distributions of the underlying channel subunits are remarkably different."
"From tau values (above) it is clear that HCN1 contributes to I h."
| 6
| 2
"For example, HCN1 subunits form channels with fast voltage dependent gating and reduced cAMP sensitivity, whereas HCN2 and HCN4 channels respond more efficiently to cAMP and have slower kinetics (Santoro et al. 1998; Seifert et al. 1999; Ishii et al. 1999; Ludwig et al. 1999; this work)."
"2) Developmental dysregulation of cortical and/or thalamic HCN channel expression may contribute to epileptogenesis in genetic models of absence epilepsy : In two models, the Wistar Albino Glaxo and Rijswijk (WAG and Rij) and the Genetic Absence Epileptic Rats of Strasbourg (GAERS), the relative contribution of HCN1 channels to the channel pool and thalamic I h was increased in thalamocortical relay (TC) neurons, resulting in reduced cAMP responsiveness of I h."
| 2
"This movement is overall consistent with the conformational changes between the cAMP-free and cAMP bound HCN1 structure, which also suggest a concerted rotation of the C-linker and displacement of the S6-helix in favor of channel opening."
"This displacement likely reflects the direction of conformational changes the protein may undergo upon cAMP release, and indeed, very similar residue displacements are observed when the same force is applied on the ANM of the cAMP bound HCN1 structure."
HCN1 activates 3',5'-cyclic AMP.
| 2
"However, this simple view is not supported by our finding that, in cell-free patches, the response of HCN1 channels to direct application of cAMP is unaffected by coexpression TRIP8b."
"This, in turn, was associated with a significant reduction of the dendritic hyperpolarization activated cyclic AMP gated channel type 1 (HCN1) protein level while Kv4.2 channels were unaltered as assessed by western blot."
DAB1 affects HCN1
| 6
DAB1 activates HCN1.
| 4
DAB1 activates HCN1. 4 / 4
| 4
"We found that Dab1 knockdown in adult mice drastically reduced distal dendritic HCN1 in the hippocampal CA1 region (XREF_FIG), whereas MAP2 levels were unchanged (XREF_FIG), demonstrating the importance of Reelin signaling throughout postnatal life."
"Loss of Dab1 greatly reduced HCN1 staining in L1, compared with HCN1 expression in the control (contralateral) hemisphere (XREF_FIG)."
"Loss of Reelin or Dab1 Drastically Reduces HCN1 Localization in the Distal Dendrites."
"However, our data do not support this hypothesis, because inhibiting Reelin signaling using GST-RAP in concentrations that lower Dab1 phosphorylation to 72% of controls did not markedly reduce the distal dendritic HCN1 enrichment that was observed after E2 treatment."
DAB1 inhibits HCN1.
| 1
DAB1 inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Dab1 Knockdown Reduces HCN1 in Distal Dendrites of Neocortical Layer 5 PNs."
DAB1 decreases the amount of HCN1.
| 1
DAB1 decreases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Dab1 Knockdown in Adult Hippocampi Reduces HCN1 Levels in SLM."
| 5
"Properties of ivabradine induced block of HCN1 and HCN4 pacemaker channels."
"Most interesting, a recent report (Bucchi et al., 2006) indicates that ivabradine blocks HCN1 in a use dependent manner via the closed state, but HCN4 via a voltage dependent, open state mechanism."
"Ivabradine inhibits HCN1 either in the closed state or in a transitional state between closed and open, and the direction of current flow has little effect on block."
"Nevertheless, it was interestingly shown that, on the contrary to HCN4 and native I f, ivabradine is able to block HCN1 in the closed state (Bucchi et al., 2006)."
"53 However, the HCN1 antagonist ivabradine, approved in Europe for angina, does not cross the blood-brain barrier."
PKC affects HCN1
| 5
PKC decreases the amount of HCN1.
| 3
PKC decreases the amount of HCN1. 3 / 3
| 3
"Protein kinase C (PKC) activation irreversibly diminished Ih and HCN1 surface expression, whereas PKC inhibition augmented Ih and HCN1 surface expression."
"Protein kinase C (PKC) activation reduced Ih amplitude and HCN1 surface expression, whereas PKC inhibition produced the opposite effect."
"Protein kinase C (PKC) activation irreversibly diminished Ih and HCN1 surface expression, whereas PKC inhibition augmented Ih and HCN1 surface expression."
PKC phosphorylates HCN1.
| 1
PKC leads to the phosphorylation of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"PKC activation increased HCN1 channel phosphorylation."
PKC increases the amount of HCN1.
| 1
PKC increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"These results indicate that PKC bidirectionally modulates Ih amplitude and HCN1 surface expression in hippocampal principal neurons."
APBA1 affects HCN1
| 2 3
APBA1 binds HCN1.
| 2 1
| 1
"Hence, HCN1 apparently interacts with the extracellular domain of APP and with both X11 and X11L in the cytoplasm."
HCN1 binds APBA1, APBA2, and APP. 1 / 1
| 1
"Here, we report that i) X11 -/- /X11L -/- mice suffer from spontaneous epileptic seizures along with malfunction of HCN channel activity; ii) HCN1 can form a complex with APP and X11 or X11L in the murine brain; iii) HCN1 -/- gene knockout mice show enhanced Aβ generation; iv) overexpression of HCN1 in Neuro2a (N2a) cells decreases Aβ generation, whereas blockage of HCN1 channel activity in N2a cells restores the level of Aβ production; v) the level of HCN1 diminishes significantly in the temporal cortex of cynomolgus monkeys ( Macaca fascicularis ) during aging; and vi) HCN1 levels are significantly reduced in the brains of sporadic AD patients compared with the brains of age-matched healthy subjects."
HCN1 binds APBA1, APBA2, and EC. 1 / 1
| 1
"We found that HCN1, X11, and X11L were colocalized in EC layer II neurons (Figure  xref H) and apparently formed a complex in the brain (Figure  xref I–K)."
APBA1 activates HCN1.
| 2
APBA1 activates HCN1. 2 / 2
| 2
"Because HCN1 associates with amyloid-beta precursor protein (APP) and X11 and X11L in the brain, genetic deficiency of X11 and X11L may induce aberrant HCN1 distribution along with epilepsy."
"While the localization of the channel likely affects its function, we can not rule out the possibility that X11 and X11L directly regulate HCN1 function as well."
1a-4 affects HCN1
| 5
1a-4 increases the amount of HCN1. 5 / 5
| 5
"To test the hypothesis that TRIP8b (1a-4) enhances HCN1 surface expression and targets the channel to its proper dendritic locale whereas TRIP8b (1a) prevents axonal expression of the channel, we examined the effects of viral overexpression of these two TRIP8b isoforms, both fused to an HA tag to allow us to distinguish exogenous from endogenous protein."
"TRIP8b (1a-4) and TRIP8b (1a-2-4) (the naming convention lists the alternatively spliced exons) cause a 4-6 fold increase in surface expression of HCN1 channels when co-expressed in Xenopus oocytes."
"Of the two remaining hippocampal TRIP8b isoforms, TRIP8b (1a-4) promoted HCN1 surface expression in dendrites whereas TRIP8b (1a) suppressed HCN1 misexpression in axons."
"In contrast, TRIP8b (1a-4) increases the level of GFP-HCN1 associated with the dendritic plasma membrane when over-expressed in neurons in vivo (see below, Figure 7)."
"In contrast, TRIP8b (1a-4) enhances surface expression of HCN1."
| 4
| 2
"These results therefore indicate that different mechanisms mediate the HCN1 reduction induced by the two insults- LPS and status epilepticus."
"LPS induced the HCN1 protein reduction in the absence of corresponding mRNA changes thus suggesting that the channels were degraded."
| 2
"The TLR4 involvement is supported by the blockade of LPS induced HCN1 changes using the specific receptor antagonist CyP."
"LPS therefore affects specific sets of dendritic channel proteins, and mediates downregulation of HCN1 by post-transcriptional modifications."
Filamin affects HCN1
| 4
Filamin increases the amount of HCN1.
| 2
Filamin increases the amount of HCN1. 2 / 2
| 2
"The cytoplasmic scaffolding protein filamin A can interact with the C-terminal of HCN1 channel through a 22-amino acid region and enhance HCN1 channel surface expression."
"Trip8b expression is important for the establishment of the HCN1 channel gradient in CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites, while filamin A appears to increase surface membrane expression of HCN1 channels, at least in heterologous expression systems."
Filamin binds HCN1.
| 2
| 2
"Importantly, filamin A binds HCN1 through a distinct sequence in the channel C ' terminus, while not being able to interact with either HCN2 or the HCN4 channel isoform [XREF_BIBR]."
"99 Similarly to KCNE2, in addition to binding to voltage gated potassium channels, filamin A also binds the HCN1 C-terminus via its final two Ig like repeats."
RELN affects HCN1
| 4
RELN activates HCN1.
| 3
RELN activates HCN1. 3 / 3
| 3
"We therefore reasoned that the GST-RAP-induced inhibition of Reelin signaling was either not sufficient to suppress the E2 induced increase of HCN1 in distal CA1 or, more generally, that Reelin is not required for the distal HCN1 enrichment in our experimental setting."
"Thus, specific blockade of Reelin signaling blocks the enrichment of HCN1 and GIRK1 in the distal dendritic compartment, with little effect on protein levels in the soma and proximal dendrites."
"Loss of Reelin or Dab1 Drastically Reduces HCN1 Localization in the Distal Dendrites."
RELN increases the amount of HCN1.
| 1
RELN increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Future studies will also be important to address the molecular mechanisms by which Reelin, acting through SFKs, leads to enriched levels of HCN1 in the tuft dendrites."
HCN1 affects MFSD11
| 1 3
HCN1 activates MFSD11.
| 3
HCN1-A354V activates MFSD11. 1 / 1
| 1
"Therefore, it is likely that the Hcn1 A354V mutation causes ET in the TRM rats and, importantly, its effects on tremor development appear when it is combined with trm1."
HCN1 bound to ASPA activates MFSD11. 1 / 1
| 1
"Therefore, it is likely that Hcn1 interacts with Aspa to produce ET in the TRM rat model."
HCN1 activates MFSD11. 1 / 1
| 1
"It is therefore likely that a HCN1 dysfunction in the IO, which reduces or blocks I h currents, may cause abnormal oscillations, and thereby induce ET in TRM rats."
HCN1 binds MFSD11.
| 1
| 1
"Therefore, it is likely that Hcn1 interacts with Aspa to produce ET in the TRM rat model."
HCN1 affects CD3
| 3 1
| 1 1
"Amino terminus binding of HCN1 to HCN1, hypothesized to underlie HCN1 channel formation, was also found to be Ca(2+)-dependent, although the binding was skewed toward a lower effective maximum [Ca(2+)] than for the HCN1 interaction with protocadherin 15 CD3."
"Amino terminus binding of HCN1 to HCN1, hypothesized to underlie HCN1 channel formation, was also found to be Ca (2+)-dependent, although the binding was skewed toward a lower effective maximum [Ca (2+)] than for the HCN1 interaction with protocadherin 15 CD3."
CD3 binds PCDH15 and HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Competition may therefore exist in vivo between the two binding sites for HCN1, with binding of HCN1 to protocadherin 15 CD3 favored between 26.5 and 68 microm Ca(2+)."
CD3 binds FLNA, HCN1, and HCN2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Immunoprecipitation protocols indicate alternate interactions of full-length proteins; HCN1 can interact with protocadherin 15 CD3 and F-actin-binding filamin A forming a complex that does not include HCN2, or HCN1 can interact with HCN2 forming a complex without protocadherin 15 CD3 but including F-actin-binding fascin-2."
APBA2 affects HCN1
| 2 2
APBA2 binds HCN1.
| 2
HCN1 binds APBA1, APBA2, and APP. 1 / 1
| 1
"Here, we report that i) X11 -/- /X11L -/- mice suffer from spontaneous epileptic seizures along with malfunction of HCN channel activity; ii) HCN1 can form a complex with APP and X11 or X11L in the murine brain; iii) HCN1 -/- gene knockout mice show enhanced Aβ generation; iv) overexpression of HCN1 in Neuro2a (N2a) cells decreases Aβ generation, whereas blockage of HCN1 channel activity in N2a cells restores the level of Aβ production; v) the level of HCN1 diminishes significantly in the temporal cortex of cynomolgus monkeys ( Macaca fascicularis ) during aging; and vi) HCN1 levels are significantly reduced in the brains of sporadic AD patients compared with the brains of age-matched healthy subjects."
HCN1 binds APBA1, APBA2, and EC. 1 / 1
| 1
"We found that HCN1, X11, and X11L were colocalized in EC layer II neurons (Figure  xref H) and apparently formed a complex in the brain (Figure  xref I–K)."
APBA2 activates HCN1.
| 2
APBA2 activates HCN1. 2 / 2
| 2
"Because HCN1 associates with amyloid-beta precursor protein (APP) and X11 and X11L in the brain, genetic deficiency of X11 and X11L may induce aberrant HCN1 distribution along with epilepsy."
"While the localization of the channel likely affects its function, we can not rule out the possibility that X11 and X11L directly regulate HCN1 function as well."
Ethanol affects HCN1
| 3
Ethanol activates HCN1.
| 2
Ethanol activates HCN1. 2 / 2
| 2
"The ethanol withdrawal procedure significantly increased the numbers of HCN1 positive cells in the Hip (t = 5.225, P < 0.001; Figures XREF_FIG) and the NAc (t = 14.618, P < 0.001; Figures XREF_FIG)."
"The change in Ih in the HCN1 channel caused by ethanol withdrawal is mediated by increases in cAMP, which binds to a cyclic nucleotide binding domain (CNBD) on the COOH-terminus of the channel."
Ethanol inhibits HCN1.
| 1
Ethanol inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Repeated ethanol exposure in vivo down-regulated Ih in the HCN1."
Cut9 affects HCN1
| 3
Cut9 inhibits HCN1.
| 1
Cut9 inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Coexpression of Cut9 with Hcn1 Represses the Ac/N-degron of Hcn1."
Cut9 binds HCN1.
| 1
| 1
"These results were analogous to the metabolic stabilization of the short lived MD-Cog1 wt by its coexpressed ligands Cog2-Cog4 (XREF_FIG), with the added advantage of knowing that the observed inhibition of the degradation of ML-Hcn1 wt by Cut9 (XREF_FIG) can be visualized and understood at atomic resolution, owing to the crystal structure of the Hcn1 and Cut9 complex (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."
Cut9 activates HCN1.
| 1
Cut9 activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Similar to the stoichiometry mediated degradation control of the COG complex, co-expression of Cut9 represses the degradation of Hcn1 by shielding its Ac/N-degron."
PRMT7 affects HCN1
| 3
PRMT7 decreases the amount of HCN1. 3 / 3
| 3
"Since PRMT7 knockdown led to a significant reduction in both the protein and transcript levels of SHANK3 in the HEK-293T cells, we hypothesize that PRMT7 deficiency induces an alteration of SHANK3 expression that contributes to the decreased protein level of HCN1."
"These data suggest that PRMT7 depletion causes a reduction in the HCN1 protein levels."
"Molecular analysis demonstrated the colocalization of HCN1 and HCN2 with PRMT7 in the CA1 region in the WT mice, and PRMT7 deficiency in CA1 causes reduced HCN1 protein levels without alteration in the HCN2 protein levels or reduction in the HCN1 mRNA levels."
NEDD4L affects HCN1
2 | 1
NEDD4L binds HCN1.
2 |
2 |
No evidence text available
No evidence text available
NEDD4L decreases the amount of HCN1.
| 1
NEDD4L decreases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"32 NEDD4L can also interact with the C terminus of the HCN1 channel to inhibit channel gating and reduce HCN1 channel surface expression."
METH affects HCN1
| 3
METH activates HCN1.
| 2
METH activates HCN1. 2 / 2
| 2
"Therefore, our data firstly showed that pretreatment of L-SPD exhibited the protective effect against METH induced memory deficits, possibly through reducing METH induced upregulation of dopaminergic pathway and HCN1 channels."
"The hyperpolarization activated cyclic-nucleotide-gated non selective cation 1 (HCN1) channel, which was a key regulator of memory functions and could be regulated by p-PKA, was also significantly increased by repeated METH exposure."
METH decreases the amount of HCN1.
| 1
METH decreases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"We found that METH re-exposure caused an enhancement of working memory, and a decrease in the HCN1 channels protein expression in both hippocampus and prefrontal cortex."
| 3
HCN1 bound to neuron-restrictive silencing factor activates transcription, DNA-templated. 1 / 1
| 1
"The reduced expression was linked to a seizure induced upregulation of neuron-restrictive silencing factor (NRSF), which binds strongly to the HCN1 encoding gene and restricts transcription."
"HCN1 mRNA expression diminishes as soon as 3 d post-SE, reflecting reduced transcription of the HCN1 gene."
HCN1 bound to REST inhibits transcription, DNA-templated. 1 / 1
| 1
"If NRSF binds to hcn1 to repress its transcription, then using an excess amount of a decoy NRSF binding oligodeoxynucloetide (ODN) should prevent NRSF from binding the NRSE sequence on the hcn1 gene and prevent the transcriptional repression of HCN1 (XREF_FIG)."
HCN1 affects TRM
| 3
HCN1-A354V activates TRM. 1 / 1
| 1
"Therefore, it is likely that the Hcn1 A354V mutation causes ET in the TRM rats and, importantly, its effects on tremor development appear when it is combined with trm1."
HCN1 bound to ASPA activates TRM. 1 / 1
| 1
"Therefore, it is likely that Hcn1 interacts with Aspa to produce ET in the TRM rat model."
HCN1 activates TRM. 1 / 1
| 1
"It is therefore likely that a HCN1 dysfunction in the IO, which reduces or blocks I h currents, may cause abnormal oscillations, and thereby induce ET in TRM rats."
HCN1 affects HCN2, and cooH
| 3
HCN1 binds HCN2 and cooH. 3 / 3
| 3
"Changes in efficacy can account for much of our chimera data if we postulate that cAMP is able to relieve inhibition with a higher than normal efficacy when the core transmembrane domain of HCN1 interacts with the COOH terminus of HCN2."
"Conversely, efficacy would be reduced when the core transmembrane domain of HCN2 interacts with the COOH terminus of HCN1, which explains the smaller than expected shift by cAMP in HCN121 and HCN221."
"Furthermore, neither CNBDs nor other COOH-terminal domains of HCN1 and HCN2 interacted in yeast two-hybrid assays."
HCN1 affects CA1
| 3
HCN1 inhibits CA1.
| 2
HCN1 inhibits CA1. 2 / 2
| 2
"Levels of NRSF and its physical binding to the hcn1 gene were augmented after SE, resulting in repression of hcn1 expression and HCN1 mediated currents (I h), and reduced I h -dependent resonance in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell dendrites."
"Furthermore, when dorsal CA1 I h was reduced by shRNA-HCN1, the CUS induced behavioral deficits were prevented."
HCN1 activates CA1.
| 1
HCN1 activates CA1. 1 / 1
| 1
"The enhanced railroad-track pattern of the GFP-HCN1 signal in the CA1 apical dendrites is strongly suggestive of increased HCN1 channel expression in the dendritic surface membrane viewed in a confocal cross-section along the longitudinal axis of the dendrite (XREF_FIG, bottom right)."
HCN1 affects APBA1
| 2 1
| 1
"Hence, HCN1 apparently interacts with the extracellular domain of APP and with both X11 and X11L in the cytoplasm."
HCN1 binds APBA1, APBA2, and APP. 1 / 1
| 1
"Here, we report that i) X11 -/- /X11L -/- mice suffer from spontaneous epileptic seizures along with malfunction of HCN channel activity; ii) HCN1 can form a complex with APP and X11 or X11L in the murine brain; iii) HCN1 -/- gene knockout mice show enhanced Aβ generation; iv) overexpression of HCN1 in Neuro2a (N2a) cells decreases Aβ generation, whereas blockage of HCN1 channel activity in N2a cells restores the level of Aβ production; v) the level of HCN1 diminishes significantly in the temporal cortex of cynomolgus monkeys ( Macaca fascicularis ) during aging; and vi) HCN1 levels are significantly reduced in the brains of sporadic AD patients compared with the brains of age-matched healthy subjects."
HCN1 binds APBA1, APBA2, and EC. 1 / 1
| 1
"We found that HCN1, X11, and X11L were colocalized in EC layer II neurons (Figure  xref H) and apparently formed a complex in the brain (Figure  xref I–K)."
CA1 affects HCN1
| 3
CA1 decreases the amount of HCN1.
| 2
CA1 decreases the amount of HCN1. 2 / 2
| 2
"Despite the fact that HCN1 protein levels are reduced by 40% in area CA1 XREF_BIBR we find that HCN1 expression in the dentate gyrus is increased in adult TRIP8b -/- compared to wildtype mice (XREF_FIG; arrows in 1e)."
"Molecular analysis demonstrated the colocalization of HCN1 and HCN2 with PRMT7 in the CA1 region in the WT mice, and PRMT7 deficiency in CA1 causes reduced HCN1 protein levels without alteration in the HCN2 protein levels or reduction in the HCN1 mRNA levels."
CA1 activates HCN1.
| 1
CA1 activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"We proceeded to determine the protein expression levels of various ion channels and pumps that could influence the excitability of the CA1 pyramidal neurons in AS model mice, including voltage dependent Na + channels NaV1.1, NaV1.2, and NaV1.6 (XREF_FIG), hyperpolarization activated channels HCN1 and HCN2 (XREF_FIG), and Na + / K + pumps alpha1-NaKA and alpha3-NaKA (XREF_FIG)."
| 2
| 2
"Valproic acid (VPA), a HDAC4 inhibitor, could reverse the decreased HCN1 and protect neuron damage from OGD/R injury."
"Valproic acid (VPA), a HDAC4 inhibitor, could reverse the decreased HCN1 and protect neuron damage from OGD/R injury."
Oxaliplatin affects HCN1
| 2
Oxaliplatin increases the amount of HCN1.
| 1
Oxaliplatin increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"This unpleasant and abnormal sensation may be caused by an oxaliplatin induced increased HCN1 expression in cold sensitive small neurons."
Oxaliplatin activates HCN1.
| 1
| 1
"18 have found a decrease of HCN2 expression level without alteration of HCN1 expression in rat treated with Oxaliplatin (2.4 mg/kg), administered intraperitoneally (i.p.) for five consecutive days every week for two weeks (10 i.p. injections)."
Nitric oxide affects HCN1
| 2
| 2
"Thus, NO selectively suppresses fast HCN1 mediated I (H) and facilitates a slow HCN2 mediated I (H), so generating a spectrum of modulation, dependent on the local expression of HCN1 and/or HCN2."
"NO is generated in the SOC following synaptic activity and here we show that NO selectively suppresses HCN1, while enhancing IH mediated by HCN2 subunits."
WAG-HCN1 affects HCN1
| 2
WAG-HCN1 inhibits HCN1.
| 1
WAG-HCN1 inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"The WAG-HCN1 Deletion Leads to Increased HCN1 Current Amplitudes (Gain-of-function) While Gating Behavior of the Channel Remains Unaltered."
WAG-HCN1 activates HCN1.
| 1
WAG-HCN1 activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Expression of WAG-HCN1 in oocytes yields the typical fast activating HCN1 currents upon hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane."
TPR affects HCN1
| 2
TPR increases the amount of HCN1.
| 1
TPR increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"As the TPR point mutations disrupt the ability of TRIP8b (1a) and TRIP8b (1b-2) to downregulate HCN1 surface expression, we expected to observe a similar phenotype when we deleted the TPR domain of these isoforms (TRIP8b DeltaTPR)."
TPR decreases the amount of HCN1.
| 1
TPR decreases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"As the TPR point mutations disrupt the ability of TRIP8b (1a) and TRIP8b (1b-2) to downregulate HCN1 surface expression, we expected to observe a similar phenotype when we deleted the TPR domain of these isoforms (TRIP8b DeltaTPR)."
TMEM74 affects HCN1
| 2
TMEM74 binds HCN1.
| 1
| 1
"Mechanistically, we demonstrate that interactions between Tmem74 and HCN1 are physiologically relevant and that transmembrane domain 1 (TM1) is essential for the cellular membrane localization of Tmem74 to enhance I h."
TMEM74 activates HCN1.
| 1
TMEM74 activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Consistent with the improvement in anxiety like behaviors, Tmem74 overexpression restored HCN1 channel trafficking and pyramidal neuron excitability in the BLA of Tmem74 -/- and chronic stress mice."
SRC affects HCN1
| 1 1
SRC phosphorylates HCN1.
| 1
SRC phosphorylates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"However, it is not yet known if HCN1 is directly phosphorylated by SFKs, or whether direct HCN1 channel tyrosine phosphorylation is required for its proper dendritic targeting."
SRC activates HCN1.
| 1
SRC activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"In contrast to HCN2 and HCN4, HCN1 is not modulated by Src kinase [XREF_BIBR]."
| 2
| 1
"Our data showed that I/R caused a strong decrease of HCN1 subunit in both hippocampus and cortex of rat."
Reperfusion Injury decreases the amount of HCN1.
| 1
Reperfusion Injury decreases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Collectively, these results demonstrated that I/R cause a decrease of HCN1 expression via enhancing nuclear HDAC4-NRSF gathering and might contribute to neuron damage."
HCN1 affects pyraclofos
| 2
HCN1 inhibits pyraclofos.
| 1
| 1
"Thus, HCN1 channels in IO neurons suppress spontaneous firing by driving voltage dependent inactivation of somatic T-type channels."
HCN1 activates pyraclofos.
| 1
| 1
"A recent study reports that HCN1 channels localize in the active zone of mature asymmetric synaptic terminals and inhibit synaptic glutamate release by suppressing the activity of low-threshold voltage gated T-type Ca 2+ channels [XREF_BIBR]."
HCN1 affects neuron-restrictive silencing factor
| 2
HCN1 inhibits neuron-restrictive silencing factor.
| 1
HCN1 bound to neuron-restrictive silencing factor inhibits neuron-restrictive silencing factor. 1 / 1
| 1
"The reduced expression was linked to a seizure induced upregulation of neuron-restrictive silencing factor (NRSF), which binds strongly to the HCN1 encoding gene and restricts transcription."
HCN1 binds neuron-restrictive silencing factor.
| 1
HCN1 binds neuron-restrictive silencing factor. 1 / 1
| 1
"The reduced expression was linked to a seizure induced upregulation of neuron-restrictive silencing factor (NRSF), which binds strongly to the HCN1 encoding gene and restricts transcription."
HCN1 affects filamin
| 2
| 2
"Importantly, filamin A binds HCN1 through a distinct sequence in the channel C ' terminus, while not being able to interact with either HCN2 or the HCN4 channel isoform [XREF_BIBR]."
"99 Similarly to KCNE2, in addition to binding to voltage gated potassium channels, filamin A also binds the HCN1 C-terminus via its final two Ig like repeats."
HCN1 affects cell death
| 2
| 2
"As local loss of HCN1 channels in the forebrain is sufficient to increase the incidence of THE seizures and death, HCN1 channels may normally limit the spread of seizures out of the limbic and forebrain region into hindbrain regions."
"Our findings indicate that HCN1 deletion is associated with increased seizure severity and increased seizure related death, independent of the seizure induction protocol used."
HCN1 affects Trp-Ala-Gly
| 2
| 2
"The basis of thalamic HCN1 upregulation in GAERS and WAG and Rij rats is unclear : Genomic analyses have not revealed mutations of the HCN1 gene so that a developmental dysregulation due to abnormalities in the thalamic network is plausible."
"Importantly, altered expression of HCN1 channels in TC neurons and cortical pyramidal neurons was found to underlie the SWD phenotype of WAG and Rij and GAERS rats."
HCN1 affects TST
| 2
HCN1 inhibits TST.
| 1
HCN1 inhibits TST. 1 / 1
| 1
"Genetic knockout of HCN1 or HCN2 16, as well as siRNA knockdown of HCN1 in the CA1 17, leads to antidepressant like effects on behavior in the TST and FST."
HCN1 activates TST.
| 1
HCN1 activates TST. 1 / 1
| 1
"Genetic knockout of HCN1 or HCN2 16, as well as siRNA knockdown of HCN1 in the CA1 17, leads to antidepressant like effects on behavior in the TST and FST."
HCN1 affects NEDD4L
2 |
2 |
No evidence text available
No evidence text available
HCN1 affects MCF2L2
| 2
HCN1 inhibits MCF2L2.
| 1
HCN1 inhibits MCF2L2. 1 / 1
| 1
"In conclusion, selective blockade of HCN1 and HCN2 channels, over HCN4 isoform, was able to modulate electrophysiological properties of DRG neurons similarly to that reported for classical I h blockers, ivabradine, resulting in a pain relieving activity."
HCN1 activates MCF2L2.
| 1
HCN1 activates MCF2L2. 1 / 1
| 1
"This increased I h is strongly supported by upregulation of HCN1 and HCN3 in the IB4 - small diameter DRG neurons."
HCN1 affects IFs
| 2
HCN1 inhibits IFs.
| 1
HCN1 inhibits IFs. 1 / 1
| 1
"HCN1 Knockout Attenuates the Amplitude of Native I h and IFs in CN Neurons."
HCN1 activates IFs.
| 1
HCN1 activates IFs. 1 / 1
| 1
"Because of the significant left-shift of the activation curve, one can predict that deletion of HCN1 would attenuate IFs."
HCN1 affects GRAP2
| 2
HCN1 inhibits GRAP2.
| 1
HCN1 inhibits GRAP2. 1 / 1
| 1
"These results correspond well with those of the companion paper that describes a parallel study on grid cells of medial entorhinal cortex, in which HCN1 deletion was found to increase grid cell spacing and stability."
HCN1 activates GRAP2.
| 1
HCN1 activates GRAP2. 1 / 1
| 1
"However, grid cell firing patterns were not abolished by HCN1 knockout, indicating the role of other mechanisms (e.g. HCN2 subunits)."
HCN1 affects FST
| 2
HCN1 inhibits FST.
| 1
HCN1 inhibits FST. 1 / 1
| 1
"Genetic knockout of HCN1 or HCN2 16, as well as siRNA knockdown of HCN1 in the CA1 17, leads to antidepressant like effects on behavior in the TST and FST."
HCN1 activates FST.
| 1
HCN1 activates FST. 1 / 1
| 1
"Genetic knockout of HCN1 or HCN2 16, as well as siRNA knockdown of HCN1 in the CA1 17, leads to antidepressant like effects on behavior in the TST and FST."
HCN1 affects BDNF
| 2
HCN1 inhibits BDNF.
| 1
HCN1 inhibits BDNF. 1 / 1
| 1
"For example, knockdown of the HCN1 channel produces an antidepressant behavioral phenotype and increases mTOR and BDNF, two molecular mediators of rapid antidepressant efficacy."
HCN1 decreases the amount of BDNF.
| 1
HCN1 decreases the amount of BDNF. 1 / 1
| 1
"These results revealed that the Ethanol withdrawal anxious behavior might be based on modulation of synaptic ultrastructure, in which the lowering of BDNF expression down-regulated by higher HCN1 in the Hip and NAc played a potential part."
FUT2 affects HCN1
| 1 1
FUT2 inhibits HCN1.
| 1
FUT2 inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Reductions of Hcn1 mRNA levels have been described in the hippocampus after kindling and kainic acid induced SE in adult rats, supporting the involvement of Hcn1 in epileptogenesis XREF_BIBR."
FUT2 binds HCN1.
| 1
| 1
"Because I h changes at 1–2 d after SE are associated with increased HCN1 surface expression, we next evaluated h channel surface expression in epileptic hippocampus by biotinylation assay."
CCI affects HCN1
| 2
CCI decreases the amount of HCN1. 2 / 2
| 2
"CCI lowers the expression of HCN1 and HCN2 mRNA."
"In addition, CCI lowers the expression of HCN1 and HCN2 mRNA and PEMF can not restore the expression of HCN1 and HCN2 mRNA."
CB 1 receptors affects HCN1
| 2
CB 1 receptors activates HCN1. 2 / 2
| 2
"Consistent with this hypothesis, a recent study has shown that CB 1 receptors modulate HCN1 activity and increase postsynaptic I h through a cGMP dependent pathway (Maroso etal, 2016)."
"Consistent with this hypothesis, a recent study has shown that CB 1 receptors modulate HCN1 activity and increase postsynaptic I h through a cGMP dependent pathway (Maroso etal, 2016)."
| 2
"HCN1, TRIP8b and AP-2 form a macromolecular complex in vivo."
"Interestingly, in vivo TRIP8b forms a molecular complex with HCN1 and AP-2, suggesting a potential mechanism for h channel endocytosis by some isoforms of TRIP8b. xref "
| 2
"ZD7288 was administered by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection to one experimental group to inhibit the function of the HCN1 ion channel while 8-Br-cAMP was administered to another group to activate the function of the HCN1 ion channel."
"ZD7288 was administered by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection to one experimental group to inhibit the function of the HCN1 ion channel while 8-Br-cAMP was administered to another group to activate the function of the HCN1 ion channel."
3 domain affects HCN1, and SGIP
| 2
HCN1 binds 3 domain and SGIP. 2 / 2
| 2
"Multiple phosphosites from amphIco- migrating synaptosomal proteins were also identified, including SGIP (Src homology 3 domain growth factor receptor bound 2 (Grb2)-like (endophilin)-interacting protein 1), AAK1, eps15R, MAP6, alpha and beta-adducin, and HCN1."
"Multiple phosphosites from amphI-co-migrating synaptosomal proteins were also identified, including SGIP (Src homology 3 domain growth factor receptor bound 2 (Grb2)-like (endophilin)-interacting protein 1), AAK1, eps15R, MAP6, alpha and beta-adducin, and HCN1."
Type I interferons affects HCN1
| 1
Type I interferons inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Elevation in type I interferons inhibits HCN1 and slows cortical neuronal oscillations."
Tetrodotoxin affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"For example, TTX or APV treatment decreased HCN1 and KCNMB2 mRNAs, which encode HCN channels and BKbeta2, respectively."
| 1
| 1
"Staurosporine significantly reduced HCN1 and WAG-HCN1, while the current reduction was not significantly different for HCN1 and WAG-HCN1 (p = 0.14)."
Rps9 affects HCN1
| 1
Rps9 activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Dexmedetomidine (0.1-10 muM) inhibited HCN1 and HCN2 channel currents in HEK 293 cells, caused a decrease of maximal currents, an increase of inhibition rate of hyperpolarization activated currents (Ih), and a negative shift in V1/2."
| 1
"Furthermore, the HCN1 specific peptide binds both phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate but not phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate."
Phenol affects HCN1
| 1
Phenol inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"2,6-di-iso-propyl phenol (propofol) and its non anesthetic congener, 2,6-di-tert-butyl phenol, inhibit HCN1 channels by stabilizing closed state (s)."
P38 affects HCN1
| 1
P38 activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"HCN1 and HCN2 have different molecular modulators : cAMP selectively modulates HCN2, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR while p38 MAP kinase modulates HCN1 XREF_BIBR."
Neuron-restrictive silencing factor affects HCN1
| 1
HCN1 binds neuron-restrictive silencing factor. 1 / 1
| 1
"The reduced expression was linked to a seizure induced upregulation of neuron-restrictive silencing factor (NRSF), which binds strongly to the HCN1 encoding gene and restricts transcription."
Network affects HCN1
| 1
Network activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Increasing network activity with high extracellular K+ caused a similar reduction of cellular excitability and an increase in h-channel HCN1 protein."
Loperamide affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"Loperamide inhibited the HCN1 currents more potently on the - 70 mV pulse (Figs. 6B and 7 A) (see current level at the end of each voltage step), with IC 50 s of 6.6 microM and 29.5 microM at - 70 and - 90 mV, respectively."
Kainic acid affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"Moreover, kainic acid induced seizure susceptibility is increased in HCN1 -/- mice [XREF_BIBR], and HCN2 deficient mice exhibit spontaneous absence seizures [XREF_BIBR]."
Isoflurane affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR In addition, volatile anesthetics such as halothane, or the more commonly used isoflurane, are able to inhibit HCN1 channels."
1 |
Transcriptionally active hsa-miR-4662a-5p decreases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
1 |
No evidence text available
Glucose affects HCN1
| 1
Glucose activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"HCN1 dependent susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy may at least in part be mediated by altered glucose metabolism in type 2 diabetic patients."
Cytidine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphate affects HCN1
| 1
Cytidine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphate activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Other endogenous cyclic nucleotides can modulate HCN channels : when tested on recombinant channels expressed in HEK293 cells, cytidine-3 ',5 '-cyclic monophosphate (cCMP) activates HCN2 and HCN4, but not HCN1 and HCN3 [XREF_BIBR]."
| 1
"Cyclophosphamide induced HCN1 channel upregulation in interstitial Cajal like cells leads to bladder hyperactivity in mice."
Chimera affects HCN1
| 1
Chimera activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"When cGMP is the agonist, the activation of the beta subunit BD chimera also far surpasses that of the fCNG2 BD chimera, although the rCNG5 BD chimera is activated less well than the chimera containing the BD of bCNG1."
Carvedilol affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"In addition, carvedilol also inhibited HCN1 and HCN2 channels."
Calcium(2+) affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"Indeed, we have found an E2 induced increased mRNA expression of HCN1, TRPC4, Ca V 1.3 (L), Ca V 2.2 (N) and Ca V 2.3 (R)-type calcium channels in GnRH neurons."
CCMP affects HCN1
| 1
CCMP activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Other endogenous cyclic nucleotides can modulate HCN channels : when tested on recombinant channels expressed in HEK293 cells, cytidine-3 ',5 '-cyclic monophosphate (cCMP) activates HCN2 and HCN4, but not HCN1 and HCN3 [XREF_BIBR]."
Bicuculline affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"In neurons from HCN1 knockout mice the enhancement of EPSP summation by bicuculline was ~ 3-fold greater than observed in cells from wild type mice (see XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY); bicuculline increased EPSP5 : EPSP1 by ~ 12.9 +/- 5.7% in control animals and by 37.3 +/- 5.8% in HCN1 knockouts (n = 6 & 5, respectively; P < 0.05)."
Baclofen affects HCN1
| 1
Baclofen increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Besides, baclofen attenuated the decrease of surface expression of GABAB R1, GABAB R2, and HCN1, but downregulated HCN2 surface expression."
AroA affects HCN1
| 1
AroA activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"In addition, the integration of EPSPs was enhanced considerably such that, at normal RMP, a 50 Hz train of EPSPs produced action potentials in HCN1 (-/-) neurons."
Amyloid-beta affects HCN1
| 1
"Because HCN1 associates with amyloid-β precursor protein (APP) and X11/X11L in the brain, genetic deficiency of X11/X11L may induce aberrant HCN1 distribution along with epilepsy."
WIPI1 affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"Glutamate-induced inhibition of the movement of HCN1-GFP-expressing puncta was associated with increased surface expression of both native and transfected HCN1 channels, and this surface expression was accompanied by augmented I(h)."
Trp-Ala-Gly affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"Interestingly, Blumenfeld et al recently found that pre-morbid treatment of WAG and Rij rats with ethosuximide prevented the development of absence epilepsy and eliminated reduction of HCN1 observed in these rats."
Ser-Ala affects HCN1
| 1
Ser-Ala activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Seizure like activity (SA) increased HCN1 and HCN2 heteromerization in hippocampus in vivo as well as in hippocampal organotypic slice cultures."
SLCO6A1 affects HCN1
| 1
SLCO6A1 inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Even the high concentrations of GST-RAP (50 mug/ml) did not prevent the accumulation of HCN1 at the hippocampal fissure [slopes : 5.15 +/- 0.36 (GST-RAP) vs. 4.48 +/- 0.42 (GST), n = 17; linear regression analysis : F = 1.5, DFn = 1, DFd = 166, p = 0.22; XREF_FIG]."
S-(+)-ketamine affects HCN1
| 1
S-(+)-ketamine inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Whereas such in vitro results provide a strong correlative argument to implicate NMDA receptors, we find that the same case can be made for HCN1 channels : EC 50 values obtained for ketamine inhibition of HCN1 channels are within a clinically relevant range and HCN1 channels are more potently inhibited by S-(+)-ketamine than racemic ketamine."
RE1 site affects HCN1
| 1
HCN1 binds RE1 site. 1 / 1
| 1
"McClelland and colleagues have recently shown that REST binding to the RE1 site of HCN1 is enhanced 2 days after kainic acid induced SE."
RAB8B affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"We then identify the molecular substrate for the sub-threshold voltage changes in the ADTg mice as a perisomatic sequestration of a multimolecular complex comprised of HCN1 and its auxiliary subunit tetratricopeptide repeat-containing Rab8b interacting protein (Trip8b; refs. ( xref ; xref ; xref ; xref )."
PPP2 affects HCN1
| 1
PPP2 increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Furthermore, we found that inhibition of PP1 and PP2A decreased HCN1 surface expression, whereas tyrosine phosphatase inhibition did not."
PPP1 affects HCN1
| 1
PPP1 increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Furthermore, we found that inhibition of PP1 and PP2A decreased HCN1 surface expression, whereas tyrosine phosphatase inhibition did not."
PEMF affects HCN1
| 1
PEMF increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"In addition, CCI lowers the expression of HCN1 and HCN2 mRNA and PEMF can not restore the expression of HCN1 and HCN2 mRNA."
NTS affects HCN1
| 1
NTS acetylates HCN1 on methionine. 1 / 1
| 1
"In the crystal structure, by Barford and colleagues, of the complex between the APC/C subunits Hcn1 and Cut9 of S. pombe, the Nt acetylated Met residue of Hcn1 was found to be enclosed within a chamber of the folded Cut9 subunit (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."
NGLY1 affects HCN1
| 1
NGLY1 inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Our observations that HCN1- and HCN4 like immunoreactivities circumscribe dextran backfilled somata, and that PNGase F reduces the apparent molecular weight of both HCN1 and HCN4 by amounts consistent with the presence of glycosylated forms, agree well with previous reports that I h can be activated only in cells displaying surface membrane expression of HCN subunits and that glycosylation is required for surface membrane expression."
NEDD4 affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"We identified a PY motif (L/PPxY), the characteristic binding motif for Nedd4-2 in the C terminus of the HCN1 subunit, and showed that HCN1 and Nedd4-2 interacted both in vivo (rat hippocampus, neocortex, and cerebellum) and in vitro [human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells], resulting in increased HCN1 ubiquitination."
| 1
"HCN1 trafficking required intact actin and tubulin and was rapidly inhibited by activation of either NMDA or AMPA-type ionotropic glutamate receptors in a calcium dependent manner."
| 1
"Additionally, CMS induces an increase in HCN1 currents in the dorsal hippocampus, and shRNA knockdown of HCN1 in the dorsal hippocampus produced anxiolytic- and antidepressant like behaviors."
MirP1 affects HCN1
| 1
MirP1 activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Along these lines, the K + channel ancillary subunit Mink related peptide 1 (MirP1), also termed KCNE2, enhances expression and speeds activation of HCN1, HCN2, and HCN4."
MPZ affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"This age-dependent decrease of axonal HCN1 in mPP is not associated with a down-regulation of HCN1 mRNA or protein expression in the cells of origin - the layer II stellate cells of the medial EC -, suggesting that its regulation involves post-translational mechanisms such as association with auxiliary proteins xref ."
MFSD11 affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"Therefore, it is likely that Hcn1 interacts with Aspa to produce ET in the TRM rat model."
LRPAP1 affects HCN1
| 1
LRPAP1 inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"RAP treatment significantly reduced HCN1 staining intensity in the dendrites compared with GST controls (XREF_FIG) but did not significantly alter MAP2 staining (XREF_FIG), demonstrating that Reelin signaling is required for targeting of HCN1 to distal dendrites in organotypic cultures as well as in vivo."
IsoB4 affects HCN1
| 1
IsoB4 activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Although exon 2 containing IsoB2 indeed downregulated h channel surface expression, this downregulation appeared independent of exon 2, as the exon 2 containing IsoB1, IsoB3 and IsoB4 all enhanced HCN1 current."
IsoB3 affects HCN1
| 1
IsoB3 activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Although exon 2 containing IsoB2 indeed downregulated h channel surface expression, this downregulation appeared independent of exon 2, as the exon 2 containing IsoB1, IsoB3 and IsoB4 all enhanced HCN1 current."
IsoB2 affects HCN1
| 1
IsoB2 inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"IsoB2, which decreased HCN1 current density in electrophysiological studies, reduced the fluorescence index of surface stained cells (0.35 +/- 0.02, n = 6, p < 0.001, XREF_FIG)."
IsoB1 affects HCN1
| 1
IsoB1 activates HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Although exon 2 containing IsoB2 indeed downregulated h channel surface expression, this downregulation appeared independent of exon 2, as the exon 2 containing IsoB1, IsoB3 and IsoB4 all enhanced HCN1 current."
Ile-His affects HCN1
| 1
Ile-His inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Dexmedetomidine (0.1-10 muM) inhibited HCN1 and HCN2 channel currents in HEK 293 cells, caused a decrease of maximal currents, an increase of inhibition rate of hyperpolarization activated currents (Ih), and a negative shift in V1/2."
IR affects HCN1
| 1
HCN1 binds IR. 1 / 1
| 1
"The most frequent postsynaptic dyads formed of HCN1-IR bipolar cell axon terminals are pairs composed of both amacrine cell processes."
Histone_H3 affects HCN1
| 1
"In addition, the binding of the NRSE-containing regulatory region of the HCN1 gene to dimethylated histone H3K9 was augmented 72 hours and one week after KA-SE compared with sham controls ( xref )."
HDAC4-NRSF affects HCN1
| 1
HDAC4-NRSF increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Collectively, these results demonstrated that I/R cause a decrease of HCN1 expression via enhancing nuclear HDAC4-NRSF gathering and might contribute to neuron damage."
HDAC4 inhibitor affects HCN1
| 1
HDAC4 inhibitor inhibits HCN1. 1 / 1
| 1
"Valproic acid (VPA), a HDAC4 inhibitor, could reverse the decreased HCN1 and protect neuron damage from OGD/R injury."
HCN1 affects transport
| 1
| 1
"In the kidney, HCN1, HCN2 and HCN3 are differentially expressed and contribute to the transport of sodium, potassium (K +) and ammonium into the nephrons."
HCN1 affects sodium atom
| 1
| 1
"The HCN1, HCN3 and ASIC1a channels therefore do not contribute to the Na + currents reported here."
HCN1 affects rod photoreceptor output
| 1
HCN1 activates rod photoreceptor output. 1 / 1
| 1
"Modulation of rod photoreceptor output by HCN1 channels is essential for regular mesopic cone vision."
HCN1 affects pyrimidine
| 1
| 1
"These findings suggest a direct involvement of HCN1 channels in inhibition induced theta-band PYR spiking."
HCN1 affects propofol
| 1
HCN1 activates propofol. 1 / 1
| 1
"HCN1 mediated interactions of ketamine and propofol in a mean field model of the EEG."
| 1
| 1
"To evaluate in mammalian rod photoreceptors the selectivity for hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide gated (Hcn1, coded by Hcn1) over potassium selective (Kir 2.4, coded by Kcnj14) channels of ivabradine, a selective inhibitor of the cardiac " funny " current (I (f))."
| 1
"Furthermore, the HCN1 specific peptide binds both phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate but not phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate."
HCN1 affects neurotransmission
| 1
HCN1 activates neurotransmission. 1 / 1
| 1
"Moreover, HCN1 channels present in immature excitatory synaptic terminals in the hippocampus and Calyx of Held are also likely to modulate neurotransmission XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR."
HCN1 affects neuron-restrictive silencer factor
| 1
HCN1 inhibits neuron-restrictive silencer factor. 1 / 1
| 1
"In the kainic acid induced SE model of TLE, downregulation of HCN1 expression in CA1 pyramidal region was caused by an upregulation of a repressing transcription factor, neuron-restrictive silencer factor (NRSF) which suppresses transcription of a number of genes, amongst them the HCN1 gene [XREF_BIBR]."
| 1
"HCN1 and HCN2 in Rat DRG Neurons : Levels in Nociceptors and Non Nociceptors, NT3-Dependence and Influence of CFA Induced Skin Inflammation on HCN2 and NT3 Expression."
HCN1 affects epsP
| 1
HCN1 inhibits epsP. 1 / 1
| 1
"The increase of HCN1 surface expression in conjunction with decreased input resistance, decreased EPSP summation, and increased voltage sag suggest that there is an acute increase of I h within 1-2 d after SE."
HCN1 affects cut9 mutant
| 1
HCN1 inhibits cut9 mutant. 1 / 1
| 1
"In S. pombe, Hcn1 overexpression suppresses a cut9 mutant that is defective in APC/C assembly [25]."
HCN1 affects cut9
| 1
| 1
"These results were analogous to the metabolic stabilization of the short lived MD-Cog1 wt by its coexpressed ligands Cog2-Cog4 (XREF_FIG), with the added advantage of knowing that the observed inhibition of the degradation of ML-Hcn1 wt by Cut9 (XREF_FIG) can be visualized and understood at atomic resolution, owing to the crystal structure of the Hcn1 and Cut9 complex (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."
| 1
"17 In agreement, we also found that reduced HCN1 protein expression along the somatodendritic region of dorsal CA1 region in CUS-shRNA-HCN1 rats produced resiliency to CUS."
HCN1 affects cocaine
| 1
HCN1 activates cocaine. 1 / 1
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"If activation of HCN1 channels by cAMP in the orbitofrontal cortex underlies cocaine self-administration-induced deficits in the odor delayed win-shift task, this may explain the overall poorer performance found in rats with adolescence-onset experience, as chronically administered cocaine causes an upregulation of cAMP and cAMP activity is higher in the brains of adolescent than adult rats."
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"We conclude that HCN2 and HCN4 channel isoforms, but not HCN1 and HCN3, promote the differentiation of PC12 cells toward sympathetic neurons."
HCN1 affects anti-HCN1 antibody
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HCN1 inhibits anti-HCN1 antibody. 1 / 1
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"The HCN1 peptide immunogen suppressed binding of the anti-HCN1 antibody (data not illustrated), while the HCN4 fusion protein immunogen suppressed binding of the anti-HCN4 antibody."
HCN1 affects amyloid-beta
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"Because HCN1 associates with amyloid-β precursor protein (APP) and X11/X11L in the brain, genetic deficiency of X11/X11L may induce aberrant HCN1 distribution along with epilepsy."
HCN1 affects ammonium
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HCN1 activates ammonium. 1 / 1
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"In the kidney, HCN1, HCN2 and HCN3 are differentially expressed and contribute to the transport of sodium, potassium (K +) and ammonium into the nephrons."
HCN1 affects WIPI1
| 1
| 1
"Glutamate-induced inhibition of the movement of HCN1-GFP-expressing puncta was associated with increased surface expression of both native and transfected HCN1 channels, and this surface expression was accompanied by augmented I(h)."
HCN1 affects VCL
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HCN1 activates VCL. 1 / 1
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"These data confirm that HCN1 activates at voltages 20 mV positive to those required to activate HCN2 and that cAMP causes a much smaller voltage shift in steady-state activation for HCN1 (4 mV) compared with its larger shift in HCN2 (17 mV; XREF_FIG and XREF_TABLE)."
HCN1 affects U74
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HCN1 inhibits U74. 1 / 1
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"Strikingly, pharmacological inhibition of I h or genetic deletion of HCN1 abolishes CB1R induced deficits in LTP and memory."
HCN1 affects TMEM74
| 1
| 1
"Mechanistically, we demonstrate that interactions between Tmem74 and HCN1 are physiologically relevant and that transmembrane domain 1 (TM1) is essential for the cellular membrane localization of Tmem74 to enhance I h."
HCN1 affects TLR4
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HCN1 inhibits TLR4. 1 / 1
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"The TLR4 involvement is supported by the blockade of LPS induced HCN1 changes using the specific receptor antagonist CyP."
HCN1 affects TFRC
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HCN1 activates TFRC. 1 / 1
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"Protein expression of HCN channel isoforms was roughly concordant with the mRNA results in that the protein expression of HCN1 and HCN2 significantly (p < 0.004) increased from P7 to P90."
HCN1 affects STXBP3
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HCN1 inhibits STXBP3. 1 / 1
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"HCN1 channels acting in part via gap junctions from adjoining IO neurons enable the inhibitory component of the PSP, whereas HCN1 channels acting at the soma control the timing and content of action potentials fired by IO neurons."
HCN1 affects Rij
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HCN1 activates Rij. 1 / 1
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"Importantly, altered expression of HCN1 channels in TC neurons and cortical pyramidal neurons was found to underlie the SWD phenotype of WAG and Rij and GAERS rats."
HCN1 affects RELN
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HCN1 activates RELN. 1 / 1
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"We thus explored the possibility that the localization of HCN1 to the distal tuft dendrites may be mediated by a non-cell-autonomous factor, focusing on the extracellular matrix glycoprotein Reelin, which is highly enriched in SLM."
HCN1 affects RE1 site
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HCN1 binds RE1 site. 1 / 1
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"McClelland and colleagues have recently shown that REST binding to the RE1 site of HCN1 is enhanced 2 days after kainic acid induced SE."
HCN1 affects RAB8B
| 1
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"We then identify the molecular substrate for the sub-threshold voltage changes in the ADTg mice as a perisomatic sequestration of a multimolecular complex comprised of HCN1 and its auxiliary subunit tetratricopeptide repeat-containing Rab8b interacting protein (Trip8b; refs. ( xref ; xref ; xref ; xref )."
HCN1 affects PPY
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HCN1 inhibits PPY. 1 / 1
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"In contrast, EGFP-HCN1 caused a large reduction of the PP EPSP (P < 0.01, ANOVA with Tukey 's HSD test relative to EGFP control EPSPs, stimulus strengths> 15 V) that was significantly greater than the reduction seen with EGFP-HCN1 DeltaSNL (P < 0.05 ANOVA with Tukey 's HSD, 25 and 30 V stimulus strengths)."
HCN1 affects NEDD4
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"We identified a PY motif (L/PPxY), the characteristic binding motif for Nedd4-2 in the C terminus of the HCN1 subunit, and showed that HCN1 and Nedd4-2 interacted both in vivo (rat hippocampus, neocortex, and cerebellum) and in vitro [human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells], resulting in increased HCN1 ubiquitination."
HCN1 affects NAV1, and ion channel
| 1
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"Early treatment with ethosuximide blocked changes in the expression of ion channels Nav1.1, Nav1.6, and HCN1 normally associated with epilepsy in this model."
HCN1 affects Mlc2v Cre/+
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HCN1 activates Mlc2v Cre/+. 1 / 1
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"Inactivation of canonical signaling by DNMAML rescues ectopic up-regulation of expression of the pacemaker channel gene Hcn1 (7.7 fold upregulation in Mlc2v Cre/+; NICD vs 2.7 fold upregulation in Mlc2v Cre/+; NICD and DNMAML, XREF_FIG, p = 0.02)."
HCN1 affects MTOR
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HCN1 inhibits MTOR. 1 / 1
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"For example, knockdown of the HCN1 channel produces an antidepressant behavioral phenotype and increases mTOR and BDNF, two molecular mediators of rapid antidepressant efficacy."
HCN1 affects MPZ
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"This age-dependent decrease of axonal HCN1 in mPP is not associated with a down-regulation of HCN1 mRNA or protein expression in the cells of origin - the layer II stellate cells of the medial EC -, suggesting that its regulation involves post-translational mechanisms such as association with auxiliary proteins xref ."
HCN1 affects MAPT
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HCN1 activates MAPT. 1 / 1
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"Therefore, we speculate that increase expression of HCN1 subunit contributes the gradual increase of tau in pyramidal neurons during development."
HCN1 affects KNTC1
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HCN1 activates KNTC1. 1 / 1
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HCN1 affects IR
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HCN1 binds IR. 1 / 1
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"The most frequent postsynaptic dyads formed of HCN1-IR bipolar cell axon terminals are pairs composed of both amacrine cell processes."
HCN1 affects IIR
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HCN1 activates IIR. 1 / 1
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"HCN1 and/or HCN2 channels contribute to IIR in amacrine cells."
HCN1 affects Histone_H3
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"In addition, the binding of the NRSE-containing regulatory region of the HCN1 gene to dimethylated histone H3K9 was augmented 72 hours and one week after KA-SE compared with sham controls ( xref )."
HCN1 affects HCN2, and PRNP
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HCN1 binds HCN2 and PRNP. 1 / 1
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"However, neither HCN1 nor HCN2 formed a biochemical complex with PrP(C)."
HCN1 affects HCN subunits
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HCN1 inhibits HCN subunits. 1 / 1
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"The small residual I h in Hcn1,2 -/- was blocked by ZD7288, indicating the presence of other HCN subunits, most likely HCN4 (XREF_FIG)."
HCN1 affects HCN channel
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HCN1 increases the amount of HCN channel. 1 / 1
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"Previous reports have found that reduction of HCN channel expression by HCN1 or HCN2 knockout 16 leads to antidepressant like effects on behavior in two common antidepressant screening tests : the Forced Swim Test (FST) and Tail Suspension Test (TST)."
HCN1 affects Glu-Asp
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HCN1 inhibits Glu-Asp. 1 / 1
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"The HCN1 conditional forebrain knockout reduces ketamine sensitivity (increases ED 50) by about 30%, an effect smaller than that in the global knockout."
HCN1 affects GRM5
| 1
| 1
"Further, Aqp9 does not mediate any interaction between Hcn1, Hcn2, Hcn3, Gria3, Grm5 and Aqp1."
HCN1 affects GNL3
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HCN1 inhibits GNL3. 1 / 1
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"However, we did note that loss of functional Hcn1 expression caused a 50% reduction of the maximum conductance to 1.6 +/- 0.3 nS (n = 11, P < 0.01) in cell bodies and a 10% reduction to 6.3 +/- 0.6 nS (n = 20) in dimorphic calyx terminals (XREF_FIG)."
HCN1 affects GFP-HCN1 fusion construct
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Modified HCN1 increases the amount of GFP-HCN1 fusion construct. 1 / 1
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"Coexpression of GFP-HCN1 with TRIP8b (1a-4) strongly enhances the overall expression of the GFP-HCN1 fusion construct, with intense GFP-HCN1 labeling of apical dendrites as well as enhanced labeling of basal dendrites and soma (XREF_FIG)."
HCN1 affects GEM
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HCN1 activates GEM. 1 / 1
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"To evaluate in mammalian rod photoreceptors the selectivity for hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide gated (Hcn1, coded by Hcn1) over potassium selective (Kir 2.4, coded by Kcnj14) channels of ivabradine, a selective inhibitor of the cardiac " funny " current (I (f))."
HCN1 affects GAERS
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HCN1 activates GAERS. 1 / 1
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"Importantly, altered expression of HCN1 channels in TC neurons and cortical pyramidal neurons was found to underlie the SWD phenotype of WAG and Rij and GAERS rats."
HCN1 affects FilA
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HCN1 binds FilA. 1 / 1
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"Although FilA specifically interacts with HCN1, and we observe increased FilA in adult WAG and Rij rats, it is unknown how FilA affects HCN channel function in the brain."
HCN1 affects FUT2
| 1
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"Because I h changes at 1–2 d after SE are associated with increased HCN1 surface expression, we next evaluated h channel surface expression in epileptic hippocampus by biotinylation assay."
HCN1 affects FSCN1
| 1
| 1
"Rather, we suggest that the TPR region may recruit some cytoplasmic trafficking factor independent of the TPR domain 's role in binding to the SNL site of HCN1."
HCN1 affects EC grid
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HCN1 inhibits EC grid. 1 / 1
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"As demonstrated by Giocomo et al. in a companion paper, HCN1 deletion increases EC grid cell spacing across the dorsal-ventral axis."
HCN1 affects CYP
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HCN1 inhibits CYP. 1 / 1
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"When normalized to cell capacitance, CYP treatment significantly increased I h density in CYP treated WT and HCN1-/- mice, while HCN1 channel deletion led to significant reductions in I h density in both CYP treated and naive mice over the voltage range of -60 to -120 mV (XREF_FIG)."
HCN1 affects CHF
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HCN1 activates CHF. 1 / 1
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"We assessed expression of HCN1, 2 and 4 in normal mongrel dogs and dogs subjected to 2-week ventricular tachypacing induced CHF."
HCN1 affects CFI
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HCN1 increases the amount of CFI. 1 / 1
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"Modification of HCN1 or HCN2 DNA resulted in overexpression of I f and an increase in heart rate, thus offering a potential alternative to artificial pacing in SN and conduction system disease."
HCN1 affects BDNF-mTOR
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HCN1 inhibits BDNF-mTOR. 1 / 1
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"Enhancement of dorsal hippocampal activity and upregulation of BDNF-mTOR signaling in the dorsal hippocampal CA1 region by knockdown of HCN1."
HCN1 affects Abeta42
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HCN1 inhibits Abeta42. 1 / 1
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"Overexpression of HCN1 significantly reduced the generation of Abeta40 and Abeta42 (compare column 2 with column 3 for each Abeta peptide)."
HCN1 affects Abeta40
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HCN1 inhibits Abeta40. 1 / 1
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"Overexpression of HCN1 significantly reduced the generation of Abeta40 and Abeta42 (compare column 2 with column 3 for each Abeta peptide)."
HCN1 affects ASPA
| 1
| 1
"Therefore, it is likely that Hcn1 interacts with Aspa to produce ET in the TRM rat model."
HCN1 affects AQP1
| 1
| 1
"Further, Aqp9 does not mediate any interaction between Hcn1, Hcn2, Hcn3, Gria3, Grm5 and Aqp1."
HCN1 affects AKT
| 1
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"Overall, the identification of a functional interaction between Akt and HCN1 suggests other phospho-motif containing network proteins may also be a resource for novel functional interaction."
HCN channels affects HCN1
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HCN channels activates HCN1. 1 / 1
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"Specifically, studies of the expression pattern of HCN channels following developmental prolonged febrile seizures and also kainate induced seizures found persistent loss of HCN1 mRNA and protein expression, transient downregulation of HCN2 expression and increased formation of heteromeric HCN1 and HCN2 channels."
GRM5 affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"Further, Aqp9 does not mediate any interaction between Hcn1, Hcn2, Hcn3, Gria3, Grm5 and Aqp1."
GLUL affects HCN1
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GLUL activates HCN1. 1 / 1
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"Gi- and Gs coupled receptors up-regulate the cAMP cascade to modulate HCN2, but not HCN1 pacemaker channels."
GI affects HCN1
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GI activates HCN1. 1 / 1
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"Gi- and Gs coupled receptors up-regulate the cAMP cascade to modulate HCN2, but not HCN1 pacemaker channels."
GDE1 affects HCN1
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GDE1 activates HCN1. 1 / 1
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"Hcn1 is important for grid cell function, and is likely targeted by miR-16 in module 7."
FilA affects HCN1
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HCN1 binds FilA. 1 / 1
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"Although FilA specifically interacts with HCN1, and we observe increased FilA in adult WAG and Rij rats, it is unknown how FilA affects HCN channel function in the brain."
FSCN1 affects HCN1
| 1
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"Rather, we suggest that the TPR region may recruit some cytoplasmic trafficking factor independent of the TPR domain 's role in binding to the SNL site of HCN1."
FOXH1 affects HCN1
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FOXH1 activates HCN1. 1 / 1
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"Faster I h activation kinetics in WAG/Rij rats may be consequently based on the increased influence of the fast activating HCN1 channels on the compound current."
FLNA affects HCN1, and PEX5L
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PEX5L binds FLNA and HCN1. 1 / 1
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"In addition, both proteins, Filamin A and TRIP8b interact with the C-terminus of HCN1, making a loss-of-interaction with these proteins an unlikely mechanism."
FAM168B affects HCN1
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FAM168B activates HCN1. 1 / 1
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"HCN1 immunoreactivity was low at P1 and P5 and increased by P20."
EXXXLL motif affects HCN1
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EXXXLL motif decreases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
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"The finding that the YXXL motif in exon 2 and EXXXLL motif in exon 5 are critical for the ability of distinct isoforms of TRIP8b to reduce HCN1 surface expression strongly supports a model in which TRIP8b acts as a bridge protein, recruiting AP-2 adaptors to TRIP8b and HCN1 channel complexes that enable the formation of clathrin coated pits and subsequent channel endocytosis."
CYP affects HCN1
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CYP activates HCN1. 1 / 1
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"CYP treatment significantly enhanced HCN channel protein expression and I h density and significantly altered bladder HCN1 channel regulatory proteins."
CD3 affects HCN1, and PCDH15
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CD3 binds PCDH15 and HCN1. 1 / 1
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"Competition may therefore exist in vivo between the two binding sites for HCN1, with binding of HCN1 to protocadherin 15 CD3 favored between 26.5 and 68 microm Ca(2+)."
CD3 affects FLNA, HCN1, and HCN2
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CD3 binds FLNA, HCN1, and HCN2. 1 / 1
| 1
"Immunoprecipitation protocols indicate alternate interactions of full-length proteins; HCN1 can interact with protocadherin 15 CD3 and F-actin-binding filamin A forming a complex that does not include HCN2, or HCN1 can interact with HCN2 forming a complex without protocadherin 15 CD3 but including F-actin-binding fascin-2."
CAV3 affects HCN1
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CAV3 increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
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"siRNA mediated knockdown of Cav-3 protein significantly decreased HCN1 and HCN4 expression."
CAPN affects HCN1
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CAPN increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
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"Although E-64d can also inhibit non lysosomal cysteine proteases such as calpain, that E64d treatment enhanced HCN1 levels when expressed alone (and not when coexpressed TRIP8b (1a-4)) suggests that E-64d effects result from inhibition of lysosomal proteases rather than more ubiquitous proteases."
CALB1 affects GLRA2, GRIN2A, HCN1, KCNC2, and REST
| 1
| 1
"In contrast, seizure-induced increase of NRSF levels markedly augmented NRSF binding to genes such as Calb1, Glra2, Grin2A, Hcn1, and Kcnc2 , where binding was moderate in the naive hippocampus."
Actin affects FLNA, and HCN1
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Actin binds FLNA and HCN1. 1 / 1
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"HCN1 also interacts with the actin binding scaffolding protein, Filamin A ( xref ), and HCN2 interacts with the scaffolding proteins tamalin, S-SCAM, and MINT-2 ( xref )."
ASPA affects HCN1
| 1
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"Therefore, it is likely that Hcn1 interacts with Aspa to produce ET in the TRM rat model."
AQP1 affects HCN1
| 1
| 1
"Further, Aqp9 does not mediate any interaction between Hcn1, Hcn2, Hcn3, Gria3, Grm5 and Aqp1."
AQP1 affects GRIA3, GRM5, HCN1, HCN2, and HCN3
| 1
| 1
"Further, Aqp9 does not mediate any interaction between Hcn1, Hcn2, Hcn3, Gria3, Grm5 and Aqp1 ."
APP affects FlaG, and HCN1
| 1
HCN1 binds APP and FlaG. 1 / 1
| 1
"HCN1 bound to FLAG-sAPP, but not to FLAG-tag alone (Figure  xref I)."
APBA1 affects APBA2, EC, and HCN1
| 1
HCN1 binds APBA1, APBA2, and EC. 1 / 1
| 1
"We found that HCN1, X11, and X11L were colocalized in EC layer II neurons (Figure  xref H) and apparently formed a complex in the brain (Figure  xref I–K)."
APBA1 affects APBA2, APP, and HCN1
| 1
HCN1 binds APBA1, APBA2, and APP. 1 / 1
| 1
"Here, we report that i) X11 -/- /X11L -/- mice suffer from spontaneous epileptic seizures along with malfunction of HCN channel activity; ii) HCN1 can form a complex with APP and X11 or X11L in the murine brain; iii) HCN1 -/- gene knockout mice show enhanced Aβ generation; iv) overexpression of HCN1 in Neuro2a (N2a) cells decreases Aβ generation, whereas blockage of HCN1 channel activity in N2a cells restores the level of Aβ production; v) the level of HCN1 diminishes significantly in the temporal cortex of cynomolgus monkeys ( Macaca fascicularis ) during aging; and vi) HCN1 levels are significantly reduced in the brains of sporadic AD patients compared with the brains of age-matched healthy subjects."
AKT affects HCN1
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"Overall, the identification of a functional interaction between Akt and HCN1 suggests other phospho-motif containing network proteins may also be a resource for novel functional interaction."
3D affects HCN1
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3D increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
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"Remarkably, 3D culturing for 14 days reproducibly enhanced the expression levels of alphaMHC, HERG1b, and HCN1 in Sus (D29) hESC-CMs compared to their expression levels in Ad (D29) hESC-CMs subjected to replating culturing."
1b-2 affects HCN1
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1b-2 decreases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
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"Thus, the decreased ability of TRIP8b (1b-2) to abolish HCN1 surface expression seen with truncation of the channel 's SNL tripeptide is rescued upon truncation of the entire non conserved C-terminus of HCN1 (XREF_FIG)."
1a-2-4 affects HCN1
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1a-2-4 increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
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"TRIP8b (1a-4) and TRIP8b (1a-2-4) (the naming convention lists the alternatively spliced exons) cause a 4-6 fold increase in surface expression of HCN1 channels when co-expressed in Xenopus oocytes."
1a-2 affects HCN1
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1a-2 increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
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"This suggests that the lack of effect of wild-type TRIP8b (1a-2) on I h levels may result from opposing influences of distinct sequences to enhance HCN1 expression and promote channel internalization."
| 1
"In particular, OHP infusion was found to downregulate potassium channels TREK1, TRAAK, and upregulate hyperpolarization activated HCN1 channels, TRPA1, and Na v 1.8 in DRG."
| 1
(+)-pilocarpine increases the amount of HCN1. 1 / 1
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"Whereas HCN2 expression was not different in both groups (not shown), expression of HCN1 mRNA was significantly increased by 22% in the pilocarpine treated (67.9 +/- 4.0 nCi/gm) compared to control rats (55.4 +/- 3.2 nCi/gm; p < 0.05, XREF_FIG)."